Meg Masters Club
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Dean and Sam rushed into the hospital, to the reception room. “Hi, my friend was brought in here” “What’s your friend’s condition?” the receptionist asked. “Eh” Dean hesitated, looking at Sam.
“Sam! Dean!”
The Winchesters turned around and saw Anna running their way. “Come with me, I know where he is” she said. She turned around again and Sam and Dean followed her. “I found him lying in the middle of a crossroad, bleeding badly. I’ve been having this bad feeling all day and I’m so furious with myself that I didn’t look for him sooner”
She stopped at a door....
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Sam was back at the motel, when the door opened and Ellen and Jo came in. Sam looked up and his eyes widened. “Jo” he sighed relieved. He walked to her and threw his arms around her. “You’re alive, thank God”
“Yeah” Jo said, tapping Sam’s shoulder.
Sam scratched his neck. “Eh, do you want some coffee? I can make some” he suggested.
“No, don’t bother, we’re good” Ellen said.
“It’s no bother” Sam said. “I was going to make some anyway” And thus he walked to the kitchen.
“Where’s Dean? I’d like to see him. He wasn’t in his room anymore” Jo said.
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Cas took Ellen’s arm and disappeared. He landed in the ICU, next to Jo’s bed.
“Warn me if someone’s coming. I don’t know how long this will take” Cas said dispassionately. Ellen nodded and walked to the door. She opened it and walked outside.
Cas sank down on the bed and lay his hands on both Jo’s temples. He closed his eyes and prayed for Jo to open her eyes.
And she did. At first everything was a blur. She reached out her hand and touched Cas’ face. “Dean?” she mumbled weak. When Cas’ face became clearer she withdrew her hand. “I’m sorry”
Cas didn’t reply, but...
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“If I have to die, so will you” Zoey said.
“No one has to die, moron!” Dean yelled angry. “Put the fire out, open the door, do something!”
Zoey shook her head. “I can’t. Crowley will kill me, if I let you go”
“He’ll kill you either way” Dean snapped.
“Well, if Cas doesn’t love me I don’t care” Zoey exclaimed crying.
They heard a noise and looked aside. Cas opened his eyes and frowned.
“Dean?” he said hoarse.
“I’m here” Dean said, quickly walking to Cas. He helped Cas sit up and supported his back. He looked from Cas’ injuries to Zoey. “If you really love him, you’ll let him go”
Zoey shook her head.
Cas put his fingers in his blood and painted a sigil on the floor. He poked Dean and nodded weak at the bloody sign.
“What is it?” Zoey wanted to know.
But Dean put his hand on the sigil and he and Cas vanished in a blinding light.
Daphne and Dean were standing in the woods.
“There. That’s where it happened” Daphne pointed at the lake. “I’m sorry, I’m not going any closer”
“I think we should” Dean said insensitive. He grabbed Daphne’s arm again and pulled her to the lake. “Now, tell me what happened”
“He drowned, that’s what happened!” Daphne yelled. “I was supposed to look after him, but I failed”
“That’s the story Zoey told you” Dean said. “Is there someone else who could tell you what happened?”
“No, of course not” Daphne said irritated. “Unless you count Martin, but he’s-”...
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“Gerard committed suicide last night” Zoey said. “I found him hanging in our bedroom”
Daphne covered her mouth. “Oh my God, that’s…awful” she said

Daphne threw her arms around Zoey and Zoey faked a few tears and sobs. She pushed Daphne away and said she had to tell Alexia. She put her purse on the dresser, knowing Daphne would see the letter and be too curious to leave it where it is.
And indeed, a minute later, Daphne stormed outside, hysterically crying how everything was her fault.
Zoey walked back inside, trusting Daphne would need some time to calm down. She opened Daphne’s computer and connected a portable hard drive to it. The hard drive contained a fake video of Cas doing things with Alexia.
Zoey copied the video to Daphne’s files and then removed the hard drive. She closed the computer and called Alexia.
“Let’s go, Lex” she said. “We’re going to your grandparents”
Daphne lifted one of the table legs that had broken off of the living table and walked behind Mitch.She lifted the leg and smashed it down on Mitch’ head. He dropped on the floor and blood dripped out of his head.

Daphne parked her car in front of Castle Café. She got out of her car and dragged Mitch to the front porch. She dropped him there and walked back to her car and drove away.
A few seconds later another car opened and Zoey walked to the Castle Café.
“Hey, are you alright?” she asked.
“Aah” said Mitch groaning, who could barely keep his eyes open. “Your sister bashed my head....
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It was evening in Colorado, but Alexia was still wide awake. Her grandparents were gone to bed and her mother was making coco for the two of them. Normally Alexia should be in bed by now and the way her mother had been acting so nice, too nice, alarmed the four year old.
Zoey turned around and put the two hot cups of coco on the table.
“Mommy, what is going on?” Alexia asked serious.
Zoey sipped from her coco. Then she looked up.
“You know that uncle Emmanuel was on the news this morning” she said.
“Yeah, but they called him Castiel” Alexia recalled the morning news.
“That’s because...
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Cas examined the rectangle he had found on the floor of his cell. There had been a note on it. ‘A present from Meg. Use it when you need me’
A strange warmth filled Cas’ heart as he read the note over and over again as if it were a love letter. Somewhere behind all that tough acting Meg cared for him. He knew that now and when he got out he would find her and convince her to give him another chance. He wouldn’t be so needy anymore, he wouldn’t…chase her like a lost puppy.
“I’m starting to think someone wrote a novel on that small piece of paper” a British voice said.
Cas looked...
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A tensing silence filled the motel room. Jo wanted Dean to talk to her, but Dean just wanted to get drunk and Sam was on his laptop, pretending to be busy.
“How’s your injury? You want me to check it?” Jo tried carefully.
“What?” Dean snapped. Then his face softened. “Oh…no. But, thanks for the offer”
Sam closed his laptop. “I know this might be inappropriate, but maybe we should leave this place until everything falls into place again”
“Things don’t just fall into place” Dean said angry and stressed out. “That’s why we where born. To make them fall into place. I can’t...
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It was visiting hour in prison and a guard told Cas someone wanted to see him. Cas expected to see Dean or Sam, but when he entered the visitors room it was Zoey who waved at him discreetly.
The guard brought him to the table and then withdrew himself. Cas sat down.
“Hi, Emmanuel” Zoey said full of compassion. “I’m sorry. Castiel, right? Daphne told me you found out who you are. How do you like your new old life?”
Cas looked around him, then back at Zoey and let his shoulders hang.
“I’m sorry. That was a stupid question” Zoey said.
“What are you doing here?” Cas wondered. “Why...
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A guard brought Cas to a hearing room and pushed him down on a chair.
“Next time you do that I’ll have to report it to your superiors” a man said in the doorway. He was wearing a suit and carried a small suitcase in his left hand. “But today I’ll just blame it to your lack of experience”
The guard growled something.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t catch that last one, but please don’t bother repeating yourself. We won’t need you in our conversation, so you can go” the man said. “Through that door”
The guard walked outside and slammed the door.
“He’s got a temper” the man said,...
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The next morning.
Zoey was talking with the mortician, while Alexia was watching cartoons. At least Zoey was under the impression Alexia was watching cartoons. Until her little girl let out a shriek.
Zoey, scared something had happened to Alexia, jumped up and ran into the sitting room. Alexia was staring at the screen.
“Lex, what’s going on? You almost gave mommy a heart attack” Zoey said and swallowed a few times to calm down.
“Mommy, come look” Alexia said breathless. “Uncle Emmanuel is on TV”
Zoey rushed to the television and increased the volume.
“Last night the police arrested a man named Castiel for the abuse of a four year old girl” the newsreader said.
“Alexia, go play outside” Zoey said trembling.
“Why do they call him Castiel, mommy? His name’s Emmanuel” Alexia said confused.
“Now!” Zoey yelled and Alexia ran outside.
It was night and visiting hours were long over, but that didn’t stop Dean from checking on his best friend.
Cas was sitting on the cold floor, his head buried in his knees, trying to make himself as small as possible.
Dean, always armed with a lighter, made some light, because it was pitchdark.
“Hello, in there” he said a little nervous.
“Go away” Cas said hoarse.
“Sure, I’ll wait for you outside” Dean said confident.
“Then you can wait for a very long time” Cas said. “Because I’m not coming”
“Why not?” Dean asked a bit frustrated. “This isn’t about Meg, is it?”...
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“What the hell happened to you?” Sam exclaimed.
“Someone was shooting at us” Jo explained agitated. Dean was leaning on her and he was starting to become heavy. Cas rushed to them and took over.
“Thank you” Jo said.
“Where is it that you’re injured?” Cas asked. “Then I’ll heal you”
Dean shot a long look at Jo and then looked at Cas. “No” he said slowly. “I’m not that hurt. The bullet just missed me, it’s just a scratch. Jo can take care of me”
Jo frowned, but nodded in agreement.
Dean shot a meaningful glance at Sam, knowing Cas wouldn’t understand. Sam grabbed...
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A couple of hours later Zoey left with Alexia. Even though she could barely keep herself from falling apart she wasn’t going to leave her daughter, the person she loved the most, with a mentally ill sister. That would be very irresponsible.
And so Daphne was all alone now. She tried to comprehend the fact that Gerard had taken his own life. Hadn’t Daphne told Zoey to leave so she could be with her family?
It’s not my fault, Daphne defended herself in silence, I didn’t ask Zoey to live with me and abandon her family for three months.
Well, that’s rather ungrateful, a small voice in her...
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The next morning
Dean was driving the Impala and there was no music playing for a change. The cassette tape player didn’t work. Instead the radio was playing.
“What station is that? Music’s awful” Jo complained. Dean changed the station, but it jumped back on the previous one.
“That’s not a good sign” Sam said slowly.
The music stopped and a voice was heard.
“Last night a woman named Lucy Dickinson was murdered in the Nite Owl Restaurant. Her insides were ripped out. There are no suspects thus far”
The music played again.
“Lucy Dickinson is the waitress we met last night”...
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“Hello, Meg”
Meg was sitting in the dark, but she could see perfectly well who was staring at her.
“You seem a little…trapped”
“And you seem a little…not yourself” Meg noted. “What did he do to you?”
A smile appeared on Kevin’s face. “You make it sound like he’s been awful to me” he said. “But Crowley’s like a father to me. He won’t let any demon near me and he helps me control my powers. He’s making sure my mother’s safe. Meeting him was the best thing that could’ve happened to me. I don’t have to be afraid anymore”
“Wow, I’m touched” Meg said...
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Evening came and Dean parked his car at the Nite Owl Restaurant.
“Why are we stopping?” Cas asked. He wanted Dean to keep on driving.
“Because I’m starving” Dean said short. He unfastened his belt and got out of the car. Sam and Jo did the same, but Cas didn’t move.
“Are you coming?” Sam asked.
“No, I don’t have to eat” Cas said. “I think I’m going to stay here and wait for you”
“Don’t be so ridiculous” Jo said and she opened the door. Cas understood he had no choice and stepped out of the car.
They entered the restaurant and the manager walked to them. While...
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“That wasn’t very nice, was it?”
Meg looked up. There was a man standing outside her cell and he had a big smile on his face. He examined the ceiling.
“Who are you?” Meg demanded to know.
The man, who spoke with a British accent, raised one eyebrow. “Let me give you a little hint. I saved the two of you from Hell”
“Oh, you’re an angel” Meg said dry.
“You’re welcome” the angel said.
“Are you going to kill me?” Meg wanted to know.
“Are you here to mock me?” Meg asked a little annoyed.
“No” the angel said, seeming to enjoy the situation. “Why don’t...
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