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Ausiello about the Raj/Penny hook up aftermath.



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Yay! This makes me very happy. Not that Penny may hurt Raj, but because there will be fallout. Thay couldn't avoid this, and they aren't. So yay!
posted over a year ago.
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Yeah, it would make no sense to just ignore it. Isn't it weird that Prady uses the phrase "full-blown romance" for them? It won't be full-blown, but it'll be a romance? Also for Raj to get hurt it means that he'll develop feelings for her..Sucks! Except if he means that he'll get hurt because Leonard will treat him as an outcast.. Either way this whole storyline seems meaningless to me and I still don't understand why they had to go there!
posted over a year ago.
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I don't think he said full blown romance. I think that's how Ausiello phrased it. Bill just said "no potential as a couple" meaning nothing at all. And I don't think he necessarily has to have feelings for her, they still are friends...I don't know.

But I don't want Raj to develope feelings for her because they won't go there with them. If they did (and I wouldn't mind if they did), then he could have feelings, but I'd hate if he developed them and she just broke his heart. (Don't care if it's Stuart, but Raj's feelings, well, I care!)
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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You're right! It was Ausiello! I missed it, cause I didn't like what I was reading! Truth is, I can't stand this storyline all together, cause apart from its obvious use, to be one more obstacle for the L/P, it also seems to me like a Shenny distraction. An effort to shift the focus from Sheldon/Penny to Raj/Penny. In other words to make the Shenny old news and completely not plausible.
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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Maybe, but I don't think everything they do on the show is related to LP or SP. *shrug* The big thing about this hookup was it was unexpected, because Penny/Raj have no sort of relationship at all. I think this was meant to be a catalyst to give them something, explore new comedic/friend pairings. I don't dislike that idea at all! :)
posted over a year ago.
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I like your "shrugs"!:D Ok, it could be me, reading to much into this, but I can't help feeling that way! It't true though that the writers tend to do stuff just for the laughs, even if that means crossing lines or making the characters look like jerks!I said I'll suck this particular one up during the summer, I have two more months ahead of me!(Who knows I might actually make it!:))
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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I'm like that too, I try to read into stuff and twist it one way. Part of my S5 goals is not doing that anymore-we'll see how well that goes, haha
posted over a year ago.
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Turns out you may be more right then I am. I still don't think it's some plot to keep Sheldon and Penny apart, but Johnny seems to think it will help Leonard and Penny in the long run. (Sorry!) link
posted over a year ago.
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I would be suprised if Galecki had a different view on the matter! He has also said that L and P are the love of each other's life in a previous interview.(of course I couldn't disagree more!) It's a common motif to create obstacles for the main couple of a show but this particular one is a big failure for me! It might be the plan to bring them closer, but all it did in reality is to show that Penny has a better chemistry with Raj than with Leonard. Even if they put them to have a serious talk in which they say that they "used" the Koothrappali siblings as substitutes cause they couldn't be together still isn't a good storyline. It would be a lot better if they could at least try to write something more romantic for the two of them, to show that they have deep feelings for one another! To have Penny being a mess the whole season, due to the fact that he was involved in a serious relationship won't attracted shippers simply cause it's not believable enough..

Also I really don't like this quote:
“They broke up because of Penny’s own incapabilities in love and discomfort with what she was feeling.”

Cause it presupposes that Leonard was perfect and it was all Penny's fault! What about his incapabilities e.g to show that the reason he likes her isn't just her looks? Even the "I love you" was said in the bed right after they had great sex..

Anyway, that was a big speculation, wasn't it? I like your goal and I wish I could do the same cause it would certainly help me to enjoy the show a lot more!
posted over a year ago.
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Yeah, I know it's common to create obstacles for the main couple, but honestly I really hope that this just creates some sort of meaningful relationship between Penny and Raj - and by relationship I mean any sort of one, beause they have no relationship at all right now.

Just one thign - people complain that they only see Leonard and Penny having chemistry when they are drunk, and they say that doesn't count. Of course I disagree immensely, but I have heard these same people (and I know you don't think they have chemistry at all sot his wouldn't be you, but your comment reminded me of it) claim that the finale showed Penny/Raj having great chemistry and they'd be a better couple than Penny and Leonard. To that, I say (in case any of them are reading this "you can say P/L only have chemistry when drunk, and I have to respect your opinion. But I can't respect it any longer if you claim this,then claim that the finale showed Penny/Raj having more chemistry and potential, because that is contradictory; Penny and Raj were as drunk as you can get in that episode."

And it doesn't say Leonard is perfect. Johnny knows Leonard is not perfect. But Leonard didn't do anything wrong telling her he loved her, and the conversation with Wheaton that Penny had proved that she broke up with him because she still wasn't sure and didn't want to risk hurting him. Then in the finale she told Raj she shouldn't have broken up with him, hence she did have those feelings for him but wasn't accepting of that at the time. I completely understand why people wouldn't want that to be true, but it really is.

What about his incapabilities e.g to show that the reason he likes her isn't just her looks? Even the "I love you" was said in the bed right after they had great sex..

Actually, the I Love You was proof it was more than just her looks. They'd broken a bed before episode three, this was episode nineteen, seven months later, and they'd been having great sex. The thing that made him realize he loved her was her quoting Yoda. I'm not saying a knowledge of Star Wars is a better standard than looks, but if he was only attracted to her because of her looks he would have said it long before he did. And he was fully expecting her to say it back-if he said it due to looks he would'nt have expected her to say it back because he knows he's not the best looking guy.

Again, not trying to get into another big argument with you, just raising a few points. Oh, one more thing...

It would be a lot better if they could at least try to write something more romantic for the two of them, to show that they have deep feelings for one another!

I agree with this. In S3 they made their relationship there but more background, because they didn't want to throw it in the faces of non-shippers. They wanted to maximize the liking of the show by yes, giving us L/P, but not giving them too much screen time for those who didnt' ship them. I think they should have focused more on them, not a lot, but more, just to show why they work and give neutral/non-hard core non-shippers reasons to ship them, which in the long run would be better for the show, since Leonard/Penny is never going away, so the more people that like them, the better.
posted over a year ago.
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^thank you, marie. Just what I was coming to say. I too understand that people don't want to see things or admit things or accept things - and detty4ever, I'm not commenting personally on what you said, I do go on other sites and see similar comments - but that doesn't change the fact that this stuff is happening.
posted over a year ago.
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not trying to get into another big argument with you..

Yes, that's the last thing I want to do myself! So points, noted! And I'll keep the part that we both agree in, which is that they should have tried to show why these two belong together a little(or a lot) more!
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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Exactly. And my sister doesn't mind them together, but she said she hopes that whenever they get back together they'll have dished out all their issues the first time, so when they get back together it can work better than it did the first time.
posted over a year ago.