Jonathan "Jack" O'Neill Updates

a video was added: Invisible Jack O'Neill over a year ago by StarWanderer
a photo was added: In the middle of my backswing? over a year ago by StarWanderer
a video was added: Conversation with Ba'al over a year ago by StarWanderer
a pop quiz question was added: In which episode did Jack say: "If it was just me I'd agree. But what about Teal'c? Come on! Is this the face of a crazy man?" over a year ago by Fitch
a pop quiz question was added: In which episode did Jack say: "I think in another life I handled dangerous explosives" over a year ago by Fitch
a pop quiz question was added: In which episode did Jack say: "Who cares whose fault it is. You're whole planet is going to blow up. The whole damn planet" over a year ago by Fitch
a pop quiz question was added: In which episode did Jack say: "I've got great confidence in you Carter. Go on to SGC and... confuse Hammond." over a year ago by Fitch
a pop quiz question was added: In which episode did Jack say: "Three days from now's a Thursday. Thursday's not good for us." over a year ago by Fitch
a pop quiz question was added: In which episode did Jack say: "Following still you not!" over a year ago by Fitch
a pop quiz question was added: In which episode did Jack say: "You haven't tried to confuse me with any scientific babble for the last couple of days and that's a red flag to me" over a year ago by Fitch
a pop quiz question was added: In which episode did Jack say: "Hi. Hello. How are you? Long time no see. What's doing? What's up? Hey buddy." over a year ago by Fitch
a pop quiz question was added: In which episode did Jack say: "Who's Your Daddy!" over a year ago by Fitch
a pop quiz question was added: In which episode did Jack say: "I've never had a desk." over a year ago by Fitch
a pop quiz question was added: In which episode did Jack say: "I'm sorry. You said we had a problem, not a big galactic emergency." over a year ago by Fitch
a pop quiz question was added: In which episode did Jack say: "No complaints. I'll take anything I can get: weapons, receivers, silverware." over a year ago by Fitch
a pop quiz question was added: In which episode did Jack say: "You know, it's too bad we can't hook up a joy stick to this thing, give him a little help, backup" over a year ago by Fitch
a pop quiz question was added: In which episode did Jack say: "Regular contact, no exceptions. The second things start getting a little squirrelly... Daniel... squirrelly" over a year ago by Fitch
a pop quiz question was added: In which episode did Jack say: "Let him know what's going on. And don't be afraid to remind him that we've saved his cute little grey bum several times" over a year ago by Fitch
a pop quiz question was added: In which episode did Jack say: "Use two of those things. It's a blast door" over a year ago by Fitch
a pop quiz question was added: In which episode did Jack say: "I'm sorry, but we're not having a memorial service for someone who is not dead." over a year ago by Fitch
a pop quiz question was added: In which episode did Jack say: "You hear that? I'm not buyin' it!" over a year ago by Fitch
a pop quiz question was added: In which episode did Jack say: "There's been a little chit and chat around the water cooler" over a year ago by Fitch
a pop quiz question was added: In which episode did Jack say: "Carter, all I heard was Matrix, and I found those films quite confusing." over a year ago by Fitch
a pop quiz question was added: In which episode did Jack say: "God I miss goin' offworld." over a year ago by Fitch
a pop quiz question was added: In which episode did Jack say: "Well you know love is a strange and mysterious thing" over a year ago by Fitch
a pop quiz question was added: In which episode did Jack say: "I never thought I'd hear myself utter these words. I need that report" over a year ago by Fitch
a pop quiz question was added: In which episode did Jack say: "Alright. Well in the mean time I'll just keep falling" over a year ago by Fitch
a pop quiz question was added: In which episode did Jack say: "Congratulations. Failing upwards I see" over a year ago by Fitch
a pop quiz question was added: In which episode did Jack say: "Well you do have a penchant for pulling brilliant ideas out of your butt - head. Out of your head, when we need them" over a year ago by Fitch
a pop quiz question was added: In which episode did Jack say: "I hope you diplomatically told him where to shove it" over a year ago by Fitch
a pop quiz question was added: In which episode did Jack say: "Look I know this is a massive cliche, but the place is surrounded" over a year ago by Fitch
a pop quiz question was added: In which episode did Jack say: "Carter, over my dead body" over a year ago by Fitch
a pop quiz question was added: In which episode did Jack say: "Hey, I like gas as much as the Next guy" over a year ago by Fitch
a pop quiz question was added: In which episode did Jack say: "And yet it is... humworthy" over a year ago by Fitch
a pop quiz question was added: What is Jack's favourite colour? over a year ago by Fitch
a pop quiz question was added: In which episode did Jack say: "I'm sorry, I must have missed an episode" over a year ago by Fitch
a pop quiz question was added: In which episode did Jack say: "We have a rule here on Earth, every kid has got to have a dog" over a year ago by Fitch
a pop quiz question was added: In which episode did Jack say: "You're eating my dog" over a year ago by Fitch
a pop quiz question was added: In which episode did Jack say: "I expect to be put in your will" over a year ago by Fitch
a pop quiz question was added: In which episode did Jack say: "We've already talked to them. Be there in 30 minutes, or it's free" over a year ago by Fitch
a pop quiz question was added: In which episode did Jack say: "But he also wanted me to tell you the whole invasion of the Tauri idea has been cancelled because of...rain" over a year ago by Fitch
a pop quiz question was added: In which episode did Teal'c call Jack Underling? over a year ago by Fitch
a pop quiz question was added: In which episode did Jack say: "During your special ops training in your world, they cover silence?" over a year ago by Fitch
a pop quiz question was added: Which episode did Jack take Teal'c fishing? over a year ago by Fitch
a pop quiz question was added: In which episode did Jack say: "I'm just a cynical Air Force guy with a closet full of National Geographics" over a year ago by Fitch
a pop quiz question was added: In which episode did Jack say: "Yup plan three, works every time" over a year ago by Fitch
a pop quiz question was added: In which episode did Jack say: "Oh believe it or not you owe your life to a gou'ld" over a year ago by Fitch
a pop quiz question was added: In which episode did Jack say: "Tell us about it over sushi" over a year ago by Fitch
a pop quiz question was added: In which episode did Jack say: "Why, because we have penises?" over a year ago by Fitch
a pop quiz question was added: In which episode did Jack say: "That's what you get for dicking around" over a year ago by Fitch