Castiel and Meg Club
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Beautiful music video about Cas and Meg's relationship
Ellen and Jo, who had been told the guys were back in Colorado, were staying in a different motel. They didn’t know where Dean, Sam and Cas exactly were.
Someone knocked and Ellen, who didn’t know how Zoey looked like or that she was on the loose, opened the door and looked straight into a gun.
“Where is Cas?” Zoey asked cold.
“You must be Zoey” Ellen concluded. She took a few steps back and Zoey came in.
“Where is Cas?” Zoey repeated her question a little sharper.
“He’s not here” Ellen said. “You better put that gun down. You don’t really want to do this”
Zoey looked...
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Zoey woke up in a hospital bed. She wasn’t happy to be there. Crowley had taken away her angel powers and she was completely human again.
She walked to the door and opened it. She came face to face with a guardian.
“Miss Allen, where are you going?” the guardian asked.
“What is this?” Zoey frowned. “Why is there police guarding my room?”
“I’m just following orders, Miss Allen” the guardian answered. “My boss has a few questions for you”
“Then I guess you should call him” Zoey said and she walked back into her room.
She walked to the window and opened it. Her room was on ground floor, so she didn’t have to climb that deep. She swung her leg over the edge, followed by her other leg. She jumped and landed on the pavers. She turned around and ran away.
Cas groaned from the pain. His injuries healed very slowly and he failed to stay strong.
“I’m sorry, Dean” Cas sobbed as tears rolled over his face. “I don’t want to be a baby, but it hurts so much”
“It’s okay” Dean said. “Just hang in there. It’ll all be over soon”
“Make it stop” Cas begged. He coughed and threw up blood again.
Dean frowned scared. “What can I do? Tell me what I should do, Cas”
But Cas closed his eyes.
“Don’t die, okay?” Dean said afraid. “You can’t. There’s still so much we have to do. I’m going to teach you how to drive the Impala...
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“Daphne? It’s time to let me go” Martin said soft.
Daphne lifted her head and stared at him with wet and bloodshot eyes. “How? I can’t”
“It’s time for me to move on” Martin said. “I’ve been wandering around for too long. I’m done here. If I stay much longer, I could turn into a vengeful spirit”
Daphne shook her head. “I don’t believe that”
“You didn’t believe I would show up in the first place, either” Martin pointed out.
Daphne pulled her shoulders. “How do I let you go? Aren’t you supposed to walk into the light or something?”
Martin laughed. “Not exactly. You have to salt and burn my bones”
“So I need to go to the cemetery?” Daphne asked.
“No. That grave is empty” Martin said bitter.
“Then where are your bones?” Daphne asked nervous.
“You’re standing on them” Martin answered.
“How could she do that?” Daphne cried. Martin was sitting on the grass, letting her let it all out. “She said it was my fault. She said I had to divorce Roland and when I told her I was pregnant she said it was a devil’s child and I had to kill it”
“She was jealous of the bond we have” Martin explained.
“But why did she have to take my baby? She was all I had left” Daphne cried.
“She wanted you to think she’s all you have left” Martin said.
“She put me in a clinic!” Daphne yelled hysterical. “I started drinking, because I felt guilty about your death and because she...
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“If I have to die, so will you” Zoey said.
“No one has to die, moron!” Dean yelled angry. “Put the fire out, open the door, do something!”
Zoey shook her head. “I can’t. Crowley will kill me, if I let you go”
“He’ll kill you either way” Dean snapped.
“Well, if Cas doesn’t love me I don’t care” Zoey exclaimed crying.
They heard a noise and looked aside. Cas opened his eyes and frowned.
“Dean?” he said hoarse.
“I’m here” Dean said, quickly walking to Cas. He helped Cas sit up and supported his back. He looked from Cas’ injuries to Zoey. “If you really love him, you’ll let him go”
Zoey shook her head.
Cas put his fingers in his blood and painted a sigil on the floor. He poked Dean and nodded weak at the bloody sign.
“What is it?” Zoey wanted to know.
But Dean put his hand on the sigil and he and Cas vanished in a blinding light.
Daphne and Dean were standing in the woods.
“There. That’s where it happened” Daphne pointed at the lake. “I’m sorry, I’m not going any closer”
“I think we should” Dean said insensitive. He grabbed Daphne’s arm again and pulled her to the lake. “Now, tell me what happened”
“He drowned, that’s what happened!” Daphne yelled. “I was supposed to look after him, but I failed”
“That’s the story Zoey told you” Dean said. “Is there someone else who could tell you what happened?”
“No, of course not” Daphne said irritated. “Unless you count Martin, but he’s-”...
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Zoey looked at Cas with compassion in her eyes.
“You’re really in pain, aren’t you?” she asked. Cas nodded and Zoey opened the buttons of his shirt. She held her breath when she saw the wound she had made. “I thought angels could heal”
“You used an angel sword” Cas explained. “It takes longer to heal. If you had pushed it any deeper I would’ve been dead by now”
“Oh, my poor Cas” Zoey said. She took off her shirt and revealed a red tank top. She pressed the shirt against the wound and Cas groaned.
Zoey frowned. “You need to be distracted” she decided. She sat down...
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In the room next to Sam’s Dean was trying to call Cas. Meg had been so kind to give him his phone number.
When after the fourth time Cas still hadn’t given any sign he heard Dean’s calls. Dean smashed his phone into the wall.
“Damn it!” he cursed. He looked up at the ceiling. “Cas! Cas, if you hear this, I will find you and I will tear that bitch into shreds. I promise you”
He took a deep breath and tried to stay calm.
“Anna? Please get down here? We could really use your help”
He had barely finished when Anna appeared.
“I am so sorry I didn’t get here any faster” she said,...
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“Gerard committed suicide last night” Zoey said. “I found him hanging in our bedroom”
Daphne covered her mouth. “Oh my God, that’s…awful” she said

Daphne threw her arms around Zoey and Zoey faked a few tears and sobs. She pushed Daphne away and said she had to tell Alexia. She put her purse on the dresser, knowing Daphne would see the letter and be too curious to leave it where it is.
And indeed, a minute later, Daphne stormed outside, hysterically crying how everything was her fault.
Zoey walked back inside, trusting Daphne would need some time to calm down. She opened Daphne’s computer and connected a portable hard drive to it. The hard drive contained a fake video of Cas doing things with Alexia.
Zoey copied the video to Daphne’s files and then removed the hard drive. She closed the computer and called Alexia.
“Let’s go, Lex” she said. “We’re going to your grandparents”
“Aaaahhh!” she exclaimed. She pushed Cas away and looked at him terrified.
“I’m sorry” Cas mumbled concerned.
“It’s okay” Lucy said, but Cas unlocked the door and ran away.

Cas hurried out of the toilet and walked back into the restaurant. Lucy stared perplex at the backdoor Cas just went through.
A few yards further, in the shadows, Zoey was watching. She examined the waitress. She was pretty, but not stunning.
She walked to the girl and started talking. Did the guy hurt her? She could tell her, she’s a cop, Zoey told the girl.
Lucy Dickinson, Zoey read from the name card attached...
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Gerard got home from his work. He hung his coat on the rack and walked into the sitting room. He saw Zoey sitting in the couch, writing something.
“Eh, what are you doing here?” he asked and Zoey looked up.
“I’m writing a goodbye letter” Zoey smiled.
“For me?” Gerard asked cynical. Zoey stood up and walked to her ex-husband.
“No, not for you” she shook her head. “From you” She touched his forehead with her index and middle finger and Gerard fell unconscious.
As if he was a feather she carried him upstairs and put him on a chair. She took the rope which she had kept in the room as a preparation and winded it tightly around Gerard’s neck. The other end she tied to the chandelier. She pulled the chair away and a second later she heard a snap.
“I called her a slut and told her I never wanted to see her again. Then I left the house. She followed me into the alley. I took a shorter way home. I had taken a cab, but I didn’t want to wait for another one. I wanted to get away from her as soon as possible. So, I took a shortcut via the alley and she followed me. She cried and tried to talk to me. I didn’t want to listen and got angry. She grabbed my arm and tried to stop me from walking away. I slapped her and she fell on the ground. I walked towards her and checked on her. She was awake and she was only hurt a little” Andy said....
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“My husband just violated me” Daphne said. Cas shot her an angry look and Daphne raised her eyebrows. “What, I didn’t just throw myself out of the window”
“My car is just around the block. I’ll go get it and then I’ll take you to the hospital” the neighbor said. He looked at Cas. “Next time I see you…”

Daphne had barely settled herself in her hospital bed, when the phone rang.
“Hello?” she said, when she picked up.
“Daphne, how are you?” Zoey asked.
“I’m fine, considering” Daphne said bitter.
“I’m so sorry. I should’ve never taken Emmanuel to that lake”...
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Daphne lifted one of the table legs that had broken off of the living table and walked behind Mitch.She lifted the leg and smashed it down on Mitch’ head. He dropped on the floor and blood dripped out of his head.

Daphne parked her car in front of Castle Café. She got out of her car and dragged Mitch to the front porch. She dropped him there and walked back to her car and drove away.
A few seconds later another car opened and Zoey walked to the Castle Café.
“Hey, are you alright?” she asked.
“Aah” said Mitch groaning, who could barely keep his eyes open. “Your sister bashed my head....
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Daphne took his hand. “I don’t want to lose you. You have to stay with me forever” she insisted.
Cas nodded, not really considering what she was saying.
“Emmanuel, I want you to make me your wife” Daphne said breathless.

Zoey and Shannen were sitting at the kitchen table in Zoey’s house. “I’m glad you came” Zoey said.“
Yeah, sure” Shannen said. “I meant what I said. I’ll do what I can to help you”
“Thank you” Zoey said. “I really don’t trust Emmanuel, but I promised Daphne I’d give him the benefit of the doubt”
“I get it” Shannen said. “What do you want me to do?”
“I want you to follow him, take pictures of him, maybe even film him” Zoey said.
“I don’t think that’s legal”” Shannen said careful.
“If he hurts my daughter it won’t be legal, either” Zoey snapped and Shannen cringed.
“All right, I’ll do it” Shannen agreed reluctantly.
The jury had made a decision and woman walked to the judge and gave him a piece of paper.
“To the question if Castiel abused Alexia Moore the jury finds him not guilty” the judge said.
“Yes!” Dean triumphed. He jumped up and walked quickly towards Cas.
Zoey took Alexia by the hand and walked down the aisle.
“Zoey, wait!” Daphne shouted desperate.
Zoey turned around.”Do you have any idea what you put me through? What you put Alex through? After everything I’ve done for you. Gerard killed himself, because of you! How many lives do you have to destroy, before you realize you’re the one who needs to be put away in a cell?”
Daphne grabbed Zoey’s arm. “Please, listen to me. I never meant to hurt you or Alex. I thought I was helping. Tell me how I can make it up”
Zoey jerked her arm. “Stay away from me and Alex. And if you even care a little about Cas, you stay away from him, too”
She turned around and walked away.
“The defense wants to summon Alexia Moore” Craig said.
The door opened and both Zoey and Alexia entered the courtroom. Zoey walked Alexia to the judge and then found herself a seat.
Alexia took the oath and then waited with held breath for the questions.
“Alexia, how long have you known Castiel?” Craig asked kind.
“For a few months now” Alexia answered.
“How would you describe his personality?” Craig asked.
“He’s sweet” Alexia said. “He’s a little shy and quite clueless. But he’s the only one who treats me like an adult”
“And does he do adult things with you?” Craig...
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Meg was browsing through the pages of Daphne’s book, hoping to find something that could prove Cas’ innocence. While she read she listened carefully to hear if Zoey was on her back yet.
Maybe everyone was awake again. After all, the building was full of staff. Meg wasn’t in prison, she was being held custody, until someone told her how long she’d be convicted.
So it was very assumable Zoey had been caught and thrown out. Or maybe she’s been arrested for trying to help Meg escape.
“Hello?!” Meg shouted to be sure.
No respond.
“Is anyone there?” Meg yelled.
Again no answer.
“Zoey!” Meg yelled again.
Complete silence.
“Okay, stay calm” Meg told herself. “Zoey’s just very confused and upset about the trial. She can only think about Alexia, so she forgot about me”
The other theory was that Zoey got killed, because she tried to help Cas.
Night fell and Meg was playing with her phone. She had gotten so used to the sound of wings, she didn’t bother to look up when Balthazar and Anna appeared.
“We just heard Castiel’s trial’s tomorrow, which is very unusual” Balthazar said. “Whatever Crowley’s up to, it’ll happen tomorrow”
Meg shrugged. Why did everyone expect her to care?
“That means you’ll have to be prepared” Anna said sharp.
Meg stopped playing games with her phone.
“We’re getting you out tonight” Anna said.
Meg looked up, happy as a child. “Finally” she said.
Balthazar conjured his sword, but then a bright light shone from somewhere ahead of them.
“Oh no” Meg said. “Oh no no no no no no!”
That didn’t exactly help, because an instant later both Balthazar and Anna were gone.
Meg sunk to the bottom of her cell.
“Great” she said grumpy. “Juuuust great”