Caillou Club
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Caillou, Rosie, and his parents are taking a walk. He then sees an ice cream truck.

Caillou: Daddy, can we get ice cream?
Boris: No! We are not getting ice cream! Now shut the hell up and let's continue walking!

After some time, the family arrive at the bank. Boris, Doris, and Rosie rudely cut in line, making some people angry. They then pull out guns and point them at the tellers.

Boris: Give us all the money from that vault, you fools!
Doris: You are such freaks!
While Boris and Doris continue pointing their guns at the tellers, Rosie sneaks off and goes into the vault, taking all the money. Caillou then runs to a nearby phone and dials 9-1-1 to call the police.
Emergency Operator: 911, what's your emergency?
Caillou: May I speak to the police?
Police Officer: What is going on?
Caillou: My parents and sister are robbing the bank.
Police Officer: We will be on the way.
Caillou puts down the phone. The police then arrives, pointing guns at Boris, Doris, and Rosie.
Police Officer: Hands up! You're under arrest!
The police then takes Boris, Doris, and Rosie away, and sends them to jail.

Later on, his parents and sister return home after several months at jail.
Boris: How dare you send us to jail!
Doris: You're grounded for life! Go to your room right now!
Caillou: I hate you, you bank robbers!
Caillou cries and runs to his room.

The End!!!!
CourtneyFan6: Okay class, settle down now!
Caillou: No! We won't settle down! We will be loud as we want! And you can't stop us!

Caillou pulls a gun out of his backpack, and shoots CourtneyFan6, killing her. She is then seen landing into the flames of hell, in her spiritual body form. Mr. Ratburn then opens the door, and sees that CourtneyFan6 is dead.

Mr. Ratburn: (gasps) Caillou, how dare you kill my future wife CourtneyFan6! I was trying to break up with my husband Patrick! That's it, to the principal's office.

In the principal's office

Principal Mr. Krupp: Caillou, why were you sent here?
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Caillou disrespects Ms. Martin/Grounded

Caillou is at his room of his house.
Caillou: Man, I don't want to go to school today. I don't want to do any of the boring stuff.
Boris: (off-screen) Come on, Caillou. It's time to go to school. Let's go.
Caillou: Okay.
Later, Caillou is later dropped off to school by Boris and is now walking to class.
Miss Martin: Good morning, class. Today, we will be learning the multiplication and division. But first, please stand up for the pledge of allegiance.
Everyone stood for the pledge of allegiance except Caillou...
Miss Martin: Caillou, stand up now.
Caillou: I don't...
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Caillou: Look! I got dressed all by myself.

Boris: I see. But who cares? Anyways, it's so early.
Caillou: I don't want to be late for the circus.

Caillou brushes his teeth.

Boris: The circus? Oh no Caillou. The circus isn't until tomorrow.

Caillou stops brushing his teeth.

Caillou: No! No it's today! I got all dressed! It's today!

Caillou cries.

Boris: Come down and help me make breakfast.

Caillou: No! No I don't want to!

Caillou picks up a toy car and plays with it.

Caillou: Vroom vroom vroom vroom!

A wheel breaks off the car.

Caillou: Silly old car! Silly silly silly! Wah!

He throws a tantrum.

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Boris: We're home!
Doris: All three of us, say hello to your new sister Rosie. (whispers) Sell your soul Rosie.
Rosie: (whispers) I officially sell my soul to the devil.

Later in Rosie's Room

Boris: Caillou, do you like to rock the baby?
Caillou: No! She sold her soul!
Boris: Caillou, be nice!

As Boris gets the diapers for Rosie, Caillou goes up to Rosie, kisses her, and pinches her on the cheek. She starts crying.

Boris: (picks up Rosie) Caillou, why did you do that to Rosie?!
Caillou: I don't like Rosie!
Boris: Why not?
Caillou: She wouldn't play with me.
Boris: That is no reason to pinch her! You are grounded grounded grounded for a week! Go to your room right now!
Caillou: (cries)
posted by Courtneyfan6
Behavior Card Day:

Courtneyfan6: Okay, class, today's behavior card day. We'll start from best to worst; rainbow to black. Here are the cards.
(Rainbow: Yugi and Atem from Yu-Gi-Oh)
Yugi: Yes! Me and Atem got rainbow cards!
Courtneyfan6: Good job, Yugi and Atem. You two are the best students ever! Please go to the Principal's office to make her proud!
(Gold: Spongebob and Patrick from Spongebob)
Spongebob: Yes! My best friend Patrick and I got gold cards!
Courtneyfan6: Good job, Spongebob and Patrick! You get 3 years off! Go to the Principal's office!
(Silver: Sonic the Hedgehog from Sonic)
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added by snazzpurfle13
pbs kids
youtube poop
Caillou is at outside

Caillou: I'm going to beat up Peter Griffin from Family Guy because he's a fat idiot.

Caillou went to the man's house where Peter is about to go outside.

Peter: Bye, Lois. I'm going to the drunken clam with Quagmire, Cleveland and Joe.

Caillou found Peter.

Peter: Hey, bald-headed kid, what the hell are you doing here?

Caillou: Peter Griffin, how dare you of being a bigger asshole in your show? That's it! I'm beating you up!

Peter: Nooooooooo....

Caillou beats up Peter. Now Peter is crying.

Caillou: Yes. I beat up Peter Griffin from Family Guy.

Lois came out of the house to see what...
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Caillou wakes up, yawns, and goes to the bathroom to brush his teeth. When he goes there, he thinks of something.

Caillou: I'm tired of being bad, and getting grounded. This is why today, I will be on my best behavior. I won't do anything that will offend anyone or myself.

Later at the kitchen

Boris: Isn't it good we sold our soul to the devil several years ago, since our ugly son has been born?
Doris+Rosie: Yeah! Because of that, we are always and forever an evil family. We are always going to be bad to Caillou.
Caillou: Good morning mom, dad, and Rosie.

His parents and Rosie look shocked.

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posted by Courtneyfan6
Caillou is watching TV at his house when Victorious came on.

Tori: (singing) You don't have to be afraid to put your dream in action
You're never gonna fade you'll be the main attraction
Not a fantasy
Just remember me
When it turns out right...

Caillou: Man, I hate Victorious. Victorious really sucks and the characters and the school are annoying. Wait. That gives me a great idea. I'm going to blow up Hollywood Arts High School with everyone in it.

Caillou went outside of his home.

Caillou: Now it's time to blow up Hollywood Arts. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

Caillou is outside of Hollywood Arts and...
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[The episode begins in the castle of Prince Caillou, where he is seen sitting on his throne]

Caillou: What do we have in the brinks today, royal guards?
Royal Guard # 1: Well, Prince Caillou, there hasn't been any disturbance today, but when we see something, we'll yell.
Caillou: Okay then.

[the door knocks and Caillou approaches it and answers it. There stands Gilbert and Prince Leo]

Leo: Hey there, Caillou.
Caillou: Hi, Leo. Please, why don;t you come in?
Leo: Why, thank you.

[The boys enter the royal kitchen and see what's there for a snack]

Leo: What do you have in the kitchen?
Caillou: Well, I have...
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posted by caesar213
Prince Caillou
Prince Caillou
Once there lived a brave and noble prince named Caillou. One day his stomach was growling loud. So he went to find something to eat. As he did that, a dragon was sleeping in the front of his castle. He had to do something about this. He tried various ways of getting that dragon to wake. He tried nearly everything to get it out the front step, but it wouldn't budge. Next thing he knew, his stomach growled very loud. So loud that it woke up the dragon. Prince Caillou said to the dragon, "Excuse me, dragon, but you're blocking the way of the castle entrance. Would you be so kind as to move out of the way." The dragon listened and got out of the way. Prince Caillou was so amazed that he didn't realize that he was still hungry. His stomach growled really, really loud. He finally went to get something to eat. He then knew that if another dragon was blocking the castle entrance, he will kindly tell it to get out the way, and maybe become it's friend. The End.
Caillou Gets a Timeout/Pushes Courtneyfan6 on the Tracks/Grounded

It all starts with Caillou and his friends playing in school.
Caillou: What do you say we build a tower now?
Leo+Clementine: Yeah!
They then build a tower. It is the tallest tower they've ever built.
Courtneyfan6: Caillou! To the timeout chair! You are in trouble.
Caillou walks over to the timeout chair.
Caillou: But...
Courtneyfan6: No buts!
The bell rings.
Courtneyfan6: Class dismissed, except you Caillou!
She then pulls out a knife, and it appears she will stab Caillou. Caillou acts quickly by kicking her, and tying her with ropes.
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It starts in Caillou's house.
Boris: What should we give to Caillou for his birthday? We want to show how much we hate him.
Doris: Hmm? I know!
Cut to Caillou in his room, playing with some toy cars.
Caillou: Vroom, vroom, vroom, vroom!
Rosie: Caillou! Come down to the living room!
Caillou: Coming!
Caillou walks down the stairs and into the living room. He doesn't see anybody.
Boris+Doris+Rosie: Surprise! Happy Birthday, Caillou!
Caillou: Wow! Thanks mommy, daddy, and Rosie.
His parents and Rosie look upset.
Cut to the kitchen.
Boris+Doris+Rosie: (singing off-key) Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday...
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Caillou, Rosie and his parents are at the living room.

Boris: Hey, Caillou and Rosie. We're going to Olive Garden for dinner tonight.

Rosie: Yay. Rosie loves Olive Garden.

Caillou: But, Dad, I hate Olive Garden. Can we go to Chuck E' Cheese's?

Doris: No! We're not going to Chuck E' Cheese's. We are going to Olive Garden and that's final.

Boris: Now get in the car or you're grounded.

The family heads to Olive Garden. They are at the dinner table while the waiter appears to them.

Waiter: Hello, everyone. Can I take your order?

Boris: I will have Chicken Alfredo.

Doris: I will have Shrimp Alfredo.

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added by hornean
added by caesar213
Caillou is eating his sandwich rapidly.

Boris: Caillou, slow down. You're eating too quickly.

Caillou: (with mouth full) I have to hurry. Jason and Jeffrey are coming to get me!


Caillou: I have to hurry. Jason and Jeffrey are coming to get me.

Boris: They are?

Caillou: They invited me to go to the circus with them.

Rosie: Me too!

Caillou: No Rosie! They're my friends and you're not coming!

Rosie: (cries)

Boris: Caillou, that's not very nice! Now apologize to your sister right now!

Caillou: No!

Boris: That's it! You are grounded for a week. No circus for...
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added by caesar213
added by caesar213
pbs kids
caillou at daycare