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posted by KaterinoulaLove
Something Wicca This Way Comes Trivia

This was the beginning. In this episode the three Halliwell sisters, Prue, Piper, and Phoebe , were brought to their grandmother's house to live. It had been in their family for generations. So, despite the sisters' feelings towards each other they all came to live. The house was a huge Victorian manor. No one would have given up the chance to live there. Phoebe had lived in New York, trying to find her father who had abandoned the sisters, but moved in with Piper and Prue because she was having money problems. Prue was mad because she thought that Phoebe had stolen her fiancι, Roger. This was not true, but Prue would not believe Phoebe. Really Roger had made a pass at Phoebe, and Phoebe was just concerned for Prue. So, Phoebe came, despite the unwelcome feelings. When Phoebe got home Piper and Phoebe were going to try the old spirit board that they found in the basement while Prue tried to fix the chandelier. The back of the spirit board said:
To my Three Beautiful Daughters
May this give you the light to find the shadows
The power of three will set you free
Love Mom
They had never understood that. So, they went to play the spirit board. Piper complained that Phoebe was pushing it. Piper went to get something in the kitchen and the pointer moved. Phoebe yelled. It pointed to the letter "A". When Piper returned it stopped. Prue came in, too. Neither of them believed Phoebe. They thought she was joking. They both left. It moved again, this time going to "t", and then to "t" again. Prue and Phoebe were just annoyed, but before Piper left she saw it move to "i" and then "c". Prue came back in and was sure that Phoebe had been playing a joke on them, but Phoebe was not. Piper did not know what to think. During this time there were a bunch of killings happening. Piper's boyfriend, Jeremy, was a reporter on the case. What they, or anyone else, did not know was that the killer was going after good witches. So, when the power went out the sisters were extremely scared, especially Piper. There was a killer on the loose, and the spirit board pointer was moving. She wanted to go over to Jeremy's house. Prue persuaded her to stay and hold the flashlight while Prue tried to fix the lights. Phoebe was determined to find out why the spirit board spelled out "attic", so she got a flashlight and headed up to the attic. Piper and Prue were never able to get the door to the attic unjammed, so they did not think that Phoebe could. Phoebe went up and tried, unsuccessfully. Just as she had given up and started to go back down stairs the door opened by itself. Phoebe cautiously walked in, and went over to a huge chest she found. Inside was a huge book titled The Book of Shadows with a triquintre on it. She was amazed and opened it. She read the first page aloud. It said:

Hear now the words of witches
The secrets we hid in the night
The oldest of the gods are invoked here
The great work of magic is sought
In the night and in the hour
I call upon the ancient power
Bring our powers to we sisters three
We want the power
Give us the power

Phoebe felt no change, but just kept on reading. She read about demons and warlocks, and three sisters who would become The Charmed Ones. She began to think that maybe she had just turned them into witches with magical powers. She read about how each sister would get a power, the power of telekinesis, or to move things with their mind, clairvoyance, or to see the future and the power to freeze time. She was very happy. She told her sisters and they were upset. Phoebe had turned them into witches?? They did not believe it of coarse, but still it could not be a good thing. So, they just went on like normal. Piper was getting ready to audition for a job as chef at a little restaurant called Quake. She went to audition and was making a dish that absolutely had to have a special wine in it. She was just about finished, but had to add the wine. Chef Moore came in and did not let her finish. She tried to stop him. As he went to take a bite Piper threw her hands up and yelled stop! He stopped all right, and so did everything else. The clocks, everything. Piper put the wine on it and he unfroze. She started thinking that maybe Phoebe was right, which meant that warlocks would soon come after her. Meanwhile Prue was at the museum were she worked. Her boss was her ex-fiancι, Roger. Prue was working on a big project. Roger informed her that the board wanted him to take over. Prue was furious that he accepted. It was her project! She imagined his big stupid ballpoint pen leaking. Suddenly ink started dripping down his shirt. Prue just laughed. Later she told him she wanted to quit. He acted like a jerk and as Prue left she pretended to choke the air. Roger started to gag and choke. Prue ran in and he stopped. Prue did not think that she had anything to do with anything so she left to meet Phoebe. Phoebe tried to explain to her that it was real. They really were witches and evil demons and warlocks were going to try to kill them. Prue got mad and asked Phoebe for the cream. The cream magically moved over to Prue and went into her coffee. Prue started to believe. Phoebe was kind of upset that she had not received her power yet. Later she was bike riding and got this horrible image of kids rollerblading and then getting hit by a car. She recognized the area and zoomed there. Just as Phoebe had seen, there were the kids rollerblading and a car rolling down the road. Phoebe yelled at them and saved them, but hurt herself on her bike. She went to the hospital. When Prue got to the hospital she met her old friend, Andy (TW King). Andy and Prue talked for a little while. Andy was a homicide investigator for the SFPD. He was working on the murder case. They both had to go, but they exchanged numbers. Phoebe was fine. Later that night Piper went out to meet Jeremy (Eric Scott Woods) on a date. Jeremy drove her to an abandoned building. Piper was scared and DID NOT want to go in, but Jeremy forced her to. They took the old elevator up. The elevator stopped in between floors and Jeremy gave Piper a "surprise". He pulled out a knife and told her that he knew that the sisters were witches, and had known since, as he said, "the old witch croaked". Piper was scared to death and froze him. She tried to get away, but before she made it through the floors he unfroze and grabbed her leg. She tried to get free, but could not. She knocked the knife away and knocked Jeremy out. She then got away and went home. When she got home the sisters frantically searched for a spell to kill him. They found one that was supposed to keep him away. They had to make a little doll of him and stick a rose in it. They had no idea if it worked or not. Jeremy awoke and felt a tremendous pain. Thorns came out of his face and body. He was too strong for the spell. He came to the Halliwell home. The sisters did not know what to do. They remembered their mother's words. The Power of Three Will Set You Free. They recited this over and over. A wind tunnel formed around Jeremy. He told them that he was the first of many warlocks that would come after them. By now Piper and Prue believed Phoebe. Jeremy burst into nothing and everything calmed down. The sisters had started something huge. They were now the Charmed Ones. Prue and Piper started to accept the whole witch thing, and when Prue went into the door of the huge manor. She turned around and closed the door with her power. These three sister's lives would never be the same again.
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