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posted by Beastlysoul25
Lydia Porc-épic was a strong woman, like Belle's mother, Veronica Arc-en-ciel, but she always made sure that her son came first. Adam's father, King Henry Colère, wasn't anywhere near like his wife. He was a very abusive and very controlling man, just like his father, grandfather and ancestors before them, but everything changed in that family when Henry met Lydia.

Lydia was a milkmaid, with flowing harsh-red hair, ocean/sky blue eyes and wore yellow and purple lipstick, on her family farm during the day, but at night she was a beautiful (and hot) waitress in a fancy restaurant where the rich men take their wives and girlfriends. Lydia thought it would be better to work in a restaurant than a tavern where the men controlled women and who knows what else. In fact, it was in that restaurant where King Henry saw and met Lydia for the first time.
Lydia was the waitress for King Henry when he came to that restaurant with his fifth girlfriend. At the time, King Henry had his face in the menu when Lydia arrived at the table. While she was taking their orders, Henry placed his menu down and saw Lydia. He started to drool to have a beautiful woman, like Lydia, in his arms...and bed. After Lydia left the table, all Henry was able to talk about was Lydia, nothing about his girlfriend. That just ticked the girlfriend off and she left. When Lydia returned with their meals, King Henry grabbed Lydia's arm and kissed her. The plates of food fell to the ground as Henry continued to kiss her. Lydia wasn't too pleased, nor too happy, about what the king was doing. So, she slapped his face in order to get him off her, Lydia didn't know at first she slapped the king, until everyone froze in fear. Anyone who knew King Henry Colère always feared him and his family. Henry got up, looked at Lydia and smiled.

"Do you realize that you just slapped the king of this land?" Henry asked, Lydia put on a fake thinking look.

"King Henry Colère? Hmm, oh yes, I know you. You're the pathetic excuse of a man in king's clothing!" Lydia said, everybody in that restaurant couldn't believe Lydia said that to the king. Henry grew angry and slapped Lydia's face. Her face was turned by the slap, nothing else moved. She looked at Henry, touched the area she was slapped and looked at her hand, seeing if there was blood. She smiled sarcastically as she looked back at Henry.

"Is that how you got everything you ever wanted? How pathetic!" Lydia said, she took the chance to insult him again. As mentioned, Lydia was a strong woman. She wasn't known for taking orders, except for the restaurant. King Henry just got even more mad and ordered that Lydia be thrown into his dungeon. That's exactly what happened, but Lydia didn't scream and she didn't fight. In fact, Lydia was thrown into the same dungeon Belle was (when she went to get a Christmas tree). Lydia would sit in her cell under the light of the sun, moon and stars. When the servants would bring her little meals, Lydia would just be sitting there with her eyes closed. They couldn't tell if she was asleep, meditating or even dead. Whenever they opened the cell door, Lydia would say the same set of words.

"No, I'm not dead," Lydia would say, "I'm not sleeping and I know you are there. The only person you have to be scared of is that pathetic king of yours." Not only were the servants impressed about her behavior, so was King Henry. Sometimes Henry would go with his servants so he could watch Lydia, he saw her in her sitting form with her eyes closed. She would never speak whenever he was at the dungeon door. He finally noticed that he wasn't able to break a strong woman like Lydia, so, instead of releasing her or killing her, King Henry decided to marry Lydia Porc-épic. Everyone in the castle and in the kingdom couldn't believe it, Lydia couldn't believe it either, she was trying to avoid that. There was nothing for Lydia to do; she married King Henry, much to her disappointment. Queen Lydia did whatever she could to ignore her husband. King Henry always got what he wanted and he was going to make sure that Lydia would do what he said.
One night, Lydia almost lost her life because her husband drank wine until he was so drunk that he became a real monster. He beated her with anything he could find, pushed her down the stairs and...did the worst thing for any woman to go through and...I think we know what that is.

After that night, Lydia got pregnant with Adam. She wasn't too happy about being pregnant. Lydia thought about giving the baby up when it was born, only because she didn't want her child to become like her husband. Nine months later, her son was born. Lydia didn't want to see him, she didn't even want to hold him, but Lydia's mother forced the baby into her daughter's arms. When Lydia looked at her son and her son looked back at her, the motherly instincts kicked in. Lydia couldn't give up her son, Adam. At first, Henry was happy that he had a son, but as Adam grew up, his father started to beat him because Adam wasn't acting like his father. Adam wasn't acting like the abusive person like his father was. Since Adam became very fearful, he didn't trust anybody but his mother because she always protected him. Other people Adam trusted were Cogsworth and Lumiere, when they were around twenty, and Mrs. Potts, before she had Chip. As a child, Adam did whatever he could to stay away from his violent father, but one night he had to in order to save his mother's life.
When Adam was six years old, he heard his parents arguing. He peeked through the doors of his mother's room, he saw that his father, King Henry, was in a drunken rage and was beating his mother. He pulled out his hunting knife and held it against Lydia's throat. She couldn't move because the blade was so close, any movement would slice her neck and end her life. Adam couldn't stand seeing his mother in that position, he didn't care that it was his father beating Lydia. Adam ran into the room, grabbed a hold of his father's leg and bit down...hard. King Henry shouted from the pain in his leg, he released his wife and went after his own son. Adam's father broke a piece of the canopy bed, held his son against the wall and started beating Adam with the bed wood piece. Just seeing that was enough to put Lydia in a state of fury, she opened her drawer, pulled out her personal pistol and shot her husband. The bullet hit Henry, but it also hit Adam. The shot went through Henry's heart and hit Adam's arm (the same area where he was bitten by the wolf) and lodged into the wall. Henry dropped Adam and fell to the floor, blood pooling around the hole in his chest; he was dead. Adam was in a lot of pain from the bullet wound, he ran towards his mother's arms and cried on her shoulder. Lydia did whatever she could to cover her son's eyes from the horrid sight.
After all that happened, the servants took King Henry's body and buried him under a village street. Since Henry liked to treat and walk on people like they were dirt, let's see how he felt about it. After she shot and killed her husband, Lydia tended to her son's wound on his arm. She was happy that they didn't have to fear Henry anymore, but she was dead inside because the bullet hit her son. Adam could see the tears falling off his mother's face, he tried to make her feel better, he smiled at her and embraced her with his whole heart. Lydia felt a little better about the situation, but she felt much more relief when her son started moving his arm normally again.

Time went on and Queen Lydia Porc-épic raised Adam on her own. She taught Adam just about everything, writing, archery, shooting and his roles in royalty, despite her own roles of being a queen and despite Cogsworth always wanting to butt in when it came to teaching Adam the roles in royalty. Lydia was starting to teach her son how to read a little before her family's reunion. That reunion was the night the kitchen caught fire and burned the mansion down. Lydia brought her son for the big reunion and dinner with her family; they had the reunion once every year. The family consisted of Lydia's parents, her grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. Everyone was having fun enjoying everyone's company and enjoying dinner, but when dessert was cooking in the kitchen, a kitchen cloth hanging above the stove fell and caught fire. Smoke filled every room of the house, everyone, but the children, including Adam, got out of the house. The children were scared because they couldn't see anything through the smoke; they were all in the family room, far away from the kitchen.
When the adults realized that the children were still inside the house, they tried to find a way back inside the burning house, but the smoke blinded them and they couldn't see anything. Lydia didn't think Adam was still in the house, until she heard him yelling for her.

"MAMA! MAMA!" 8-year-old Adam shouted. When Lydia heard her son's voice coming from the burning mansion, she tried to go back into the house. Lydia's parents tried to prevent her to go inside the house, but nothing was going to keep her from saving her only child. She jumped through a window and went into the brunt of the fire. The smoke had blinded her eyes, so instead of relying on her eyes, Lydia used her hearing to find the children. Lydia kicked down the door of the family room, the children bundled themselves near a window. When Adam saw his mother, she gathered him in her arms. Lydia went to the wall and kicked it down, the wall fell and everyone ran outside. The children ran into their parents', Lydia's cousins, arms. Lydia placed Adam on the ground on his feet. She then fell to her knees and fell the rest of the way to the ground.

After that, Adam was treated for a few burns and they healed. In fact, it was because of the fire that Adam's skin is a touch darker than Belle's. Adam's mother was having a harder time with her healing; her lungs were damaged and had many burns on her body from going into the burning house. Lydia rarely got out of bed because she was in a lot of pain. She also had to lay on her stomach because her back was burned the worst. Everyday, Adam would spend his day with his ailing mother. Lunchtime, 12:00, was the only time of day, besides nighttime, Adam couldn't be with his mother because around that time he had to be out of the room so the servants would put medicine on Lydia's burns. Adam would be sitting in the dining room and would be able to hear his mother's shouts of pain as the medicine was placed. Two weeks passed and Adam's mother wasn't getting any better. In fact, it was Adam's ninth birthday during the second week after the fire. His only wish was that his mother would no longer be in any pain, his mother smiled at that reply.

"Adam, you don't have to worry so much about me." Lydia softly said.

"How can I not?" Adam asked, "If I weren't caught in the fire, you wouldn't be like this."

"Son, it's not your fault." Lydia said, "Before I forget, look under my bed." Adam looked under his mother's bed; there was a box with a blue ribbon on it. He pulled it out and laid it on his lap. Lydia told him to open it; he removed the ribbon and opened the box. There was a locket, a heart-shaped locket with a yellow stone in the middle.

"It's one of a few family heirlooms, Adam." Lydia explained, "It was mainly passed from mother to daughter, I think it was time to break it and give it to you."

"I'll make sure to take well care of it, mama." Adam said.

"I know you will." Lydia softly said, "Remember this, my son, no matter what you do with the rest of your life, you could never, NEVER EVER, disappoint me." Everyday, Adam wore the heart-shaped locket around his neck. Suddenly, another two weeks later, he found every servant around the door of his mother's room. Adam didn't want to believe it; he ran through the servants and listened through the door. Cogsworth was saying that the Queen was going to die soon. Adam barged the door open and ran to his mother's side, the servants tried to stop him, but the queen spoke and they released him. Adam went over to his mother's bedside; her breathing was really shallow. Tears swarmed his face as his mother opened his eyes and placed her hand on her son's face.

"Mama!" Adam cried.

"Adam, I know I might not be here physically," Lydia weakly said, "but I'm still here in your heart." Lydia turned her attention to Cogsworth, Lumiere and Mrs. Potts. "Cogsworth, make sure my son is well taken care of...or I'm going to haunt you for the rest of your life!"

"*gulp* Yes, my queen." Cogsworth said nervously.

"Lumiere, make sure you give Adam the advice he needs." Lydia said.

"Of course, your highness." Lumiere said.

"Mrs. Potts..." Lydia paused.

"Yes, my queen?" Mrs. Potts said, Lydia weakly took in a deep breath.

"Make sure that you're there for...for Adam like I was." Lydia said.

"I'll make sure of that, my queen." Mrs. Potts said, Lydia looked back at her son; Adam's face was covered with tears. She coughed and spoke one more time.

"Adam, I'm...always here." Lydia finally said as her eyes closed and her hand fell from her son's face, she was now gone. Adam yelled out for his mother.

"MAMA!" Adam yelled as he woke up from the dream and was back in real time, he quickly sat up and was breathing hard. He thought he got rid of those harsh times from growing up, but he guessed that they would never leave.
added by jessowey
Source: fanpopmembers
added by jessowey
Source: fanpopmembers
added by jessowey
Source: fanpopmembers
added by jessowey
Source: fanpopmembers
added by jessowey
Source: fanpopmembers
added by jessowey
Source: fanpopmembers
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Source: fanpopmembers
added by jessowey
Source: fanpopmembers
added by jessowey
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Source: fanpopmembers
added by jessowey
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added by jessowey
Source: fanpopmembers