Scourge The Hedgehog Club
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posted by Hellowittykitty
Scourge the Hedgehog. Three things to describe him:
1. Bad
2. Different
3. Mean!

Some people call him the "Scourge of the Human Race" or some other junky name similar to that. But very few people call him a rapist. (This is the first time I use sexual slang in my articles DX. I had to!) But one cat actually WANTED some share of the lust. Scourge knew this girl noticed him every time he appeared a few feet from her. Scourge had his eyes on her for a while, but doing something with her felt....wrong somehow. So he just waited until she told him how she felt about their current relationship. But when Scourge finally realized their current status wasn't going to go up, he planned for an attempted kidnapping. And today was when it was going to happen. Right now at 6:03 p.m.

Blaze the cat was coming home from her stroll. Her best friend, Silver the hedgehog, was going to take her to a poker place tonight. She didn't want to be late, but she didn't want to be early either. Scourge the hedgehog was close behind her, but out of plain view. Blaze hummed a sweet, soft lullaby to the tune of "Dimensional Shift" from BlazeBlue. She wore a plain red skirt with a belted white camisole and a leopard-print purse. No makeup on, just the way she liked it. Blaze stopped in her tracks and picked up a stray penny on the sidewalk. That's when she heard footsteps right behind her. Her purple ear twitched nervously. "Is anyone there? Hello?" Suddenly, it was quiet. So quiet you could hear a pin drop. Then, footsteps were heard. It sounded like someone was wearing sneakers, the Nike brand. Blaze slowly backed into the alley, oblivious to her surroundings. She only focused on what was standing in front of her. A pair a sunglasses was visible in the moonlight walkway. "Huh? Scourge?" Asked Blaze to the figure before her. That's when Scourge became visible and his emerald green body was exposed into the broken streetlight. "Hi babe, didja miss me? Or am I not part of your memories anymore?"

Scourge chuckled darkly as he tipped his shades to Blaze. Blaze shrunk down on the cemented sidewalk and exhaled deeply as a sign of relief. "Thank God it's only you. I thought I was some rapist or raper. Oh! Perfect timing! I was wondering if you would like to come with me to the--" Scourge leaned in next to Blaze, his hot, fresh breath on her neck. He was glad he popped a couple of IceBreakers before he came to surprise her. Then he would have definitely blown his A.C Cool Guy attitude. Blaze blushed from the closeness of their bodies."Babe, I got a couple of quick questions to ask ya. First of all, do you love Silver?" Said Scourge, his voice deepening a bit when he said Silver's name. Blaze sighed and pouted. Damn. Scourge goofed up. Now he made the poor lavender cat upset or mad at him. Scourge raised his gloved hands up I'm defense, "If I'm poking my nose where it doesn't belong, don't be afraid to tell me. I can deal with it." Blaze shook her head no. She sighed even louder and deeper this time. He shouldn't have pushed her buttons. The lavender cat stared at Scourge with piercing gold eyes, a hint of sadness in them. "It's just that everyone thinks I love him. Can't they see that we're just really close friends? I've known the guy since I was a little kitten." Scourge raised one of his index fingers. "Second question:" Scourge blushed,"Do you love me?"

Blaze's orbs widened as wide as a fat man's stomach. She never ever thought in a million years that Scourge would ask such a question. Yes, she did love him a lot, but she thought he had eyes on someone else. Like her best friend, Fiona the Fox. Blaze took the opportunity to tell Scourge how she felt about their current relationship. He prayed Blaze loved him, not Sonic or dumb Shadow. Blaze smile was so bright that it felt Scourge was going to melt into a green, gooey mess. When Blaze finally explained how she felt. Scourge was stupefied. Damn it, she loved him that much? His heart was fluttering in the breeze that blew by them. He... He never felt this way before, with anyone. Scourge hoped this love would last. True first love, he never believed it. Until now, that is. Scourge then admitted his love for her. He dropped the idea of kidnapping her, now knowing she felt the same way. It was eerily silent for one minute, like a bunch of ninjas were gonna jump out of the trash can and attack them. Blaze shuffled her feet. Scourge fixed his leather flame jacket and sunglasses. "Care to come to my house, for the evening?" Asked Scourge meekly. Blaze thought about this for a moment. She did have plans for poker with Silver, but she would call him later to tell him about sudden interruptions. "Okay!" She said cheerfully.

Scourge didn't live in a ransacked-looking apartment. (Or in a castle if you must know....-_-). It was very decent looking, with a air of punk tastes to it. They sat down on the regal looking sofa, which was as soft as a rabbit's fur. They chatted about a variety of things, like Scourge's secret hatred for Zonic the Zone Cop and Blaze's passion for dancing to Arabian music. "Can you dance to this?" Asked Scourge, turning on the radio. A slow jazz song by Louis Armstrong was playing. Blaze got up, and extended her hand. "Wanna join?" Scourge accepted the request. They didn't dance stiffly, they were swift as two falcons on the wing. Scourge laughed the whole time, while Blaze blushed and giggled. Such a good time they were having. Then, they got tired.

"Why do people say you've gone from green to just plain mean?" Asked Blaze suddenly.

Scourge replied," They always used to say that, before I met you babe." Scourge gave her a genuine smile and kissed her hand.

Blaze snuggled near Scourge's twin marks. They were like sandpaper against her cheeks." To me, your a fun person. And handsome too..."

Scourge thought for a moment." And your my sexy accomplice." He said seductively.

And you know what happens from that point. Anyways, check out my soon-to-be published article under Marine the Raccoon's Club: Seafare! Bye! ^<>^
posted by sexyluna34
i was walking home when i was stopped by a green hedgehog. he stared at me with those ice blue eyes.....he smiled....i noticed that his teeth were mine.....he was green...and had blue i used to look like. he said: hey babe....wanna go out?

luna: do i know you?

scourge: luna? you dont remember me?

luna: am i supposed to?

scourge: y-yes.....what happened?

luna: i was walking home yesterday....and i hit my head.....i still have this bandage for it *points to bandage*

scourge then picked me up and hugged me.........

i had no way of responding.....i lost my memory of him.....i...
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posted by shadowfangirl2
Meaghan: *saws scrouge disroying shadow* SHADOW R U OK? <:O
Shadow: *passes out* meaghan.........*fainted*
Meaghan: *saws scrouge and punches him* YOU BASTERD! >:O
Scrouge: *doges* hmmph *firts meaghan* hello sexy..>:D
Meaghan: *blushes* SHUT UP YOU PERV! >:O
Scrouge: *grabs meaghan* .........>:)
Scrouge: *kisses meaghan*
Meaghan: *blushes red* O_O
Scrouge: calm down babe >:D i'll take care of you
Meaghan: uh......thx, i guess *kisses scrouge*
Scrouge: *kisses back*
Shadow: *gets up and scrouge and meaghan* HEY SHE'S MINE YOU B*TCH! >:O
Scrouge: too late shadow, she's with me now....>:D
Shadow: SHE'S MINE! >:O
Meaghan: *kisses scrouge and shadow in the cheek and walks away* >;)
Scrouge: that girl is hot...
Shadow: agreed
* MYSTERIOUS GIRL BAG WHEN YOU LEAVE A KNIFE WOUND A SCOURGE ON LEFT WAIST * Vina: NOOOOOO * becoming dark vina * Scourge: ahhhhhh ? ? ? ? ?: Take that to cut with me more than you deserve * vina nobody pushed the mysterious girl and let bareheaded * Sonic: MASSIE! Massie:'ll look stupid for being with my ex boyfriend * massie pulled the knife and wanted to kill Vina Flying vina ** dark and hit the wall iso Massie: you'll see you'll see later * went with macabre laughter ** IS RETURNED tO NORMAL AGAIN * Vina: Scourge scourge're right: not so much * vina scourge heals with a magic that had the moon * Vina: Best :) Scourge: if I think Lilly and sonic : love hedgehogs of Scourge: SHUT Sonic: hehehehe Lilly: LOL * both laugh a lot * AND SCOURGE: Shut Vina: enough if Sonic: ok enough lilly Lilly: I love * giving a kiss on the mouth to sonic * Scourge : well go for pearls

Ya know that Scourge is the only one from Sonic that i still can draw?It's cause I had to stop drawing because of my parents.They hate my draws.All say their osom so does my art teacher but they still say their the worst and strange.Why?I don't get it.They hate me cause I'm gifted?
I'm gifted with the big responcibility of drawing.But they hate it.They want me just to learn , nothing else.That's all I gotta said.
PEACE and stay green!
P.S. I know I said I hated Scourge, that was a big mistake of me but I take EVERYTHING I HAVE SAID BEFORE MONTHS BACK.That text not the P.S. but the longer one IS MY BBBBIIIGGGG APOLOGISE.See ya.
1: Captured
In a distant laboratory, all was silent. Not even the slightest whisper of sound dared penetrate the thick, peaceful yet intimidating silence. Suddenly, a green Pokemon stepped foreword. Its body was battered and bleeding, and its breathing was ragged and came in quick, raspy pants. The Pokemon gave all appearances of being a Pikachu, but its tail had a black tip and the black part on its ears poked out into triangles. “Haven’t you had enough?” Giovanni asked, smirking from his perch in his leather chair as he watched in cold amusement the Pikachus’ flanks heave in effort...
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posted by angel7782
me:how do i gwt up this cliff???

tails:i can hep.-flies me to the top-


tails:no problem.

sonic:who is this???

tails:this is uh.....ummm...idk her name.


tails this is angel....she fell down a cliff....

sonic:oh.are you ok

me:oh yeah.totally.

sonic:good.dont want anyone hurt around here.

tails:what happen anyway?

me:huh?with what?

tails:how did you fall?

me:oh um....clumsy? he he.


sonic:you didnt see where you were going?



untill next time readrs!!!!!!XD
posted by angel7782
scourge:what'd you say?
me:i said,scardy get outa here!
scourge:-pins me down-why dont you make me?
me:wish granted!!!!!!-pins him down and punches him-

thats when i realized i made a mistake.he kicked me down a cliff!!O.o

me:ah!!!!!!!!-uses parachute to float down-phew.

untill next time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
posted by sexyluna34
me: no nononononononono.... it shouldnt have been like this. *crys* w-what have i done?

{a hour earlier}

scourge: you ready babe.

me: oh you know it babe..... w-wait... what time is it?

scourge: its almost nightime.

me: oh... i uh i need to go. *gets up*

scourge: hmm? why such a rush?

me: i-i just need to go. sorry. *leaves*

scourge then follows me and sees me transform.

me: *sigh* i cant live life like this... i need to tell him soon... or hes gonna bail on me!! *sigh*
i wish this never happened...why did i get transformed into a freaky furry wolf type thing.... its not normal.

scourge: *clears throat*...
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posted by Havanahedgehog
Massie:*crying*I hate my life.......
Sonic:oh now ur on a bad mood
Massie:well can u keep a secret-
*Shadow and Silver come in*
Silver:Ayyy dam boy!*covers ears*
Shadow:Hey mass,sonic wazz up?!
Sonic;Me and Massie r fine
Massie:I am completly not fine!
Silver:Dam girl!So wahh happened??
Massie:Something between me n Scourge
*Scourge comes in*Scourge:*rolls eyes*
Silver:eye can see y
Scourge:*goes 2 Massie*Look babe i didn't mean 2 break ur heart but-
Massie:U mean u wr trying 2 break my heart, asshole
Shadow:Shut up silver no 1 likes u
continue reading...
posted by silverstruelove
At scourge's house:
Scourge:are you done yet babe
Luna:almost god
Scourge:(takes off clothes but his boxers)
Luna:(comes in)
Scourge:(see her and gets a major nosebleed) damn luna
Luna:(smiles) come and get me
Scourge:(chases her)
Luna:( smiles) catch me if you can
Scourge:(grabs her and lays her on the bed) i just did
Luna: do me now scourge
Two hours later:
Luna:damn scourge
Luna:(hears her cellphone ringing) hello
Silver:luna magic she she

What is the matter with magic? Find out what happened in chapter 10
posted by sexyluna34
this its been a while..lets get started:

luna: should get starving...*goes downstairs* ..0_0*sees scourge*

scourge: hey babe...its been a while...hasnt it....youve grown since last time *touches my face* how bout we do that again?...whatta ya say? *pushes me onto the gorund and gets ontop of me*

luna: im not off me...or...dont *smiles*

scourge: *pervysmile* perfect..a sex toy that enjoys my love...alright...come ere!! *takes off my pants*

luna: *takes off my shirt*

scourge: ya want it ....heh... ready?

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posted by Havanahedgehog
scourge:i cant belive its been six months now since uhhhhh
monique(massie):since ive been pregnat wit u
scourge:and we havent told anybody....
silver:hey momo and scourge
monique:hey silvy
silver:scourge told that ur pregnat
*sonic and shadow come in*
scourge:silver can u stay wit monique 4 a little bit...
silver:ya scourge
scourge:blue and black(not racist)come over hr
sonic:r u going 2 rape us???!!
scourge:hell no bitch
shadow:sooo wat were u going to tell us
scourge:*clears throat*six months ago me and monique wr doing our "buissnazzz"
sonic:not one of ur rape stories again
shadow:dam sonic...
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posted by Havanahedgehog
Massie;Scourge,ur forgiven
Massie:soo havin a good time??
Scourge:i only have a good time wen ur around
SIlver:Hey mass,scourge wazz up??
Massie:nothing new whers sonic and shadow??
Silver:hr they come
Shadow:Hey massie sonic got u something
Sonic;shut up
Silver:sonics gonna pee bcz the way he's looking at u
Sonic:*punches silver*
Scourge:*puts arm around massie*
Massie:Its ok scourge thr just goffin off
Sonic:yea i did get something 4 u massie*gives massie a yellow,stuffed,elephant*
Massie:aww thnx sonic
continue reading...
posted by angel7782
me:-twits scouges amr-i suggest you get outa here!>:)


me:ha!scardy cat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
posted by silverstruelove
Silver:(busts into the emergency part of the hospital carrying me) please help me my girlfriend is bleeding like crazy.
An hour earlier:
Luna:silver i haven't heard from Magic in a long time have you?
Silver: no i was going to ask you that.
Both:maybe we should see if she's ok
(Luna and silver walk to magic's house to see the door open)
Luna: dont you think that's a little weird.
Silver:magic! (Runs into house)
Luna:silver!!! (Runs after him)
Silver:(comes to luna carrying magic in his arms.)
Silver: she cut her wrists, and stabbed herself!
Luna: we got to take her to the hospital. Silver?
Silver:(flys to hospital with magic in his arms)

What will happen next? Will Magic survive? Who is luna? Why did Magic hurt herself? Find out in chapter 6
posted by maddysage
scourage walked down the old forest path as the moonlight shine opon him. finaly he found the place whare he and his secret dade would talk. [they would talk by a pond]scorage was thinking;maybe she is some one ive met before? or maybe its someone ive never met before? as he was walking he was looking up not on the path so he trriped over the girls foot!SPLASH into the water scorage went. he came up to the surface to see fiona was sitting on land. oops! fiona siad it like she she didint mean it. scourage got up out of the water and said nice going fiona and they started to talk. to be contuned by the way the article i made about shadow and maria was an EPIC FAIL please DO NOT READ THEM sorry maddysage article lovers.
fiona and scourage are inside scourage asks fiona if he can go outside fiona says shure so scouage goes outside he sits by a tree then he sees a red light scourage stands up and he says its getting closer and soon it becomes to red lights scourage opens his eys wide as he sees its body shape torugh all the fog scourage screems ahhhh!! TAILS DOLL!!! meanwille at the house fiona heers him screem she says what would make him screem so loud? fiona goes out side and she sees tails doll holding scourage up to his face meanwhile in shadows apertment shadow is trying to sleep over all the screeming failnly he yells THATS IT! and he gets out of bed and goes to his telascope and he targets the spot whare all the screaming is coming from TO BE CONTENUED
added by PachitaLinda
posted by silverstruelove
Luna: (runs to the hospital) OMG i hope magic's okay ( goes to my room and opens the door to find me and silver kissing)
Luna:(smiles and clears throat)
Both:(silver and me: break the kiss and turned a deep red)
Me:h-how long were you there
Luna: long enough
Silver:( turns an even deeper red)
Luna:how did you wake up (glanced at silver)
Magic:(turns a deeper red) umm...
Luna:(raises her eyebrow) magic
Me:(turns even more red) um i woke up because silver kissed me
Luna:(smiles) awww
Shadow:(runs into room) WHERE'S MY BABY SISTER? IS SHE OK?
Me:umm shadow im right here
Shadow:(turns around, walks towards me, hugged me, and started to cry)
Me: shadow im okay
Shadow:i thought that i lost another sister

What did shadow mean by another sister? Find out in chapter 12