L,Beyond Birthday,Buck,and fan characters Club
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Source: not mine
BB sets himself on fire
added by goofy21792
added by goofy21792
added by goofy21792
this i laughed at lol
added by Hidan71
Source: not mine
It is now a month since the whole debate with Beyond. Me and L were still a happy couple and me friends were all happy as well. Sarah and Mello were beginning to show signs of liking to each other while Rain and Buck were going strong. Matt and Near are OK too. Near still likes me and is still jealous of L and Matt... well I don't know about him that much. It was an average Saturday morning with the sun shining bright like always and me laying next to L. I opened my dark brown eyes in sleepiness and looked at my still sleeping boyfriend. I smiled and sat up quietly, stretching. His eyes opened...
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added by Lawli-gagger
Source: google serch?
added by goofy21792
OK NOW THIS VID WAS AWESOME!!!! Although I dont like Namine being Mary Jane. Sorry BIG NO HUGE Roxas FAN-GIRL!!!!
posted by PUNKMUNK
wen i fell down the hill and Buck caught and held me!<3 i drawed it!you like?
wen i fell down the hill and Buck caught and held me!<3 i drawed it!you like?
I was counting minutes as they passed.Suddenly my stomach let out loud growl."Are you hungry?"Tony asked."A bit."I answered bluntly.He walked over to a corner and pulled out a vine.And tied it around my neck.After,he moved the boulder that blocked me in."Broad daylight!"I said.I was taken to a stream and I tried catching fish,but went looking for berries instead.An hour later,back to the cave.I brougt a few berries back and started eating silently.*I miss Buck.*I thought again.I was even making my teeth have an underbite like Bucks,I wanted anything of him.Because of it,my bottom fangs were...
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added by Hidan71
Source: not mine
posted by PUNKMUNK
I started off home,an exited grin on my face.*1:im exited to tell Buck im pregnant!2:Buck will be the first I tell.3:I am going to be a control freak about the kits,I cant let Nikoli go through all that again!*I thought to myself.About halfway back,I was still lost in thought,and didnt pay attention to my surroundings.I came by the entrance of the cave,and a hand shot out at me.It was covered in a paste,I dont know wot it was made of,but it was pungeant,and it knocked me out.Minutes passed,hours,and I woke.In a dark,damp,smelly cave."TONY!"I yelled.I knew this was his idea,kidnapping me,trapping...
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We reached the hotel in less than 15 minutes. Whammy got out and walked over to my door. He opened it before I got the chance and me and L stepped out. We walked inside and headed to our room. When we got to it we walked in and I collapsed onto the couch. L fell to and hugged around me when he did. I smiled and kissed his sweet tasting lips. I gasped when I felt something wet and plump enter my mouth. L's tongue started exploring,not leaving one corner untouched. When he finished he pulled away and was smiling. I stared,a shocked look on my face. He pulled me close and set his head on mine....
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added by goofy21792
I like this vid so thought id put it on lol
I woke up laying on a cold bed with no sheets or anything.I sat up and looked around.I gasped a little.Beyond was sitting on a chair at the end of the bed,his arms folded on the back and his head resting on his arms.He stared at me with red eyes that had small circles under them like L's and a smile was on his face.He looked amused."You sleep very peacefully."He said turning his head so the side of his face rested on his arms.I backed away as far as I could before I hit the wall.I stared at him,shaking."Why...why am I...where am I?And why did you break into our hotel room and take me?"I asked,fear...
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It was a normal sunny day in Twilight Town.People went and bought things,watched struggle battles,and kids ate ice-cream.They were all normal somebodies,except for two black cloak wearing nobodies sitting on the clock tower.Their names were Axel and Roxas.They went and sat up there everyday,eating sea salt ice-cream and joking around.They were best friends and always would be.While they ate their ice-cream they discussed about the big mission they were told about."Man,why does Xemnas choose us to go on this mission?"Axel asked his best friend.Roxas shrugged."I don't know.At least we get out...
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posted by PUNKMUNK
I could see Tony,tied up and cowering in a corner.I sat up in my grass cast.*Pathetic!*I thought to myself."Wot are we goin' ta do with 'im?"Nikoli asked.I walked over to Tony,nelt down at his level."Will you leave us alone,never return,and stay in the other world?"I asked.It looked like he had to think about it first."Yea,sure."he didnt sound to excited to be leaving.I grabbed his tail and started dragging him out.I loosened the knot around him.And stood back as he shook himself free."Exits thataway!"I pointed near a group of blueberry bushes and a trail to lead him back.I watched until he...
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L explained it all to me.Murders,threats,so much I would rather not listen to.Yet I did.When L finished he said,"That's why I was saying he wasn't innocent and hiding you from him."I nodded understanding.I fell asleep uneasily.I then heard something like locks unlocking and a door opening.I got out of bed and walked out into the living room.I ducked behind a chair and looked towards the door.I quietly gasped.IT WAS BEYOND!!!He walked and shut the door silently.He then started looking around.He looked into mine and L's room.He then looked around the kitchen.He was now investegating the living...
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posted by PUNKMUNK
The day after yesterday.Ill remember it forever.Not because of wat happened.But because of wat would be to come.I woke up and looked at Buck."Sleeping like a rock."I joked to myself."Rocks don'sleep."Buck said.It surpised me,I thougt he was still asleep."Im goin up to see Nikoli and the kits.Be back soon,k?"I asked.""Rite.See you wen you get back,mate."he said to me.I was about 2 meters away from Nikolis,but out of some nearby bushes,a smell wafted by.An unpleasent one."Wot on-hey!"I screamed,as a pair of hands grabbed me and covered my mouth.I didnt know wat was going on,or who was taking...
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posted by PUNKMUNK
It was about a week after Mason became paralyzed.Mason was able to move around,go fishing,and many other things."So you say hell be fine?"I asked Buck."Well,of course.I bet Mason could make it.""I guess,it just worries me,wat if Mason needs to climb a tree,run,swim,how would he?"I asked."I guess only time will tell."Buck told me.I went out later to find fruit,and Aspen came to."Wat are you guys gonna do about Mason?"she asked."Wattya mean?"I asked back."I mean will he ever walk again,is wat I mean."she told me."Umm,maybe,maybe....not."I wispered."Wy dont we just find some bananas,or get some...
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posted by goofy21792
*Buzz,buzz,buzz*went the alarm clock.It ended with the button getting slammed on.The person who slammed on it threw the covers off herself as she stood up and stretched.Her name was Carly.She was a normal girl although her school wasn't.Her school was full of vampires.Each vampire was part of a clan.Her school had at least a dozen vampire clans.She was one of the only ones that didn't want them there.As she got out of bed Carly went over to her closet and picked out her outfit.She then threw it on and walked out of her room.She walked as slow as she could down the stairs.She didn't want to...
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added by goofy21792
L is White,smart and AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!