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posted by PopPixie----
The Gnomes' Gold Rush

Scene: Pixieville
Livy: Good morning, Pixieville!
Livy: Mola! I've got a magical invitation for you from Chatta!
Chatta: Hi, Mola! You're invited to my house tonight for a pajama party. Can't wait to see you, you're always so much fun!!
Chatta: Hi, Mola! You're invited to my house tonight for a pajama party.
Mola: Tonight?! But I'm swamped with work! The Gnomes have their traditional gold rush tomorrow and I have to finish restoring the statue of the Old Miner by then!
Gnome Worker: Haahaaaa! "Hard work is the legacy I leave you", said the Old Miner. Hahaaa!
Police #1: Move it! You gnomes have been holding up city traffic all night long!
Police #1: A couple of enchanted signs will NOT help traffic jams!
Rex: Even without our help Pixieville's getting more and more chaotic!
Gnome Worker: Come on, hurry up! Respect the Old Miner's words!
Police #1: I wish the gnomes' passion for gold would make them move faster!
Mola: Come on move it! Or you'll be late for the GOLD RUSH!
Gnome #1: Gold? Gold?! Where? Where?
Gnome #2: Gold?!
Gnome #3: GOLD?! Gold?!
Mola: I just wanted to hurry them up, not make them go crazy!
Gnome #1: Gold?! Gold!
Gnomes: Gold?! Gold!
Gnome #4: Gold?!
Gnome #5: Gold!
Gnome #2: Ahhh! The old miner!
Livy: PopPixie Power! PopPixie of Velocity!
Lenny: This is funny! The gnomes are doing even more damage to the city than we do!
Floxy: We need to find a way to get rid of those Pixies!
Police #1: There's no gold here! You're wasting your time!
Mola: And time is money!
Police #1: If you don't fix the road immediately, I've got a hefty fine here for you!
Police #1: There's a lot to do here, so don't let their Gold Old Passion get to them!
Livy and Mola: Gnomes!
Rex: Gold Old Passion? Good to know...

Scene: Toy Shop
Augustus: Remember, put the cheapest hubcaps on that Pixie Speedster! Rico will help you separate the old puppets from the new ones then we'll sell them later on.
Fixit: Okay.
Fixit: Don't worry, Mister Augustus, it'll...
Livy: Gnomes! What are we gonna do with them... Fixit, here's an invitation for you to Chatta's party!
Fixit: Ohhhh, It seems I already have plans with some friends. Can I do the job tomorrow?
Augustus: "Never postpone you work!" the Old Miner said. Because of the gold rush, I've got to leave the shop to you two lazybones!
Augustus: What's that shiny thing?! Gold!?
Fixit: Gnomes!

Scene: Pixie Plaza
Rollo: Lockette! Lockette! Lockette, why did I find this towel in the washing machine?
Lockette: Because, it's been used!
Rollo: Like the Old Miner said, "A towel can never be used enough!" Here we go, like new! How will you manage my hotel without me tomorrow?!
Livy: Lockette! This is for you. Can I use that, Mr. Rollo?
Lockette: Ahhh! Gnomes!

Scene: Plop & Puop's House
Floxy (micking a gnome): We'd like three Old Miner states.
Puop: Only Gnomes can purchase them.
Floxy (micking a gnome): We are Gnomes! How much are they?
Puop: A Gnome always negotiates before asking the price.
Plop: Aha! Elves!
Rex: "All-present gold, Old Miner, control their mind all the time!"
Rex: Now, the Gnomes will do whatever we want.

Scene: Chatta's House
Chatta: Mola's the only one missing from my pajama party. I hope she gets here soon!
Chatta: Hunh? What are you doing? Are you sleeping? We have to party!
Mola: I'm sorry, Chatta! I'm exhausted, it's all the Gnomes fault.
Lockette, Livy and Fixit: Gnomes!
Chatta: Gnomes! They only think about money, gold and themselves! Huh!
Chatta: Great! Now the gnomes have ruined my party. I wish there were no more gnomes!
Lockette: It's six twenty-five! I'm so late! Mister Rollo's gonna fire me!
Mola: I've got to go to the Gold Rush Inauguration!
Fixit: I'll take you there, C'mon!

Scene: Pixieville
Fixit: The streets are empty this morning!
Mola: There's no Gnomes either. Maybe the Gold Rush has already begun!
Chatta: Great! Now the gnomes have ruined my party. I wish there were no more gnomes!
Chatta: It's thanks to me!
Fixit and Mola: You?
Chatta: Yesterday I wished there were no more Gnomes. I have the power of wishes! Let me show you... I wish I had a zillion bitter Apricot Cakes!
Caramel: Fixit! Move! Ahhhhhhhhh!
Chatta: Extra-bitter, Mmmm!
Fixit: Caramel, why were you driving against the traffic?
Caramel: You should watch where you're going! I just followed the signs!
Police #1: Hey! Hey!
Caramel: What'll I do now? My cakes are ruined!
Mola: We've got a bigger problem! Without the Gnomes controlling the enchanted traffic signs, it's gonna be a madhouse!

Scene: Pixie Plaza
Pixie #1: You haven't found my heart's desire! Mister Rollo told me he'd take care of it personally! I need it!
Pixie #1: My true love!
Guzman: Where have you been? Without Rollo, it's crazy here!
Polecat: These towels are too clean! We're leaving! Wait till Mr. Rollo hears about this!
Lockette: I'd better go, this situation is out of control!

Scene: Pixieville
Livy and Fixit: PopPixie Power!
Livy: Hey, what's going on? Why don't the MagicPops have any energy?
Chatta: Don't worry guys! I wish everything was normal again!
Mola: No time for wishes! We have to do something!
Lockette: We've got to get the Gnomes to interrupt the Gold Rush and come back to town, before it's too late!
Chatta: Do I really wish they were back?
Livy: It's weird how they all disappeared, but it's even weirder that our MagicPops don't work!
Fixit: The power source is the Tree of Life. Maybe that's where the problem is.

Scene: Tree of Life
Lenny: Soon the Gnomes will cut the roots thinking they're digging for gold!
Gnomes: Gold! Gold! Gold!
Rex: Without the Pixies' MagicPop power, we'll be able to take over Pixieville! Faster!
Lockette: Rex and his gang are controlling the Gnomes with those statues!
Livy: We've got to get in there somehow! But it's blocked off!
Rex: Pixie!
Mola: I'll go down and stop the Gnomes. You get the statues!
Rex: Bring me that GOLD nugget!
Lockette: The guests are happy, Mr. Rollo, honest!
Chatta: I wish I had one of those statues!
Fixit: Can't you give us a hand instead of wishing!
Rex: Ugh! Grrrrrrrr! Bad move!
Lockette: Livy! No!
Chatta: Sometimes you need to help luck out a bit.

Scene: Miner
Mola: Oh, no! They're cutting the tree of Life's roots!
Gnomes: GOLD! GOLD!!!!!
Mola: Stop! You can't get there! Drop your tools!

Scene: Tree of Life
Chatta: Get that nugget!
Rex: Ya haven't won yet, Pixies!
Lockette: Look! Mola did it! She saved the Tree of Life!
Narrator: When a Pixie uses her talent for good, the Tree of Life gives her a MagicPop.
Narrator: A magical sphere that can turn a Pixie into a PopPixie!
Narrator: Mola, the PopPixie of Tunnels!
Rex: I'll cut your tree down once and for all!
Floxy: That's it! Now you're gonna get it!
Livy and Fixit: Yeah, Mola! You did it!
Puop: The Old Miner's hidden legacy!
Chatta: Everything is back to normal and the Gnomes got to uphold their tradition!
Mola: Like the Old Miner says, "All that glitters isn't necessarily gold!"
posted by PopPixie----
The Mirror Spell

Scene: Pixieville
Augustus: You again!
Gnome #1: Every morning it's the same story! Wait'll I get my hands on you!
Animal #1: Stop doing that, Maxine!
Maxine: Have a bad day, everyone! Now let's see who else's day I can ruin!

Scene: Lockette's House
Rollo: Lockette! Open up! I know you're in there!
Lockette: 'Kay, I'm coming! Mr. Rollo? What are you doing here?
Rollo: What am I doing here? What are you doing here? Why aren't you at your desk at the Pixie Plaza? Extremely late, plus huge tardiness, times absurd amount of lost time, equals stratospheric cost! You're fired!
Lockette: Wait,...
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posted by PopPixie----
Caramel's Ice Cream Tree

Scene: Pixie Plaza
Chatta: Fixit, honk to let Lockette know we're here.
Fixit: This is a job for my Howl-phone! Listen, it's awesome! Say goodbye to old Honk! Honk! The future of horns is here!
Chatta: Wow! Thanks, Fixit! It's certainly not boring when you're around!
Cherie: Where is Lockette? I don't want to be late for shopping this afternoon!
Lockette: Well, I'm off! Thanks for the break, Mr. Rollo.
Rollo: Remember, Lockette, just ten minutes. Starting from... now! You come back one second late and I'll deduct your salary! You're not paid to rest!

Scene: Car
Lockette: Fixit,...
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posted by PopPixie----
Flying Money

Scene: Pixieville Chronicle
Editor: I must say, Chatta, you've got a real talent for...
Chatta: Are you serious?! You mean it?! You really like my scoops, my articles? I can work here at the Pixieville Chronicle? Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Whoohooo! Yes! Yes!
Editor: Are you finished?
Chatta: Do you want to discuss my contract? Okay! Where do I sign?
Editor: I was trying to say, you have a real talent for digging up USELESS information!
Chatta: U-useless? Could you please be more specific?
Editor: Useless! Stupid! Vapid! Ridiculous! Banal! Phony!
Chatta: Okay, I get it!...
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posted by PopPixie----
Lockette's Secret

Scene: Pixie Plaza
Rollo: Welcome to the Pixie Plaza!
Lockette: Don't worry, I'll take care of it right away! Good morning. How can I help you?
Pixie: I need ice in my room!
Lockette: Guzman!
Rollo: The elevator's for guests only. Use the stairs.
Lockette: What a day! I need some rest!
More guests enter*
Lockette: Guzman!
Rollo: The elevator is for guests only. Use the stairs.
Lockette: Hello?
Lockette's Mom: Hi, Lockette, it's your mom!
Lockette's Dad: And it's me, your loving daddy!
Lockette: Mom? Dad?
Lockette's Mom: We're here in Pixieville! Remember, we promised to come visit you. So...
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posted by PopPixie----
Crazy Weather

Scene: Pixieville
Lockette: I don't know about you guys, but I'm really curious to see this Pixie Cherie's place! The invitation was so cool!
Cherie: Friends! Get out of your doldrums and come to the super mega party of the year! Cherie's VIP's party! See you at Villa Ollivander!
Lockette: Nice, huh? And quite modest!

Scene: Villa Ollivander
Martino: But most of all wealthy, Lockette! Very, very, very wealthy!
Amore: Cherie, huh? She reminds me of someone.
Lulu: Good morning! Welcome everyone! Please come in! Don't make yourselves at home! I'm Lulu, Madame Cherie's personal assistant!...
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posted by PopPixie----
A Pixie Fish

Scene: Love Shop
Livy: Morning everyone! Here's the mail, Otis! Have you got anything for me today, Amore?
Amore: Well, I do have this letter for Ranger Robinson. But I think I'll wait and send it tomorrow.
Livy: You say the same thing everyday! Sooner or later you're gonna make up your mind and send them. You like him! He likes you! It's time to get together already!
Amore: Oh, no! No, no, no!
Robinson: Hello, everybody!
Otis: Ranger Robinson!
Livy: Would you excuse us for a second, Robinson? Do ya feel better now?
Amore: No! What should I do now, huh? What should I do now?
Livy: Why don't...
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posted by PopPixie----
Green Attack

Scene: Tree of Life
Ninfea: My dear Pixieville Pixies, welcome to the celebration! Once again the protection spell will defend us from all outside dangers throughout the year! At this time we'd like to celebrate The Tree of Life! Let's all give thanks to it! An energy flows inside the tree and a sparkle of that power shines in each of its MagicPops! This year more pixies will earn their MagicPop by discovering their talent and using it for good. Caramel, Martino and Amore were the last Pixies to earn a MagicPop!
Pam: And I will be the next one, Ninfea!
Ninfea: Pam?
Pam: I have a special...
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