Fear The Elephant Cab Co. Club
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FTE Cab Company, New York

Government agents came to FTE, Mohinder and Adam escaped using an emergency vault exit. West went back to Claire who released Peter as he knew it wasn't safe for her...

West: "Claire!" he shouted as he saw her walking out of a cell with Peter.

Claire: "West! What are you doing here you could of escaped!"

West: "I've come back to rescue you!" Claire smiled at him then hugged him.

Peter: "Who the hell are you! Who are you saving her from! Me!" he said angrily.

West: "Just the government... Thought you may of needed a hand, quickly come with me and escape!"

Peter grabbed Claire...
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posted by Rock_Smurf_77
Peter arrived outside an apartment door and clutching a piece of paper checked the address. He was in the right place. Quickly using Molly’s ability he saw the Hunter and his team were less than 10 minutes away. He knocked. No answer. He knocked again. Still no answer. Using Molly’s power again he double checked. Canning was there. He phased himself through the door and stood in a decrepit hall way. He walked down the hall way to the end where several doorways led off in different directions. As he reached the end he was suddenly whipped off his feet and catapulted down the hallway into...
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Name: Kara Treadstone
Age: 18
P.O.B: San Jose, California
Location: San Diego, California
Power: Astral Projection

Though she does not know it, Kara is the biological cousin of Molly Walker. She was put up for adoption at birth and her real parents have since died.

Kara Treadstone's Prologue

Throughout her life, Kara has often dreamt of walking around her home and neighbourhood when she's asleep, but when she wakes it always seems to have just been a dream. Until one night, she dreamt of her foster mother being attacked in the street. She rushes to help, but neither her mother or the attacker...
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posted by want2watcheroes
Calum & Alex, an island off New York

Calum had just knocked out a guard in Alex's cell and took his keys and cards. Alex was able to unchain himself with one of the keys, now they were off to rescue everyone else...

Calum: "Okay. I think your in the low level security section of this prison. There is only one other guard here in this part... I think." then they heard a guard walking up the corridor to inspect why the other guard is taking so long to get Alex to the toilet. Calum then said "The other guard is coming..." Calum morphed back into a gorilla and as the other guard came in he launched...
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posted by want2watcheroes
FTE Cab Company, The Cells

Adam rushed over to Mohinder, West and Claire and told them there was a problem.

Mohinder: "What? What are you talking about?"

Adam: "There's squad of agents up there, with guns, telling everyone to get on the ground... I doubt these are Fares To Everywhere employees..."

Mohinder: "Oh no! What are we going to do?"

Adam: "Well is there any emergency exits?"

Mohinder: "Oh! Yes there is, good idea. There's one that leads to some special underground sewers thing. Come with me!" they followed rushed with Mohinder to this exit they were heading to, except Claire...

West: "Claire...
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posted by want2watcheroes
FTE Cab Company, Cells

Adam just put his overalls on and waited by the door of his cell. He then said "You need me for something right? Let me out!" and he his cell door opened. He walked out and over to Mohinder "Where am I? Pinehearst? I would like to speak with Arthur Petrelli..."

Mohinder: "No. Pinehearst exploded, Arthur is dead."

Adam: "Hurrah! Saves me killing him, the bastard!!! Well I guess I'm in Primatech then, right?"

Mohinder: "Wrong again, Primatech is no longer an organization."

Adam: "Really? What year am I in!?"

Mohinder: "2009. You have only been dead for a few months..."

Adam: "Okay....
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Character Name: James Robinson
Power: Controls Animals

He has known he has powers for a long time and can use them perfectly. When he is hunted down by Nathan he escapes by getting some stray dogs to attack them attacking. He uses his powers to evade capture and finds himself in chicago.

Character Name: Steve Anderson
Power: To create/manipulate water and turn into water

Working in New york he discovers he has powers and ends up drowning his parents. On the run from the police he flees to chicago.

Character Name: Scott Peterson
Power: Laser Eyes

A new...
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Craig & Calum, FTE Cab in New York

Craig was driving himself and Calum to rescue Tony from an island where Molly located him nearby New York so they were going there...

Calum noticed a box where his feet were so he picked it up and then said to Craig: "What's this?"

Craig: "Oh! It's a box, erh... can you leave it alone please."

Calum: "There's something your not telling me." he said as he opened the box. His eyes opened wider as he saw what was in there.

Craig: "Ah man! I told you not to look in there!"

Calum laughed "So what do you do, just smoke this shit all day!?"

Craig: "I have a reason to..."...
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posted by want2watcheroes
FTE Cab Company, New York

Peter Petrelli and Mohinder Suresh

Peter was telekinetically choking Mohinder and had him up against the wall...

Peter: “Let me...” Peter paused as he raised his other hand. “Let me take your ability...”

Mohinder: “Peter! No, No!” then Peter pointed his finger at Mohinders forehead and was about to telekinetically cut the top of his head off....

Peter: “Be silent, it will all be over soon...” then Peter noticed Mohinder was strangely looking behind him... He turned around and a bullet came firing towards his head! He quickly stopped it telekinetically but...
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Chapter Five
"In Our Hour Of Need"

Mohinder Suresh - Goverment Holding Facility, Outskirts of New York

Mohinder was alone in a dark corridor, lit only by the dim green light from various electronic card readers. This corridor much resembled the one he was in before, except it was much longer. Probably underground, Mohinder thought.

The cells he passed as he made his way through the deserted hallways all seemed to be empty. What was going on? Whatever it was, it was bad.

Just as horrible thoughts began to cross his mind, Mohinder heard someone shout in the distance. Breaking into a run, Mohinder...
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Tracy drove Mohinder back to his apartment in New York after Pinehearst exploded. He thought back on all the bad stuff he had been through since he found out people had abilities and decided to live a normal life, so he decided to become a taxi driver again.

A few days after getting his job as a taxi driver back he picked up a fare that he wish he never. It was a two dodgy looking man with a big sports bag and there hoods up. One put a gun to Mohinders head and told him to take them to a certain bank.

When they go to one of the men came out and the other kept the gun at Mohinders head. Around...
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Chapter Two: Taken

"I'm right here" Joseph assured the elderly woman as he leant closer over her hospital bed to hold her hand.

"You're a good boy" she told him "and a good son.". Her eyes slowly closed and her grip relaxed slightly, giving Joseph a moment's panic before she suddenly sat up and sneezed.

"Bless you" he said, with a half laugh and a relieved smile. His mother looked up and smiled at him as if the mere presence of having her only son with her made her final days worthwhile. She lifted...
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Chapter Five
"Where No Man Has Gone"

Alexis - Unknown Location

"What do you want from me?" Alexis asked the man, who was now staring at her, his arms folded in front of him.

"I hear you've manifested." he stated, with apparent interest. "Care to demonstrate?" As he said this, the two armed guards made an obvious movement as they aimed squarely into Alexis' face.

"I don't know what you mean..." she said evasively, looking at her feet.

"No? Then let me jog your memory" he pulled a mobile phone from the inside of his lab coat and held it up, to show a recording of her impaling one of the men sent to...
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Chapter Three

Maya Herrera and Mohinder Suresh, Somewhere In India

"Calm down" Mohinder advised, in quiet, controlled voice, looking the woman in the face as she lay in the backseat, bleeding and hysterical. She continued to scream as the strange growths pulsated and throbbed on her fingers. "You have to calm down" Mohinder pressed.

She swallowed and closed her eyes, taking some calming breaths, before opening them again to see the green bubbles shrink slightly on her hands. "W-what is this?" she asked Mohinder, trying to inject some calm and composure into her voice.

"I'm not certain"...
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Chapter Two
"No Turning Back"

Mohinder Suresh and Maya Herrera - Bangalore, India

"Why, Mohinder?" Maya burst out suddenly as they sat around a table in silence. She was extremely frustrated with the situation, coupled with worry for the woman now lying in their spare bedroom. Mohinder merely gave Maya a pleading look, as if asking for forgiveness - they knew there was no going back now. "I've been wondering..." she mused, leaning across the table "how did you know to send Ando that note?".

"Simple" Mohinder told her, looking pleased with himself. "I found a boy named Sanjog Lyer - his ability...
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posted by want2watcheroes
Tarun's Hideout

Adam was in his room in Tarun's hideout, sitting on the bed and jotting something down in a little notebook. Then someone knocked at his door. "Come in." said Adam.

In came Santino who walked up to him and said "Adam. I've got a bad feeling that my dad sent Sol to kill you..."

Adam got up from his bed and asked "What gave you this bad feeling?"

Santino answered "I know things, things that not hardly anyone knows. My ability allows me to learn things very quickly and remember things. I know what my dad is like and I can sense something bad with that Sol..."

Adam then said "You know,...
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posted by want2watcheroes
Adam & Mohinder, In a barn in an unknown location

Adam had opened a crate the would lead them underground. Mohinder asked "So, we are going go down there?"

Adam: "No I just wanted you to look at it" he said sarcastically.

Mohinder replied sarcastically back "Oh Ha! Ha! Very funny!"

Then Adam got into the crate and started to go down the ladder. Mohinder followed...


Faustin, Sol, Craig & Tony, Nearby a lake, Unknown Location

Faustin banged on the car as to wake up the rest of them "Come on we are here!"

Tony: "Oh cool! I wanna camp out here!" he said looking out the window seeing the lake...
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posted by want2watcheroes
Mohinder & Adam, backyard of an abandoned house, New York

Adam had told Mohinder that they were going to go India. He then said "We have to meet someone, he can get us to India."

Mohinder: "Who?"

Adam: "You'll see..."


FTE Cab Company, New York

Peter, Claire & West had just got out of the cells section of FTE. There were no Government agents in sight. Claire went towards Mohinders office. Peter said "Where are you going?"

Claire: "I need to get our files. The government will get them otherwise!" she said as she went into Mohinder's office. West and Peter followed.

West said "How are we going...
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Chapter Eight
"What Is And What Should Never Be (Part Two)"

Maya Herrerra - Manhattan, New York

"Who sent you?" Maya demanded as they sat in the van, her gun pointed at his face - she knew she had to think fast as someone would have undoubtedly called the police by now.

"He owed money!" the man said pathetically. This wasn't going to work, Maya thought, so she shot him in both feet and started to drive - sparks flying from the two tireless front wheels.

A few minutes later and they pulled into an alleyway near Mohinder and Eden's apartment block. Maya got out and flung the back doors to the van...
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Chapter Seven
"Judgement's Prelude"

------------------------------------------Present Day-----------------------------------------------
Peter Petrelli - Manhattan, New York

A door burst from it's hinges as Peter Petrelli forced his way into Maya's empty apartment. "Maya?" he called, worried. She had not been seen in weeks since disappearing from the Petrelli Mansion and the Shanti Virus had spread worldwide, to devastating effect. Almost everyone with abilities had caught it in a matter of two weeks. Emergency quarantines had been put in place, but it didn't seem to be working, no one knew how...
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