Ed, Edd and Eddy Club
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posted by MJ_Fan_4Life007
One day, the Eds had their fannies plopped on the couch. They were desperately surfing the channels when they saw a McDonalds commercial.

Announcer: "You're going to love our managers special here at McDonalds. We sell a sandwich with a large drink and fries for $1.99. So grab your keys and head to McDonalds right now."

Voice: (singing)"At McDonalds, we love to see you smile!"

Eddy turned the TV off with a smile on his face.

Eddy: "Hey! How about we open a fast food restaurant!"

Edd: "That's a great idea!"

Ed: "My dad traveled to Kansas City on a mutated bug!"

Eddy: "Shut up Ed. Anyway, we'll call our restaurant EDonalds! Come on! Let's get to work!"

The Eds built the restaurant. All they needed to do was to let people know they were open for business. So they made a commercial with Ed in it. Edd hooked the camera up to all the cable and satellite connections in the cul-d-sac. Then they shot the commercial. All the kids were watching TV when it came on.

Ed: "(ahem) At EDonalds, you're gonna love Eddy's special, a Louisiana WhiteFish Chum sandwich, a large cup of mud, and worms. We've got something for the little ones too, like our Chumkin Ednuggets HapEd Meal with a sock doll. So grab your ducks and head to EDonalds right now!"

Edd: (singing) "At EDonalds, we love to see us smile!"

Sarah and Jimmy were motivated by the commercial

Sarah: "Hmm, that sounds like a great idea!"

Jimmy: "Yeah, let's go to EDonalds!"

Jonny and Plank were hungry too.

Jonny: "What do you say we go to EDonalds Plank?"


Jonny: "All right then. Let's go!"

Everyone grabbed a duck and went to EDonalds.

Eddy stared at all the customers in line in the drive thru.

Eddy: "Business is booming!"

Kevin rode up to the window on his bike with a duck on the rear.

Eddy: "What do you want?"

Kevin: "I'd like an EDflurry please!"

Eddy: "One Edflurry with gnats!"

Ed grabbed a cup, filled it with ice cream, and sprinkled gnats all over it.

Eddy: "Here you go, Kevin."

Kevin took a bite and spit it out.

Kevin: "Yuck! What's in this thing?"

Eddy: "We added pure gnats for your delight!"

Kevin: "Well I'm not delighted! What else do you put on these flurries?"

Eddy: "We also have butterfly wings, cricket heads, and bee stingers."

Kevin: "You are disgusting!"

Eddy folded his arms and pleaded.

Eddy: "Please don't ask for a refund!"

Kevin:(sigh)"Never mind. I'll just feed it to my duck."

Kevin's duck quacked two times. Kevin gave it the EDflurry and it quacked again.

Kevin: "See ya later, dorks."

Kevin rode away.

Eddy: "Hey! He didn't give me my money!"

Edd: "Well Eddy, he didn't seem pleased with his order. I think he had the right to refuse to pay us."

Eddy frowned at Edd.

Edd: "I mean.....yes, he should have paid us!"

Sarah and Jimmy came riding up.

Eddy: "Oh great. It's Sarah."

Sarah and Jimmy pulled up.

Sarah: "Hi, we'd like two Chumkin Ednuggets HappEd Meals, please."

Eddy handed Sarah and Jimmy their meals. They started eating them.

Sarah: "Mmmmm, this is great!"

Jimmy: "You said it!"

Then the Red Guy popped out of the sewer in a shark suit.

Red Guy: "Roar!"

Then the Red Guy leaned over and ate Sarah and Jimmy's Ednuggets. Then he went back into the sewer.

Jimmy: "Ahhhhhh! Sarah, a man with a big red butt ate my Ednuggets!"

Sarah: "Don't worry Jimmy. We still have our sock dolls."

Then a T-Rex came. It let out a huge roar and ate the sock dolls. Jimmy started crying.

Sarah: "Let's go!"

Sarah and Jimmy drove away.

Eddy: "Hope we never see them again!"

Nazz pulled up.

Nazz: "Hi guys!"

The Eds started sweating.

Eddy: "Uh...uh, may w-we ta-a-a-ake your-your order?"

Nazz: "I'd like the Lousiana White Fish chum sandwich, a large cup of mud, and some worms."

Eddy: "Uh, okay."

Nazz giggled.

Nazz: "You're funny."

Eddy: "Ed, we need a white fish chum sandwich meal!"

Ed: "Sorry Eddy. No can do."

Eddy: "How come?"

Ed: "While I was making the burger, it grew arms and legs. It grabbed a polka dotted bag and walked off to Kansas City!"

Eddy: "Ed, you get dumber all the time."

Then the Eds saw the Louisiana White Fish Chum sandwich walking away singing "Kansas City.

Sandwich: "On to Kansas City. Kansas City, here I come!"

Eddy: "Wow Ed. I guess you weren't lying!"

Edd: "Quick! We must find something to replace it!"

The Eds quickly assembled a sandwich with an old shoe, a baseball, and a giant cockroach stuffed in it.

Eddy: "Here y-you go m-ma'am."

Nazz took a bite and smiled.

Nazz: "Wow, this is great! Thanks guys!"

Eddy: "Uh, anytime, Nazz."

Nazz gave Eddy the money and she drove away.

Eddy: "Wow! We finally got paid!"

Ed: "The maple has landed!"

Then a snazzy looking car drove up.

Eddy: "Woohoo! Nice car!"

The window rolled down to reveal Bo Stupid.

Eddy: "Bad person."

Bo: "Hi dorks. Listen, I need to pick up 25 meals for each guy on the Twins' 25 man roster. Can ya' handle it?"

Eddy: "Of course!"

Edd grabbed Eddy.

Edd: "But Eddy! We don't have enough food supplies to make 25 meals!"

Eddy: "Don't worry, I'm thinking of a plan as I go."

Eddy looked at Ed.

Eddy: "I know! Let's get Ed to throw up everything he's eaten today!"

Edd; "But Eddy! Regurgitated food bits are so unsanitary!"

Eddy: "Who cares? Besides, it serves Bo Stupid right for what he's done to us."

Edd: "I guess you're right."

Eddy and Edd started squeezing Ed.

Ed: "Guys, what are you doing to me?'

Eddy: "We're trying to squeeze all of the food out of you."

Ed: "Oh, okay."

All of a sudden, the restaurant caught on fire!

Bo: "Wow! You dorks are bad luck!"

Bo Stupid drove off.

The Eds started panicking.

Edd: "What should we do first, Eddy?"

Eddy noticed his money burning up.

Eddy: "Quick! We must save my money!"

The Eds ran over to catch Eddy's money just in time to notice that the furnace was about to blow.

Eddy: "Hold on, boys."

The Eds shielded themselves. The restaurant exploded and they were sentflying through the sky.

~~~ The Ed ~~~
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
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added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
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added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
double d - ariel sabistian - eddy flounder - ed johnny - another poor soul that wont let her take his voice nazz - tellin them to play the game lol :D
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
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added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
added by oreo_4695673