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posted by Sacred_Love1550
FINALLY, man! I've really missed this story... :(

*Brook's POV*

I was restless in my sleep the whole night. So I wasn't surprised to find awful bags under my eyes when I woke up the next morning.
I got dressed - throwing on my white skirt that rested slightly above my knees, dark brown blouse that had light brown flowers imprinted on it, and my usual brown sandals. I decided to wear my hair up in a ponytail and put on a bit of make-up to try and conceal the bags under my eyes.
I went to the kitchen wearing my brown bag over my shoulder. Aunt Linda saw me.
"Oh, if your going out, Brook can you grab a few things for me? Here's a short list," she said, handing me a small slip of paper.
"Sure Aunt Linda, I won't be out long," I promised.
She waved her hand dismissively at me. "Take your time Brooky!" she said encouragingly, and I smiled and left the house, and soon the village.

It wasn't that far of a walk to Piedmont, and the road was very familiar to me. I use to go to this small town all the time with my mother and father before my mom died. . . and now I go every once and awhile, and usually only to the library there.
I knew Karim would be able to follow my scent into the library since he's a vampire.
I sat at a secluded table in the back of the reading section, I reached into my bag to pull out something that I always carry with me.
A picture of my mom. I look just like her, she was smiling, and it lit up her beautiful olive face. Her oak brown eyes were framed with thick lashes and then she had a head of thick medium-brown hair that flowed in waves to her waist line. She was wearing a very ceremonial light brown dress that signified her role as the wife of the Chief of our tribe.
Every time I look at this picture it reminds me of how very much I miss her. My memories from my childhood were extraordinarily sharp, defined - like I was watching my past play like a movie in my mind.
I was so wrapped in my thoughts that I didn't even hear him sit down in front of me.
"I didn't mean to startle you," he apologized when I jumped slightly at his sudden appearance. I gazed at him, into his brooding sky-blue eyes that quickly made me forget all about the pain and hurt of losing my mother. . . "Is this seat taken?" he asked in his cordial voice, giving me that full-faced smile of his.
"Oh, no, not at all," I said in response to his question, smiling with him.
How was he able to bring me out of my deep, depressed reprieve? But I'm sure anything is possible with him.

Plz comment and rate! ^_^
posted by Sacred_Love1550
I hope you like this, this chapter was emotional for me!

*Brook's POV*

I was missing him already, being away from him made my heart ache. I missed his unique, shining hair. . . his brooding sky blue eyes that could see straight through me. . . all of his impossibly beautiful complexions and especially his smile that always stops me mid-thought.
I groaned and sat up from my small, cozy bed. Well thinking about him isn't going to help anything!
I decided to head out of my room and join Aunt Linda in the kitchen.
"Hi Aunt Linda!" I said in my best cheerful voice as I entered the kitchen and saw her...
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I decided to put in an Alice POV too, I hope I make you guys proud! ^_^

*Edward's POV*

Esme went to Bella and they shared a moment together.
Edward, there is still very much we need to learn about Bella. But I'm not going to force her into telling us, I'd prefer her to do that on her own time, allow her to trust us more. Carlisle thought, and I nodded.
You want her to stay. He confirmed, not asking it as a question because he already knew the truth. Yes, I want Bella to stay. Here, with me.
Esme walked with Bella over to where we all stood.
"I have to say that you kicked some ass out there!" Emmett...
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posted by Sacred_Love1550
Here is the next chapter... Plz read and comment!
Enjoy! ^_^

*2 weeks later. . .

*Alice's POV*

I was out hunting with Jasper in Alaska near the house that the Denali's were letting us stay in.
Edward left as soon as we arrived, and I was the only one who knew that he was in South America . . . dwiddling away in an old attic.
He made me promise him that I wouldn't keep tabs on Bella, and so far I've honored that promise.
But I cannot control what I see.

I had just drained a large elk when it suddenly came to me. A vision. And it was one about Bella - the first one in months.
I saw her and she looked...
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YAY! I don't know why, but I really liked this chapter so I hope you guys do too! ^_^

*Brook's POV*

We walked hand-in-hand down the blissful streets of sunny Piedmont. We talked about everything, from our likes to dislikes, to his most favorite siblings and his vampire mother.
"Karim. . . how can you be out in sunlight? I thought vampires burn up in the sun." I said, he always fell into pace with me, though I knew I must be slowing him down.
He gazed into my eyes, his blue eyes piercing and his precious smile elated. "You are not the first person to ask this. Many of our kind question our logics...
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posted by Sacred_Love1550
Thx a whole bunch for everyone's comments, that's the most I've ever gotten and probably will ever get! ^_^

*1 week later...*

"Lala, are you ready for your bath?" I asked her as I rose up from the couch in my living room.
She had been reading a children's book full of illustrations quietly - another quirk, she preferred a book over a toy.
She looked up at me with a bright smile - I was the only one she seemed to open up to over the past week.
"Bath?" she inquired in her childish voice that always makes me smile.
"Yep, it's time to get clean!" I said, picking her up and taking her to the bathroom....
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posted by Sacred_Love1550
Undying Love
Undying Love
Hip hip hooray!!! Grand ol' Ch.10!!! ^_^

*Karim's POV*

She had been saddened by something, I was sure of it, but I'm glad to see that she has come out of it.
This sweet, beautiful girl did not deserve any level of sadness or pain.
Then I noticed the small photo that she was holding and I grew extremely curious.
"What is that that you're holding?" I asked, pointing to it and she gazed down at it.
"Oh. . . just a picture of my mother," she softly replied.
"May I see it?" I asked tentavely, and she gazed back at me.
"Sure. . ." she murmured, seeming distracted about something, and handed me the picture....
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posted by Sacred_Love1550
Not really much to say... other than I hope you enjoy it! ^_^

*Bella's POV*

I can't believe all the tears I had shed. . . they were more than I had ever shed in a very long time.
Edward began comforting me, which I graciously accepted, but now it was time to finish my story so I could move on.
"The worst part of it was. . . I never got the chance to tell them goodbye before they all passed away, never got the chance to let them know that I was alive, that I wasn't killed, just taken against my will." I took a deep, calming breath. "But then I figured, maybe I did die. The old, mortal Bella that...
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Skillet touched my heart with this heartfelt song as it reminded me of what Bella went through before she met the Cullens in DNE, anyways, plz listen to the lyrics and I hope they touch your heart as they did mine. <3
music video
posted by Sacred_Love1550
I will write a chapter of Undying Love later for you guys! ^_^

*Edward's POV*

In all of my existence I have never seen someone in so much pain. Who has lived through unimagineable pain, and is still existing to this day.
Bella Swan has, and now she was sharing her story with us. A story of how she came to become an immortal being, which in fact transpired vampires. . .
It was a story that took on a forbidden-like quality. Children taken from their families by these cruel, unforgivable scientists who experimented on them. . . on Bella. I might not can read her mind - for it has become inaccessible...
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WOW, my 30th chapter!!! I want to thank YOU guys for all of your wonderful comments that makes my day even when I'm feeling sick:( I stole a lot from the book Betrayed in the HON series, I cried my eyes out and while writing this, I cried my eyes out too!

Previously on Ch.29:

"In all my existence, I would have to say that dying from the Change as a child would have to be the worst possible death - partly because you never expected when your body would reject the Change." My voice dropped, and my eyes fell to my hands that were on my lap.
"Which brings me to how I met a girl named Addy."

Now, Ch.30:...
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Here's part two! I hope I don't disappoint ya'll!

Previously on Ch.28:

This was the part of my memory I'd rather choose to forget.
Edward saw my hesitation and put a comforting warm hand on mine.
"What did these people do to you and the other children Bella?" he asked, an unnameable emotion burning in his golden eyes.
"They experimented on us."

Now, Ch.29:

"They WHAT?!" Both Edward and Alice asked at the same time, both shocked and furious.
I ignored their emotions and settled into my own.
"The scientists wanted to create a vast army of immortals so that they could rule the world. Immortality only lied...
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posted by Sacred_Love1550
So sorry this came out late, but I was gone yesterday with a friend of mine for Halloween, here's chapter 7 in Karim's POV! ^_^

*Karim's POV*

I ventured out of the castle at nightfall and headed to the same place where I met her. My someone.
While I had been away from my unknown beauty I missed her deeply so; as if I have known her forever. . . But I suppose that's just how that vampire trait works.
Once when my brother Alfred - who has found his someone - had to be away from his beloved vampire bride, he would mope around like a zombie throughout our old castle. His personality is outgoing, rather...
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Hey! So I was suppose to actually put a part of this in the last chapter, but totally forgot to!:P So now, this chapter is extra longer... And I dedicate this chapter to my little brother, Cody, who passed away February 10, 1998.

Previously on Ch.27:

"We need to take Bella back yo our house before she wakes up, then she will. . . explain her story to us," Alice spoke after coming out of her vision.
I nodded, and, ignoring Rosalie all together, I picked my love up into my arms and ran straight home with my family close behind.

Now, Ch.28:

"Her wounds are healing at extraordinary speed," Carlisle...
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posted by Sacred_Love1550
Sorry about the wait but I'm working on more chapters of Undying Love, and my project. Enjoy! ^_^

*Bella's POV*

I was lying on the forest floor in my own blood, disgusting really, but it simply could not be.
They know my secret.
Parts of my left side had been brutally scarred by the dragon's claws when I completely dropped my guard after seeing the Cullens right there on the battleground. My battleground.
And then the dragon released its fury upon them with an angry burst of flames and I just ran to them, not even thinking about my actions. In fact, the only thing I was thinking was, You must protect...
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added by Sacred_Love1550
An AWESOME music video that I think would be really good for my story: Dawn of a New Era ^_^
music video
Here is part one of the big discovery!!! ^_^

Previously on Ch.24:
*Alice's POV*
"Fine," he said, walking away from me."I'll go ahead and take everyone home. See you later."
"See you later," I said back, and made my way to Bella's truck.

Now, Ch.25:

The door was unlocked so I hopped in and threw Bella's homework for the day on the passenger seat.
The keys were in the ignition - just as I had predicted. It wasn't very smart to leave your keys in the ignition but then again, who would want to steal this?
Smiling to myself, I started the vehicle and drove out of the parking lot.

On the way to Bella's home...
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posted by Sacred_Love1550
Sorry this one's short but it leads up to some soon-to-be LONG chapters in which they find out Bella's true identity, an immortal being... but for now, plz enjoy this little bit! ^_^

*Bella's POV*

Why hadn't I put those relics up? They had just brought up my past even more, and then I had to lie about them to Edward! Though it wasn't completely a lie. . . part of it was true.
I swayed when the pain of the gars poison-like-venom came back to me - something no kind of medicine could ever completely vanquish.
I raced up to my room - which wasn't that big - and collapsed unto my twin-sized bed. I curled...
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posted by Sacred_Love1550
Undying Love
Undying Love
Okay here's my second story and I hope everyone will read and like it. It's not a Twilight saga fanfiction - it's something I totally created. I got the inspiration to write it from reading ashesandwine's Forbidden Love, and she so kindly let me use "Lovers..." for the preface. Love you!


Embraced in the middle of nowhere... Nothing but themselves, surrounded by the unknown, by forgotten fear and overthrown grief...
The forgotten pain waiting in the distance (not as fair as it should be) for a new opportunity, awaiting for an inopportune moment that makes it come back! There's no change,...
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posted by Sacred_Love1550
Thanks so much for all of your amazing comments and ratings! Enjoy! ^_^

Previously on Ch.17:
*Bella's POV*
I carefully raced to my truck and almost ripped the door off in my rush. I retrieved my daggers from the secret department I made underneath my seat, and shut the door.
Being careful of anyone seeing me, I slipped into the nearby woods and let the rain hit me as I ran at inhuman velocity to the monsters that I would slay.

Now, Ch.18:

It was a few miles from the school where the gars lay in wait. It would of only took them three minutes to get to the school full of innocent children and slaughter...
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posted by Sacred_Love1550
Yay! I have 100 fans on my profile page! ^_^ And I thought I'd celebrate by giving ya'll another chapter!

*Bella's POV*

Gars, and lots of them were in the woods outside the school. In a matter of minutes, they would all swarm the school and kill and eat every single human being here. I could not let that happen.
"Would you please excuse me for a few minutes?" I asked all of them as I got up, my posture rigid.
"Bella -" Edward murmured but I was already walking away, and out the door and into the dangerous outside world.
Before I could swiftly escape at inhuman speed to the threat, Alice and Edward...
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