Cliff The Hedgehog Club
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"So Blood, what do you know about the hedgehog.... err.... I mean Burn." asked Cliff.
"We where at the same orphanarium. It was a lousy one, too. Kids were scared of Burn, for his power but when they say he was to.... Him.... to use it, they became happy and teased him for his power."
"How did he become your BFF?" growled Pain. "Hey, It wasn't me who destroyed your home. He used to be such a sweety pie. I don't see how he changed so much even though. Then agen, I hav'nt seen him since middle school."
"What's middle school?" asked Cliff. Ignoring Cliff, Mindy asked, "Why?"
"I got kicked out of...
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As Mindy slept everything was dark and when she awoke the sun shined brigh. Cliff could not help but notice since the miracle storm had come. When she smiled the sun shined brightly. When she cried it began to rain. It had only rained twice so he was the only to notice. For some reason.
"Today we will be going to the village of Light and then to the village of souls and then to the village of dust." said Pain, reading the map. "Yuck! Lets hope its not like it's name" said Mindy. "But the village of light seems happy!"
But the village of Light was not so happy. Thevillage of light was a desert....
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The village of souls was a happy place full of friendly people. Cliff and the gang decided to stay there. Everyone was still shocked from the lightning incedent. "That was totally awsome...." said Pain. Everyone else just gawcked as they went to a hotel.
" How....much.....please?" Blood finally managed to say. "It's free to stay here in the Souler inn." laughed the pink rabit at he desk. "but it locks up at nine o clock until two o clock so make sure you are in your rooms by then" The team didn't really listen they just walked to their rooms and all collapsed on the beds. The...
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posted by boredhedgehog
"You don't remember?" Mindy asked in dibelef. "Nope." said the stranger. "What's up with that?" asked Pain. "Do you live here?" the stranger shook his sleeve in a sort of way to say "Kinda".
"It's one of my homes. I move around and sleep in difforent places I can find." Everyone was confused but Cliff. "What wrong with you guys?" asked Cliff. "Lemmi guess.... You too huh, Cliff?" asked Pain. "Me too what?"
"Your friends are weird" the stranger whispered. Cliff laughed. "What did you want?" asked the stranger. "Do you want to save the world?" asked Cliff. "Hold on Cliff this guy might be dangerous...."...
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Mindy and Blood's spirits came running down the stairs. Mindy screamed at the sight of her own body. "What's going on?" asked Blood. "Why can't I touch anything and why id there another me? "
"Because I took your soul out of it." the lady waved. "Well put us back!"
"as if." Mindy looked at her body. She attempted to jump in but it ducked. "No! Don't do that!" the lady said. Everyone immideately began to chase their bodys.
Mindy caught hers easely but eveyone else's was fast. Mindy tried to help the souls into their bodiesby grabbing their bodies but they started beating her up and she screamed....
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added by boredhedgehog
Source: bored
"That's it Mindy," said Pain. There's no where we can stay for the night. We're just going to have to sleep outside."
"Noooooo" whined Mindy. "I do'nt see what the big deal is....I always sleep outside and I'm fine." said Cliff. "Yeah, It wo'nt hurt sleeping out once will it?"
"But how about a bath?"
"Ewwww Cliff!"
"Do'nt you bathe?"
"I wash myself in the river."
"oh I see"
"Mindy would you plese shut up with your ewws for one minit?" said Pain. "We will sleep near a river if that makes you feel better...."
"Eek! NO WAY! No doors or even curtains!"
"Uhhh Mindy your forgeting one...
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Sure enough,there was a ghost.Cliff kicked it and it disappeared but came back."Hey,Whattcha do that for?"Mindy held Cliff and Pain's hands and ran."What was that thing?"Asked Cliff,of course."Do'nt ask!"said Mindy.
"Hey,look there's more!"said Pain.Ghosts where coming out of the other building."What's this?Company?"Mindy hid behind Cliff."We love company right guys?"The others cackled."Whoa!"said Cliff "a horrible aura!"
"No wonder there are so many of them....It's still morning and it's pitch dark...."said Pain."This is impossible!There is no way!I refuse to beleve in such creatures!"Pain...
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posted by boredhedgehog
The snow was all gone.They walked a while.It was still chilly though.Everyone was hungry.
"We should of ate the snow back there",said of corse,Cliff."No dude we might be eating polluted snow flakes!"said Pain."we have to find somthing,hunt it down,and eat it.Anyone know how to start a fire?"
"No way I'm gonna see anything get killed!"said Mindy."You ca'nt survive like that....."mumbled Pain."You ca'nt survive worring about polluted snow flakes eather!"Cliff changed the subject before they could start argueing agen."We could get fruit?"Everyone agreed until Mindy realized it was impossible...
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Pain woke up in a bed at Haily's house by getting hit by a snow ball in the head.Cliff laughed.Pain screeched.Icey came to see what was up."Who left the window open?"Every one pointed at each other.
Pain got up and Icey gave him a scarf and a jacket.
Pain hit Mindy with a snow ball."Ahh!"
"Hey how did you know it was her?"Asked Haily.
Pain shruged."Why are you guys snow ball fighting?Do'nt we have a thing to do or somthing?"
"Ohhh Yeahhhh!"
"Cliff where'nt you the one who wanted to do this in the first place?"
Suddenly there was a scream."The Fire demon?"Haily asked nerviously."We will...
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Pain won completely.Pain knocked her out with one swing of his tail.Cliff looked at Pain.Pain looked back.Pain waited as Cliff went and walked up to him.Pain was ready for any attack.Cliff did attack but this was not any attack.It could be a attack.It was not one eather.Cliff through mac and cheese at Pains face
"Fhgth!"Pain wiped his face off."Mac and cheese?"
Cliff nodded."I have a rerason to fight now."Cliff
suddenly looked serious"You hurt my friend!"
Pain spit mac and cheese out."Yuck!"Cliff punched Pain.Pain kicked back.Then they grabed each other and started rolling on the floor.Pain...
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Pain swohsed his tail at Cliff."Hey!I said I do'nt want to fight!"
"Cliff just fight already!"Called Mindy.Cliff shook his head."I'm not going to hurt him."
Pain made a sarcastic noise."C'mon Mindy lets go."
Pain followed Cliff and Mindy and kept trying to pick a fight.
Finally Mindy spin around and punched Pain.It did not hurt Pain one bit.Pain laughed.That seemed to really get on Mindy's nerves so she kicked him this time.He douged."Mindy what are you doing?"Mindy was'nt listening.She kept on punching and kicking.Pain douged every single attack.
"Mindy lets go!"Pain sluged Mindy,then hit her with his tail.Mindy was knocked down.It hurt but she got up.Mindy and Pain where standing in front of each other ready to attack.Cliff did'nt know what to do.
To be continued....
"Cliff!"yelled Mindy "do'nt touch that!"
"Okey....What's wrong Mindy?"
"Nothing is wrong Cliff,we just found what we where looking for!"Mindy smiled and picked up the book."The crystal key is in this place called the crystal cave."She flipped the page."Here see that red dott means it's here."Cliff understood just a little bit.
" where is this crystal cave?"
"North East from here.Cliff said "that means up and then right right?"
"Yeah,no....well not exactuelly.We have to buy a compass."Cliff followed Mindy and got a compass.
"That way Cliff."They walked until Mindy was panting and they...
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posted by boredhedgehog
"So Cliff,"asked Mindy,"Where did that hedgehog say the key was?"
"He did'nt."
"He did'nt what?"
"He did'nt say where it was."said Cliff."I guess he dos'nt know eather....That's why he's getting robots to help him look."
"Then if we know where it is we'll have a better chance of beating him."Mindy smiled,"Cliff,It's time for some research!Take me to the library!"
Cliff stoped walking."What's reasearch?What's a library?They both sound boring."Mindy sighed,"Just take me to the nearest town."
"OK!"said Cliff.
Later at the nearest town Mindy shows Cliff the library."Eww"says Cliff.Mindy ignored...
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Cliff was walking along when he suddenly heard voices."Thats weard....I did'nt think many people came here any more.Cliff walked tward the voices.
They where robots.Alot.Cliff ducked behind a bush and peeked through the leaves.In the middle of the robots there was a hedgehog.
The hedgehog commanded to the robots,"Robot army!
Go fetch me the crystal key!"Cliff asked without thinking,"Whats that?"The hedgehog glared at the robots."Who said that?"But none of the robots or Cliff said anything."Do'nt you listen to anything I say number 107?"A robot labled 107 made a beeping noise."Ummm sir there...
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added by boredhedgehog
Source: boredhedgehog