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clockwise from top center: Hans, Elsa, Gunther, Kristoff, Helga, Anna, Valberg, & Anlaf
clockwise from top center: Hans, Elsa, Gunther, Kristoff, Helga, Anna, Valberg, & Anlaf
Author's note: I didn't like the way Hans's storyline was handled in the original Frozen, so I've made him the subject of my sequel contest entry. The rules said I could use a villain from the original as my protagonist if the story was about how he became the way he is or is reforming (though I'm ambitious and tried to do both at the same time), so I think this is allowed. I've really tried to follow the rules and keep Hans's personality intact, which was very hard because some aspects of his personality contradict themselves, but if the judges think I've failed miserably at this, I'll do everything I can to fix it
WARNING: This is A LOT darker than the original Frozen!

Characters: (I apologize for the change in animation for the concept art. I don’t have much experience drawing in the Disney style, and some of the pictures looked really odd when I tried to Photoshop them. If this movie was ever made, it would, of course, stay true to the original animation.)
*all returning characters keep their original voice actors*

L-R: young Hans, Hans imprisoned, coronation Hans
L-R: young Hans, Hans imprisoned, coronation Hans
Prince Hans Westergard of the Southern Isles – the youngest of thirteen brothers and antagonist of the original film, now recast as a protagonist. The smart, charismatic, and now disgraced prince returns to the Southern Isles vowing revenge on both the royalty of Arendelle for thwarting his plans and the family who cast him aside, but his plans are changed when a friend from his past re-enters his life and shows him kindness despite his downfall. Little does he know that all along, he is being used as a pawn.

L-R: young Helga, guard uniform, coronation Helga
L-R: young Helga, guard uniform, coronation Helga
Helga (voice of Katie Hall link) - captain of the guard to the royal house of Westergard, one of two protagonists and love interest for Hans. She’s 24 years old, tall and slender with golden-blonde hair and gray eyes, though her appearance is usually hidden by her helmet and armor. She and Hans were childhood friends until they were forced apart by King Gunther. Helga often acts loud and overconfident, but she’s also brave, determined, and incredibly kind-hearted. She treats the prisoners in her charge with dignity and respect (and expects those under her command to do the same) and genuinely believes in forgiveness and redemption for every one of them.

King Gunther Westergard of the Southern Isles (voice of Alan Rickman link) - Hans’s father and one of the story’s three antagonists. For most of the story, he’s about 65 with blue eyes and gray hair, though a younger auburn-haired version of Gunther is seen in the prologue. When his wife died giving birth to the thirteenth son neither of them wanted, he went mad with grief and blamed her death entirely on Hans. Though Gunther has a multifaceted personality (He is cold and abusive to Hans, protective and fatherly to his other sons [and Helga], stern and overbearing to his staff and subjects), he is consistently weak and cowardly.

Valberg (voice of Michael Sheen link) - chancellor to King Gunther and the second antagonist. He’s 55 years old, tall, and skinny with pointed facial features and beady dark eyes. He has long white-blond hair with a black streak on one side that he usually ties back in a ponytail. Valberg was once imprisoned for the use of dark magic but later pardoned by King Gunther in exchange for using his magic to bring the queen back from the dead. Unlike Gunther, who is ruled by emotion, Valberg is calm and calculating, and he has no interest in money, power, or notoriety. He corrupts Gunther simply to divide the royal family and plunge the Southern Isles into anarchy.

Prince Anlaf Westergard of the Southern Isles (voice of Hadley Fraser link) - the eldest of the thirteen princes and the final antagonist. He’s 39, blond, blue-eyed, and muscular. Although Anlaf is outwardly very handsome, inside, he’s a brute who delights in torturing anyone or anything weaker than him, especially Hans. He becomes a major player in Gunther and Valberg’s plot, not because he has anything to gain, but because he sees it as an opportunity to make Hans suffer. Anlaf’s attitude toward Hans, plus the fact that he bears a striking resemblance to the queen, has secured his place as Gunther’s favorite son.

Anna – the fiery, fearless princess of Arendelle and protagonist of the original film, reduced to a more minor role. When Helga comes to Arendelle, Anna is initially friendly to her, but her attitude changes upon hearing the reason for her visit. She has not forgiven Hans for his actions and thinks the only reason Helga would be willing to do is if she’s as naïve and blind as she once was.

Elsa – the powerful and protective ruler of Arendelle and deuteragonist of the original film, reduced to a more minor role. Elsa, unlike Anna, does not judge Helga for her love for Hans and is more receptive to her story, but refuses to put the lives of those she loves on the line for someone who has wronged them in the past.

Kristoff Bjorgman – the gruff but kind ice harvester and love interest for Anna in the original film, reduced to a more minor role. Kristoff is the first to believe Helga’s story about The Frozen Heart and proves to be a valuable ally to her.

Sven, Olaf & Sitron
Sven, Olaf & Sitron
Olaf–the funny snowman from the original film, reduced to a background character. Olaf doesn’t appear in the sequel for very long but plays a vital role in the final battle.

Sven and Sitron- Kristoff’s reindeer and Hans’s horse, background characters. These two are only in a few scenes but form an unlikely partnership in the final battle.

Vilhelm (voice of Stephen Moyer link) -Helga’s father and former captain of the guard (only appears in the prologue). He is blond-haired and gray-eyed like his daughter, and for most of the time he appears, he is in his mid-30s. Vilhelm was once a trusted friend and advisor to King Gunther until the two had a falling-out over the use of dark magic to save the queen’s life. He was a loving father to his only child and a benevolent protector to the people of the Southern Isles. He raised Helga all on his own and taught her the importance of compassion, mercy, and second chances.

Queen Edith Westergard of the Southern Isles (nonspeaking character) - Hans’s mother who died giving birth to him, literally a walking corpse. She was a 40-year-old green-eyed blonde when she died and still looks the same, though her skin is now deathly white and there are dark shadows around her eyes. The only thing keeping her alive is an amulet called The Frozen Heart, but even that is only a half-life. Although she has been reanimated physically, her heart and mind remain trapped by the amulet and can only be released through the sacrifice of another life.

Klaus & Karl
Klaus & Karl
Klaus (voice of Matthew Gray Gubler link) and Karl (voice of Sam Claflin link) - two bumbling guards under Helga’s command. Both are thin and dark-haired, though Karl is slightly taller than Klaus. They are not evil-intentioned, but they don’t share Helga’s compassion for the prisoners and resent being ordered by a female.

the trolls
the trolls
The trolls- Kristoff’s family of sorts, background characters. The trolls corroborate Helga’s story about The Frozen Heart and remind Anna, Elsa and Kristoff that love brings out the best in everyone, even those who have made wrong choices in the past.

clockwise from top center: Georg, Erik, Bjorn, Thurston, Leif, Lars, Alexsander, Anton, Vidar, Herman, Franz
clockwise from top center: Georg, Erik, Bjorn, Thurston, Leif, Lars, Alexsander, Anton, Vidar, Herman, Franz
Princes Georg, Thurston, Herman, Anton, Alexsander, Erik, Bjorn, Franz, Vidar, Leif, & Lars Westergard of the Southern Isles- Bossy Georg, vain Thurston, imposing Herman, shy Anton, ladies’ man Alexsander, snarky Erik, clumsy Bjorn, pragmatic Franz, thoughtful Vidar, and pranksters Leif and Lars are Hans’s remaining eleven brothers and mainly background characters (birth order is the order their names were listed). They are callous and competitive amongst themselves, and the only time they ever cooperate is when they are ganging up on Hans.


The story opens with an exterior shot of Castle Westergard. A piercing scream echoes in the night, and the shot zooms into one of the rooms where the dying Queen Edith gives birth to what she hopes will be a daughter after twelve sons. She is attended by a midwife while Vilhelm, the captain of the guard, stands by the door watching. A devastated King Gunther holds her hand, and the others look on in stunned silence as she dies. Vilhelm empathizes with his king and friend, for he too lost his wife not long ago and was left with a daughter not much older than the newborn. Gunther’s heartbreak is made worse when the midwife informs him that the queen’s dying wish for a daughter has been dashed. She asks him the child’s name, but he ignores her. It’s finally Vilhelm who names the baby Hans just before Gunther orders the midwife, “Get that thing out of my sight!” (Song: Forever’s Gone)

Once the midwife is out of earshot, Gunther orders Vilhelm to summon Valberg, a wizard who is currently serving a prison sentence in the castle dungeons for the use of dark magic. Vilhelm warns the king that Valberg can’t be trusted, but Gunther’s orders still stand. Valberg is brought to the queen’s bedchamber, and Gunther asks if he knows of any magic to bring Queen Edith back to life. They banter back and forth, and Valberg finally agrees in exchange for his freedom and “A few other things to be determined at a later date”. He conjures an amulet called The Frozen Heart, a dark blue – almost black- heart-shaped stone that will allow the person who wears it to cheat death. (Song: Valberg’s Incantation [Frozen Heart])

Gunther places the amulet around his wife’s neck; her eyes snap open as she gasps for air. He holds her close, but she doesn’t hug him back or speak or even look at him. Gunther accuses Valberg of tricking him, but the wizard reminds him that he never said that the queen would come back to him, only that she couldn’t die. He explains that his dark magic comes with a terrible price: a life for a life. Although the queen is physically alive, her mind and heart are trapped by the amulet and can only be freed when another life is exchanged for hers.

Gunther stalks out of the room, drawing a knife, and Valberg follows him down the hall to the nursery where Baby Hans is sleeping. He’s about to strike when Valberg grabs the knife, knocking him to the ground and toppling Hans’s cradle in the process. They wrestle for a few moments until Valberg is finally able to knock the knife out of Gunther’s hand. By this time, the baby’s cries have woken half the castle, and Valberg ushers Gunther out of the room before someone sees him standing over his newborn son wielding a knife. Gunther is furious and demands to know why Valberg stopped him from killing Hans. Valberg explains that Hans is too young to sacrifice to the amulet; doing so would give Queen Edith the mind and heart of a newborn. He suggests sacrificing someone else, but Gunther adamantly refuses. Valberg is exasperated; the king won’t take another life and is too cowardly to give his own. Gunther asks how long it will be until Hans is old enough to sacrifice, and it is decided that on the morning of his twenty-fourth birthday, Prince Hans will die.

Eight years later, Vilhelm’s daughter, Helga, accompanies him to the castle dungeons. She watches as he feeds a sick inmate and is confused. She doesn’t understand why her father would help a bad man. When she asks him about it, Vilhelm tells her that these prisoners are human beings just like her and just because they’ve done wrong in the past doesn’t mean they can’t do something right in the future. Helga is still confused but promises to remember that when she becomes captain of the guard, and Vilhelm hugs her before sending her outside to play in the garden.

Helga picks a yellow rose but quickly has to hide behind the bush as she hears voices rising. On the other side of the garden, the princes laugh, joke, and roughhouse… all except one. Hans stands alone playing with a small ball, ignored and unwanted by the others. Helga feels sorry for him but is too shy to talk to him, so she watches the princes from afar. Leif and Lars, the prankster twins, throw a stone at Anlaf, the heir. He turns around angrily, sees Hans with the ball and assumes that’s the object that hit him. He intercepts the ball as Hans tosses it into the air, and the other eleven brothers appear, flanking him. Hans asks for his ball back, but Anlaf throws it to one of the others. Helga is angry as she watches them torment Hans, but she’s outnumbered and outranked by the princes.

The game ends when Herman crushes the ball in his grasp. He pretends to offer it back to Hans but pushes him down instead. Hans begins to cry, and the others taunt and laugh at him as he runs away. Helga is close to tears herself as she follows Hans but forces herself to stay strong for him. She tries to comfort him by giving him her rose. Of course, Hans is surprised to see her. He didn’t know there were any other children in the castle. Helga introduces herself and tells him that her father is the captain of the guard. Hans bows to her, just as he’s seen his father and brothers do, and Helga giggles as he kisses her hand.

Gunther appears out of nowhere, sees the two children holding hands, and scolds Hans for talking to the help, calling him by the wrong name… twice. Helga insists that it was her fault, not Hans’s, but Gunther isn’t listening. He is about to slap Hans, but Helga grabs his arm, accidentally ripping his sleeve in the process. She succeeds in stopping Gunther from hitting Hans, but he turns on her instead. All the commotion alerts Vilhelm, who is shocked to hear Gunther shouting at his daughter. He rushes to Helga’s side; she bursts into tears as she hides behind him, and he shoots the king an angry look. Gunther bends so that his eyes meet Helga’s, and he can’t help but notice how much she looks like his queen. He reaches out to touch her hair as he apologizes, but Helga just retreats further behind her father. Vilhelm prompts Helga to accept Gunther’s apology, but all she can do is sob, “Poor Hans!”

By this time, the other twelve princes have appeared. Everyone is shocked to learn that Helga isn’t frightened of Gunther but sad for Hans, though no one more so than Hans himself. Bjorn whacks Hans upside the head, scolding him for making Helga cry. Alexsander tries to take Helga’s hand, promising her he’d never make her cry like Hans, but she pulls away. Erik taunts, “It must be sad that even a dumb girl like her knows how pathetic you are, Hans.” Georg shoves him forward, ordering him to apologize for upsetting Helga, but this only makes her cry harder. Vilhelm, sensing danger, picks Helga up, taking her away from the princes, and Hans stares after them, still holding Helga’s rose.

After that, Hans and Helga become best friends and play together whenever their fathers aren’t around. As time goes on, Hans adapts to survive the constant torment from his family. He learns how to fight, how to act, and how to lie (there would probably be a brief montage here showing Hans’s transformation), but despite everything, there is still enough warmth left in his heart for Helga. Ten years after their first encounter, Helga is in training to succeed a sickly Vilhelm as captain of the guard, and Hans is being pressured to take a wife, so they don’t see each other much anymore. One day, Helga is on her way to the armory when she runs into Hans near the stables. Hans introduces her to Sitron and offers her a ride, which Helga declines, saying she doesn’t know how. Hans laughs and teases her, “What self-respecting captain of the guard doesn’t know how to ride a horse?” so Helga agrees to let him teach her.

Not long after they leave the castle grounds, Hans hands the reigns to Helga, but she is overeager and pulls too hard, causing Sitron to throw them both. Hans scolds the horse (who then nuzzles him apologetically), worried that Helga’s been hurt, but he hears Helga laughing and laughs along with her. They lie on the grass, staring into each other’s eyes, and Helga says, “I love you, Hans Westergard. I’ll love you until the day I die.” Hans, who has never been loved by another person, is overwhelmed with emotion and kisses Helga. At this point, the shot pans away to reveal Valberg hiding behind a nearby tree, watching.

Back at the castle, Gunther is outraged to learn that the captain’s daughter has fallen for his youngest son, not out of any dislike for Helga, but because he knows that the more allies Hans has, the harder it will be to sacrifice him to the amulet when the time is right. Valberg offers solutions to their problem, but Gunther insists on handling it himself. Hours later, Hans returns to find Gunther waiting for him. He tells him that he is not to see Helga again, and when Hans tries to argue, he threatens to banish Helga and Vilhelm unless he severs all ties with them. So he has no choice… the only way to keep Helga near is to push her away. It isn’t long before Hans and Helga cross paths again, but this time, he ignores her. She begs him for an explanation, but he just turns away, leaving her confused and devastated. And with the act of pushing Helga away, Hans’s heart is finally completely frozen.

Five years later, the time to sacrifice Hans to The Frozen Heart is drawing near, and the royal family is preparing a send-off for Anlaf, who will be attending the coronation of Elsa of Arendelle. Anlaf is walking down a hallway but stops as he hears voices from behind a closed door. “…either we make Prince Hans a pariah now, or we risk making him a martyr later on…” Anlaf hears Valberg say. He barges into the throne room, and Gunther and Valberg stop talking. When he asks what they were just talking about, Gunther hesitates. Anlaf says he’s all in favor of making Hans a pariah, but he still wants to know what this is about. Gunther doesn’t want his favorite son to play a part in such a nefarious plot and points out that Anlaf has nothing to gain through his involvement, but Anlaf says he never misses a chance to make Hans suffer. This impresses Valberg, so he fills Anlaf in and tells him that it’s necessary to make the people hate Hans now so his sudden death won’t arouse suspicion. Anlaf is understandably stunned to learn that his mother has been kept alive by an amulet for the past twenty-three years but nonetheless offers his services, saying, “When I’m done with Hans, you’ll be lucky if you can keep him alive long enough to sacrifice.”

The brothers are sitting down to breakfast when Hans appears in the dining hall, and the other princes spread out as far as they can to keep him from getting a seat. Gunther pretends not to notice what’s happening while Edith just sits motionless in her chair like a doll. Georg sighs and leaves, allowing Hans to take his place. Anlaf taps a glass and announces he won’t be going to Arendelle; Hans is. Everyone is shocked, especially Gunther. He and Anlaf exchange a knowing look, and he begrudgingly gives permission for Hans to take Anlaf’s place at the coronation. On the other side of the castle, Helga, now captain of the guard, is getting ready for the day ahead. She is dressed in full armor, and when she puts her helmet on, she is completely unrecognizable. She makes her way to the courtyard where two of her underlings, Klaus and Karl, are taking down the banners hung in honor of Prince Anlaf’s departure. She asks what they’re doing, and they tell her that Hans, not Anlaf, is to attend Queen Elsa’s coronation. She is surprised by the last minute change but allows them to carry on with their work.

Back inside, Hans holds Helga’s rose as he stares out his bedroom window at the guards below. The flower is dried-up and dead, but he’s kept it all this time as a reminder of the one person who showed him kindness. Hans suddenly notices Anlaf standing behind him and stuffs the rose back into his pocket, but not before Anlaf has the chance to taunt him about it. He goes on to say that he feels sorry for the people of Arendelle who will be forced to endure the company of a crownless nobody like Hans and further goads him by boasting that had he been going to Arendelle, he would’ve been able to get the queen to fall for him without even trying. Anlaf turns away with a sinister smirk. He knows that his challenge is too much for Hans to pass up. Hans reflects on all Anlaf has just said and realizes this is his chance to prove himself. (Song: The Better Man)

In the next scene, two sailors escort a manacled Hans to the castle dungeons. His hair is overgrown and tangled and his clothes are ragged; he is almost unrecognizable. The sailors are greeted by Helga, Klaus and Karl, and they tell them that one of the princes has get himself into trouble. Helga is immediately suspicious of the intrusion and orders them to leave, thinking it’s all a joke. It is only when Hans’s eyes meet hers that she recognizes him, but he doesn’t know her. She assumes the sailors have unjustly victimized Hans, just as his family has done all his life, and demands an explanation. They tell her he tried to kill the queen of Arendelle, but she doesn’t believe it. She finally loses her temper when the sailors order her to take Hans to a cell and tells them, “Only the king of the Southern Isles can command me.”

At this point, Gunther steps out of the shadows and reiterates the sailors’ orders, but all Helga can do is stare dumbly. She knows that Gunther and Hans have a rocky relationship, but she never imagined he’d turn on his own son. Klaus and Karl manhandle Hans into the nearest cell. He charges at them, but they shove him back, mocking him as he falls. Of course, this enrages Hans, but they slam the door before he can retaliate. The moment Gunther is out of earshot, Helga scolds them for taunting Hans. They argue that they can’t be expected to treat him like royalty in light of what he’s done, to which Helga replies, “He may not be a prince, but he’s still a person!”

Helga ushers Klaus and Karl away, leaving Hans to plot his revenge against those who have wronged him. He intends to break out, sever all ties with his family, and conquer some other unsuspecting kingdom, but carrying out his plan is going to be harder than he thought. As he looks around his cell, he notices no obvious way out; his only possible opportunity for escape is to wait for someone to open the door. His revenge fantasies are interrupted as loud angry voices rise, and as he listens to the guards arguing about him, he can’t help but notice how high-pitched and singsongy the gray-eyed guard’s voice sounds when he isn’t barking orders. He doesn’t understand why the gray-eyed guard is so quick to defend him when everyone else is willing to believe the worst but assumes it must be out of blind loyalty to the crown.

Hans becomes progressively weaker as the day of his trial approaches to the point that Helga finds him passed out in his cell. She is baffled by his sudden turn for the worst but soon finds out that Klaus and Karl have been starving him since he arrived. She is furious and orders them to get him some food at once, which they balk at. They don’t like the idea of wasting valuable resources on someone who is probably going to die anyway, but Helga insists, “If he’s going to die, it won’t be from you two starving him!”

Hans opens his eyes to find the gray-eyed guard standing over him. He’s sure there’s something familiar about those eyes, though he can’t recall. The guard apologizes for the awful treatment he’s received at the hands of his underlings. Hans snaps at the guard when he calls him “Your Highness” – the title is now nothing more than a bitter reminder of all he’s lost – but his attitude changes as he realizes this guard is his best chance at freedom. Hans notices the gray-eyed guard’s hand tremble as he closes the door, and he thinks he hears the sound of quiet sobbing as the guard turns away, though he convinces himself he must’ve imagined it.

Meanwhile, Helga has come to a sad realization: Klaus and Karl are right; the odds of Hans coming out of this alive are nil, especially with Gunther so convinced of his guilt. She tries to remind herself that the king has his reasons, that in all likelihood Hans deserves to be punished, but she can’t think that way. Despite everything she went through when he pushed her away, Helga still believes the Hans she once knew is still in there somewhere.

On the day of Hans’s trial, Klaus and Karl confront Helga about the way she coddles Hans. She insists the way she treats him is no different than the way she treats all the other prisoners, but they aren’t convinced. They say that if they didn’t know better, they’d think she loved him, which Helga adamantly denies. They aren’t paying attention, however, and continue to mock her for falling for a condemned man. They say this is why a woman shouldn’t be captain of the guard, and Helga storms away in a huff, determined to prove them wrong. She tries to act respectably standoffish as she escorts Hans to the courtroom. He is puzzled by the gray-eyed guard’s sudden change in demeanor but is too distracted by the impending trial to think much of it.

The trial itself is only a formality and is over fairly quickly. Hans is given the chance to explain his actions. He considers trying to lie his way out of the charges but decides that honesty might earn him a lighter sentence. It is only when she hears Hans’s confession that Helga finally believes the story. The long list of charges is read, and Gunther announces the verdict: guilty of all counts. As everyone awaits the sentencing with bated breath, Helga sees Klaus and Karl exchange a smug look, and Valberg is eyeing her with suspicion. She has no idea why until she looks down and notices that her hand is now resting atop Hans’s shoulder, and, realizing her mistake, she pretends to be restraining him. Gunther announces that the sentencing is to be carried out in stages, the first of which is a public whipping to take place the following morning.

After the guards leave with Hans, the remaining twelve princes express their displeasure at the sentencing. They believe Gunther is being too soft, but he assures them they misunderstand what he has in mind before dismissing all of them except Anlaf. After Helga’s display of affection in the courtroom, Valberg suspects she may have feelings for Hans and could hinder their plans to sacrifice him to the Frozen Heart, but Gunther assures him that Helga’s too smart to fall for someone like Hans. Valberg wants to sacrifice her to the amulet instead of Hans, and Anlaf suggests they arrest Helga on some bogus charge and have her whipped alongside Hans to see if her feelings for him change. Gunther, however, can’t bring himself to do such a thing to Helga; she reminds him too much of his queen, so he decrees that no harm is to come to the captain of the guard.

Back in the castle dungeons, Helga is conflicted. Now that she knows the truth, she should want to see Hans punished, but she doesn’t. She should hate him – and she tries to – but she can’t. She still believes there must be some reason for his actions. When she asks him about it, he refuses to answer, saying it wouldn’t accomplish anything except making her hate him. She concedes that he may be right about it not accomplishing anything but assures him she could never hate him. Hans reluctantly tells Helga that he tried to kill the royals of Arendelle so he could become king and finally prove himself to his family but stops short of telling her how they have ignored and bullied him all his life, insisting she wouldn’t understand. But Helga understands more than he knows. As a female guard, she knows how it feels to be overshadowed and underestimated. Now Helga is angry, not at Hans, but at every other member of the royal family; as far as she’s concerned, they’re just as guilty as Hans.

The next morning, a crowd gathers around a scaffold where Hans is chained to a post while Helga stands with her guards looking on. An official reads the list of charges but is partially drowned out as the crowd boos and jeers at Hans. Helga has a strong suspicion that this isn’t going to be a normal whipping. The official never mentioned a predetermined number of lashes, and for some reason, all twelve of Hans’s brothers are standing on the scaffold. When the official hands the whip to Anlaf, Helga finally realizes what’s happening: it’s a free-for-all.

Hans is too proud to cry out as Anlaf strikes him, but Helga sees the pain reflected in his eyes. She tries to appear strong in front of her subordinates, but every crack of the whip makes her flinch. A long time passes, but Anlaf shows no signs of tiring. It is only when he pulls a muscle in his arm that he’s forced to pass the whip on to Georg.

Georg is more merciful than Anlaf but still delivers more than enough lashes to get the point across. The next in line, Herman, is twice Hans’s size and could probably kill him without even trying. As Georg hands him the whip, Helga is jarred into action. Hans braces for the pain to come, but the lash never falls. The taunts have stopped and the crowd is silent. He looks back to see the gray-eyed guard standing between him and Herman. They struggle for control of the whip, but Hans knows it’s only a matter of time before Herman overpowers the guard. The whip cracks, and the crowd gasps as the guard’s helmet is knocked off, revealing her long blonde hair and a bloody gash across her cheek. No one, including Hans, knew the captain of the guard was a woman!

Herman stares dumbly at the cut he made on Helga’s face, and in the ensuing confusion, she’s able to wrench the whip from his grasp. She orders Klaus and Karl to take Hans back to the dungeons while she has a talk with King Gunther. “And if either of you lay a hand on him, I have a good mind to use this on you!” she warns them, brandishing the whip she just confiscated from Herman. Hans can’t stop staring at the gash on Helga’s face as he’s ushered away. He is shocked that she stopped Herman from beating him and even more so that he actually cares that she did. As the crowd disperses, Helga picks up a dead rose laying near the post where Hans had been chained and recognizes it immediately. She always thought Hans pushed her away because he’d grown tired of her, but seeing that rose makes her doubt that is the whole story.

Back at the castle, King Gunther and Queen Edith are lounging in the throne room when Helga barges in. Edith shows no reaction to the intrusion, but Gunther is surprised to see her, or more accurately, that his other sons have already tired of beating Hans. He notices the cut across her face and demands to know who gave it to her; he is outraged to learn it was Herman. Between Gunther apologizing to Helga and vowing that his son will pay for his actions, Helga can’t get a word in edgewise and practically has to yell that it wasn’t all Herman’s fault; she got that injury trying to stop him from whipping Hans. She believes Gunther couldn’t possibly have sanctioned such a barbaric display and expects him to be angry – or at least surprised by the news. Gunther shows no emotion but scolds Helga for doing such a foolish thing, and she realizes he knew about this all along! Gunther tries to save face with Helga by telling her that the other princes were so appalled by their brother’s actions that they felt they needed to play a part in his punishment, but Helga finally sees the truth: The princes couldn’t care less what happened in Arendelle; they’re only using Hans’s actions to justify their own barbarism.

Helga confronts him, asking him how he could do such a thing to his own son, to which Gunther replies, “Hans is no son of mine.” This only makes her angrier. She continues to argue that not even the king can sever the bonds of blood, that whether Gunther likes it or not he’s still Hans’s father, but her words fall upon deaf ears. Helga notices Queen Edith still sitting placidly on her throne and turns to her instead, believing her parental instinct will surpass Gunther’s. She begs Edith to intervene on Hans’s behalf, but the queen doesn’t move or speak, just stares blankly. The blue heart-shaped stone around her neck rattles and emits a high-pitched whine; Edith gasps, as if trying to speak. Gunther rounds on Helga, poised to strike her, but stops himself just in time. He calls Helga a “poor misguided girl” and says Hans doesn’t deserve her kindness. He tells her that his queen would’ve loved to have a daughter like her, and Helga shrinks back as he tries to stroke her hair. She is disgusted by Gunther’s indiscretion but politely excuses herself. She is trying to process what just happened. Why did King Gunther get so angry when she tried to speak to the queen? What was that strange stone she was wearing, and why was it making those noises?

All Helga’s questions are pushed to the back of her mind as she returns to the dungeons to find Hans back in his cell. She thanks Klaus and Karl for following her instructions, then orders them to fetch supplies so she can treat Hans’s wounds. They look at her like she’s nuts but, for once, don’t argue. Once Klaus and Karl are gone, Helga gives the rose back to Hans. This is the first time since his imprisonment that he’s had a good look at her face; he knows her immediately. The sight of Hans’s injury makes Helga cry, and she has to turn away to keep her tears from splashing onto his wounds as she bandages them. Hans hates to see her cry; it makes him feel something he doesn’t understand. He also doesn’t understand why she put herself on the line for him when there was nothing she could gain in return.

When he asks her, she misunderstands, thinking he’s asking why she tended to his wounds, and says she couldn’t just let him die of infection. It’s only when he traces the path of the gash on her cheek that she understands his meaning. Helga forces herself to pull away from Hans’s touch, and she has to fight to keep from becoming lost in his eyes. She is frightened to realize that Klaus and Karl were right all along; she does love Hans! Helga comes dangerously close to saying the wrong thing but answers Hans’s question by saying, “it just wasn’t right.” As she leaves him alone in his cell, Hans tries to finalize his escape plan, but all he can think about is Helga. He’s sure he must be going insane, but little does he know, his frozen heart is beginning to thaw. (Song: All I’ve Ever Known)
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Source: me
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Source: disneyislifeok
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Source: cruella
The concept art of the stars
The concept art of the stars
This is the fourth win by my con-runner KataraLover, and his second win for his story "From Paws To Thumb", which also won for best character development. So with without further ado lets get on with his interview.

How does it feel to win your fourth round?

It feels absolutely AMAZING! I wasn’t sure if I’d win another round after winning best character development because AaronHaley4ever has been dominating this contest since the very beginning, so it’s hard to think you’d win any more rounds when such a brilliant story has been winning a lot of rounds.

Are you at all surprised that you...
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added by AaronHaley4ever
added by AaronHaley4ever