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posted by egyptprincess7
Name - Euphemia
Age - 16
Birthday - May 19th
Species - Dhampir
Powers - Spirit healing

~~~~~~^Basic info^~~~~~~
Euphemia was born in the kingdom of Darkius. A kingdom that's known for its shady leader and shady citizens. She grew up in a family of five. Her mother, father, brother, sister and her.

Her parents are leaders of an incredibly shady gang that does all sorts of crimes. From minor things such as drugs to huge things such as murder. They were powerful. Her father, being the only male vampire in the household was increasingly strict on his children. Her mother was equally as strict despite her human heritage.

She enjoyed being married to a someone as awful as Euphie's father. Their son who was the eldest sibling was turned into a vampire once he was born. It was easy to bite him and even easier for him to be loyal to the gang and their parents. Euphie's sister was a different story. She rejected the change and when she was only 8 she ran off. Nobody has seen her since and all assume she's dead.

Her sister had gone missing a few years before the incident with her brother took place. Her brother was dark, heinous and committed so many crimes. But, he cared and loved her. So she loved him and was horrified when she heard about what happened. A part of her was also disgusted at him for doing what he did but, she shoved that aside and focused on avenging him.

Later, she was captured and experimented on by the BPS. That is when she met Ashely and the two formed a strong and close friendship. One day she was rescued by a certain angel and then eventually he rescued Ashley too from the mansion.

Since then they have lived in his cave and recovered from the experiments and more. Until one day, Euphie discovered that her brother was still alive. So, she went to go meet with him. Her adopted father found out and long story short, he ended up killing her brother.

Euphie was very upset at that and almost hated him. She refused to talk to him for a while until she finally pushed it to the side. Though, she's still out and about doing other things without her adopted dad's knowledge.

She learned about her parent's death a few months ago. Euphie felt no pity for them as they were cruel to her. Constantly calling her a freak, hitting her and forcing her to help the other members of their gang in any way possible. She had scars of the attacks, abuse and even drugs all over her body. She makes sure to hide all this from her adopted father though, not wanting to upset him at the sight.

Now, she constantly leaves the cave to go clean up the messes they had committed. She has tried to help the families that suffered because of them. Though she actively tries to avoid being too near any of the remaining gang members. As one such member has taken a fancy to her and wants to marry her.

She had dealt with him many times and constantly refused his request for marriage. She wasn't ready for that kind of commitment in the first place nor did she feel any romantic feelings towards him. He was also much older than her.

He ended up cornering her though and demanded an explantation for why she refuses to marry him. He claimed that they loved each other and that she was ruining their happiness. Euphie was incredibly frightened but, she fought against him and was successful in escaping. She's been avoiding leaving the cave for a while since that incident. Afraid he'd find her again.

She ended up being forced to leave when the second in command (she's currently the leader due to her brother being dead and sister missing) told her she had to be present for a meeting. A meeting to decide the fate of the gang and to execute any traitorous members.

The meeting lasted for about 10 hours and even worse, the creep was there as well. He'd leer at her the entire time and she'd shudder and try to focus on the conversation at hand. The gang was losing power as a new gang was raising up. The members wanted to murder each and every single one of their members to keep themselves at the top of the hierarchy. Unfortunately, Euphie had to accept the decision as all the people there wanted it to happen.

That was when they started the gang war. It was deadly and tragic. So many people lost their lives because of this. Not just gang members but regular citizens too. Euphie was saddened as she looked at the carnage. But, the others were happy.

They had another meeting and it was decided that the current leader should be replaced. Euphie was surprised by this and even though she didn't want to be the leader she didn't want any of these crazy maniacs to be one either. They said she was way too soft and that it would destroy the group so the second in command became the leader.

Euphie could only watch as everything changed around her and didn't notice as all the other members of the group left the room except for the creep. He sat beside her and kept putting his hands on her. Till he whispered, "you'll still be in this group regardless of you losing your leadership. Those powers of yours are much needed" with that said he kissed her cheek and left as she could only look up horrified.

She returned back home and decided to stay away until this was resolved. She packed up only essentials and left the remainder of her clothes here in case she ever came back. It's been a few months since then and she's currently still in the gang.

Until she ended up murdering the leader in cold blood. She had been locked in their basement, denied blood and any source of light and food until she snapped. The leader and the creep were both killed and she escaped back to the cave.
added by egyptprincess7
added by egyptprincess7
added by egyptprincess7
added by egyptprincess7
added by egyptprincess7
added by egyptprincess7
added by egyptprincess7
added by egyptprincess7
added by egyptprincess7
added by egyptprincess7
posted by egyptprincess7
She has no memories of where she was born or her parents. When she woke up in a hospital in Puddinland after being out for a week. She wasn't interested in going to school so she was taught in the temporary location she lived in. Eventually she had to move on. Eventually she met other people and become friends with them too.

While she was walking through the market she ran into an old woman. She was naive and followed the old woman to an alley way. She was confused when she noticed the black smoke but soon it was too late. For a demon had possessed her. Lucky for her though, her friends managed...
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posted by egyptprincess7
So I forgot to include her on the first one but this one is about Princess Marie.

She was born in [Insert the correct spelling of her kingdom here] which is a magical kingdom. Her father and mother were the king and queen of the kingdom. When she was 16 she was already prepared to take the throne and was expected to marry a prince from a neighbouring kingdom. Her parents ended up having an emergency meeting in a far away kingdom and they haven't returned yet. She currently is the ruler of her kingdom.

She grew up with a man named Waru. He saved her when she went out once and got...
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added by egyptprincess7
posted by egyptprincess7
Okay, so already she's been getting stronger. Obtaining the white flames and as well as getting better at using her Light magic. But she IS a Moon Goddess after all, she shouldn't be so powerful in just one instant no. But over time and that is what I am trying to do. Her uh..stronger powers like telekinesis and the white flames will be used when she loses control. Smiting and her light magic will be used when she is in control.

Her personality... gonna change that. Maybe she'll end up being darker and colder towards others. Or she'll just be more...distant I guess. She'll keep her feelings...
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added by egyptprincess7
added by egyptprincess7
Source: Rinmaru
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added by egyptprincess7
added by egyptprincess7
added by egyptprincess7