Darrel "Darry" Curtis Club
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posted by MJ_Fan_4Life007
“Please stop!” You sob as another kick is delivered to your stomach causing you to gag.

“Shut up you little bitch.” A soc mutters as he slaps you across the face.

“I didn’t do anything!” You choke on your tears.

The only response is a another slap.

Pain rockets through your body.

His hands reach straight for your throat, squeezing the life out of you, slowly.
And then his hands are suddenly off your neck.

You gasp for air, taking in huge gulps.

You feel a strong hand on your back. You automatically want to flinch, thinking its another soc, but you know who’s touch it is.

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posted by MJ_Fan_4Life007
Swaying back and forth to the random songs on the radio, champagne bottle in one hand, heels off, his shirt off; this slow dance was a little interesting.

You had gotten tired of the New Years Party you were at, so you decided to have your own; complete with balloons, champagne, dancing, and the life of the party.

“This is fun,” you laugh as you look up to him.

“Yeah,” he laughs, as he dips you.

“Careful of the champagne, babe.”

“Sorry… Just trying to make things classy.” He laughs.

“You kidding me? This is some high class shit!” You laugh.

He glances at the clock.

“It’s 11:59,” he grins.

“Time for our New Year’s kiss,” you grin as you lean in.

“Not yet!” He yells, moving your face away. “It isn’t midnight yet!”

You laugh, then glance at the clock.

“Well, we missed it.” You pout. “It’s 12:01.”

“Looks like we have to wait a whole nother year.”
posted by MJ_Fan_4Life007

Darry’s P.O.V

“Daddy?” Danny asks from the back seat. He was six now, and Olivia was one.

“What happened to your mommy and daddy?” He asks.

I don’t answer for a minute, just keep driving. What do I say?

“My mommy and daddy are hanging out in heaven.” Is all I can think of to say.

“They’re partying with Jesus?” Danny asks. “That’s cool!”

“Yeah, bud,” I smile. “Partying with Jesus.”
posted by MJ_Fan_4Life007
You sighed.

How were you going to tell him you got laid off?

Y’all needed money… You had just bought a house, and money was short.

So of course you had to lose your job.

You walking into your house, and flop onto the couch. You were pretty much done with all the stress.

Darry walked out of the bathroom, towel around his waist.

“What’s up babe?” He said, chuckling at the sight of you sprawled on the couch.

“I got laid off.” You mumble.

He’s silent for a second, taking this in. “I’ll pick up another shift.” He says.

“No, no.. You don’t have to…” You start.

“No.. I’d make more money than you would. It’s gonna be fine I promise.”
posted by MJ_Fan_4Life007
The radio was blasting, the TV was on high, and the washing machine was going.

“Darry?” You call as you walk into the front door of his house. “What’s going on!” You yell as you see him in the kitchen, making eggs.

“What?” He yells.

You go turn the radio off. “What’s going on?”

“It’s too quiet.” He mumbles.

“Well, you had the radio on full blast and the TV going.” You say.

“Because it’s too quiet.”

You smile up at your boyfriend. “You miss them, don’t you?”

“No…” Darry says.

“Yes you do.” You smile.

“Just a little.”

“I don’t believe you.”

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posted by MJ_Fan_4Life007
You put your head in your hands and breathe deeply. How where you going to tell him? You had gotten the phone call today.

You were actually close to Soda. Danny played with Grace and Logan all the time. You couldn’t even begin to imagine how they felt.

You hear the front door open. Darry was home now. You take another deep breath, and sit at the kitchen table.

Just breathe.

He walks into the kitchen. “Hey babe, what’s wrong?” He asks, setting down his wallet and keys.

You swallow. “I got a call.” Is all you manage to say.

“About?” He asks, eyebrows raised.

“Soda’s dead.” You blurt out.

The look on Darry’s face would haunt your memory for the rest of your life.

He just sat down on the floor in pure shock, mouth open, eyes wide.
posted by MJ_Fan_4Life007

“Darry, how do you feel about kids?” You ask.

“About having kids?” He asked. You were nervous.


“I’ve never told anyone this really… But it’s been my goal in life to be a better father figure than I ever was to Soda or Ponyboy… I thought I did a good job, but I know I could’ve done better.” He scratches his neck. “So yeah I’d want to have kids.”

“Well that’s good.” You smile.

“Why?” He asks. “You aren’t…” He starts, but then looks at you. “You are aren’t you?” His smile lights up the whole room.

You nod your head. He picks you up in a big bear hug.
posted by MJ_Fan_4Life007
“You’re awful at football,” he laughs.

“Excuse me?” You say, eyebrows raised.

“I think-“

“No I heard what you said.”
“Hey, do y’all want to go play football?” Darry asked the gang.

Everyone’s saying yeah, but you say, “No.”

“Why not?” Ponyboy asked.

“Darry think’s I’m awful at football, so I’m not going to play.” You say in a joking tone.

“Well she does,” Darry smiles.

“It really hurts,” you sniffle.

“Well fine, I’ll stay back with you.” He says, plopping on the couch next to you.

“You know, it really hurt my feelings.”

“I said I was sorry.”

“But it still hurts.”

“Well fine, let me make it up to you.”

He leans over and kisses you.