Forbidden Love Club
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posted by ashesandwine
Daniel and Catherine's lines from when they are saying goodbye are addapted from a portuguese song called Gaivota (seagull in english) and the singer is called Amália.
If you want to hear it here it goes...But I doubt that you understand the song because it's in portuguese:S


"Catherine's POV"

I never really knew what love was until I met him.... I saw the others couples all around the city, around school, but I never thought that could happen to me... But one day... I was walking home after school, I had gone to the market doing an errand for my mother so it was getting a bit late, the night was falling and I heard a sound behind me, I froze... I was so afraid that someone was following me...
I turned around slowly trying to focus, ready to start running if something didn't seem good... I saw a man, I could see that he was really drunk and I saw it in his eyes that he wanted something from me that I didn't wanted to give him, so I started to run. I left everything behind, my backpack, my mother's errand, everything...
I was 50 meters from my house when I fell, I was about to get up when I saw a hand ready to help me. I was afraid that it belong to the drunk man but when I turned my eyes to see who it was, I was speechless... He was so beautiful, his dark brown hair was beautiful arranged in hundreds of tiny curls,his lips were so beautiful that they seemed to scream KISS ME, his almond eyes were little puddles of happiness... I was so lost in them that I didn't even heard when he asked me if I was alright, he had to repeat it twice.... From that moment on, we never let go of each other...

We stood there for hours... Not leating go of each other, we knew that this would be our last time together alone before I had to leave, so we just stood there hoping that this moment would never end... I tryed not to think of what's going to happen in just a few moments, the last kiss... the goodbye kiss...but I had to go, I had to go pack the last things, all our letters, I had to do that without my mother seing it or she would be really mad!
I looked up, and I saw that he was looking at me. He was trying not to cry, I knew that he didn't wanted to let go of me... I got on my tiptoe and kissed him. I let all the love, all the happiness that I still had, all the passion, all the emotions that were runnig through my body at that momment, pass to the kiss. I wanted him to know that no matter what happened I would always love him... I could feel that he did the same thing because as soon as our lips touched, all my fears and all the rage that I had bild up inside of me had just disappeared. I was the first to let go, I looked him in the eyes and said:
"What a perfect heart would beat in my chest, if I could look in your eyes right now and tell you that I can stay with you!" I forced myself not to start to cry...
"If when I say goodbye to you, my life, all the birds of the sky would give me your last look... That look that's only yours, I could die in that exact momment and die a happy man... Your my all life, your my heart, my everything!" I couldn't believe that I loved him so much, hearing those words broke my concentration and the tears started to run down my face...
I broke off from his embrace, shot a last look at him and ran away:
"I love you so much, Daniel... Goodbye"
That was the last time I saw him...

"Daniel's POV"

I felt her broke off of our embrace, I just wanted to cry, I couldn't stand leaving her...
She shot me a last look and ran away... The last think I heard her say to me was:
"I love you so much, Daniel...Goodbye"
"I love you too, my love" I only thought it... I couldn't say it.
I sat there, watching the place through where she had left, I couldn't believe that she was really gone...

"I saw her running, she looked so afraid but no one was running after her, I couldn't understand what she was running from... And then, suddenly, she fell... I walked to her and gave her my hand to help her up, she look up slowly as if she was afraid of me. She looked right into my eyes and I could see just how beutiful hers were, it was like all the beauty in the world was picked up and put in those amazing eyes...
"Are you alright?" I said, still lost in those eyes...
But she didn't answer, afraid that she was in shock I tried it again:
"Are you alright? Did something happen to you?"
At that point she look at me and said:
"Ohhh... I'm sorry, yes I'm fine. I was running from a drunk man" she turned around looking for something. "But I guess I run faster than him."
"I guess so, do you need help? Do you want me to walk you home? My name is Daniel, may I ask what's yours?" I was so curious about her, who is her? I wanted to know her.
"I'm Catherine... I'm close to home now, but I don't mind if you walk with me..." She smile and I fell in love...