The Storytime Spot Club
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Dean and Jo were sitting in a restaurant. Jo had convinced Dean to go out so that he could take his mind of Cas and whatever it was that kept making him ill.
“You look pretty” Dean said, with a faint smile.
“I didn’t even change my outfit” Jo answered cynical.
Dean looked down and Jo recognized his expression.
“Are you texting?” she asked upset.
“What?” Dean said quick. “No, no, I was…I was checking time…”
“why? You bored?” Jo asked offended.
“No!” Dean denied firm. “I just…I don’t want to leave Cas alone for too long. He’s sick and I’m afraid that Meg might come back for him”
“Meg’s not going to hurt him” Jo said annoyed.
“Right, because demon’s are generally so nice” Dean replied sarcastically.
“She’s not a demon anymore” Jo said sharp.
“Well, she’s not an angel either!” Dean fired back and he stood. He threw some money on the table and took off.
Jo grabbed her purse and followed him outside.
“Are you kidding me?” she yelled. “Did you really just bail on me in a crowded restaurant?” She accelerated her steps and blocked his way.
“Get out of the way, Jo” Dean said calm.
“Are you jealous?” she asked upfront.
“What?” Dean asked, taken aback.
“Uhh, Cas is sick. Uhh, Cas is hurting. Uhh, Cas is sleeping with Meg. It’s like you’re obsessed with him” Jo exclaimed furious.
“I didn’t…” Dean started stammering. “I’m not…”
“It’s okay, if that’s what you are” Jo said, softer now. “But don’t pretend Meg’s the problem” She pulled out her phone and ordered a taxi. “You need to go home alone and figure some stuff out”
Cas walked outside and saw Zoey standing against the wall.
“I’m glad you’re not gone yet” Cas said.
“I waited for you” Zoey said. “Listen, Cas, what Daphne did is unforgivable, but if it helps, I had a very good conversation with her and I think she’s really sorry”
Cas shook his head. “It doesn’t help. I thought Daphne trusted me”
“She was upset about the annulment for your wedding” Zoey explained. “She’d expected or actually hoped you’d rip the pages into pieces and come home with her. But when you didn’t she was really hurt and she’s been looking for a way...
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Meg looked around the police station. So that was why no one was answering her calls for help. They were all dead. There were bodies everywhere and their insides were torn out. The floor was covered in blood.
Meg looked up. Daphne had entered the building. She stared shocked at the bodies.
“You killed all those people” she said trembling. It wasn’t a question, but an observation. “You’re going to hurt more people. I can’t let you do that”
“You can’t handle me. I’m too strong for your” Meg said. She walked towards Daphne and passed her. If she was going to try something Meg could easily take her down.
However, as she passed by, Daphne jumped forward and stabbed Meg in her neck with a syringe, containing a red substance.
“Aaaahhh!” Meg gasped and she touched her neck. “What the hell are you doing?”
But Daphne had left the building and ran for her life.
The first witness was the mother of the seven year old boy Cas had healed from a life threatening fever.
“I went to the kitchen and when I came back Mr. Allen, as he presented himself, had his hands all over my son. I…I think he was taking advantage of my son’s weakness”
“Objection!” Craig said. “I think everyone in Castle Rock knows about my client’s special abilities? Castiel can heal people with his bare hands, which is why Mrs. Jones had him come over in the first place. But to do his job he needs to touch his patient. He doesn’t even charge them”
“Of course he wouldn’t” Evan Trumble, Daphne’s attorney, said. “That’s because he knows that what he’s doing is wrong”
While Craig and Evan where quibbling, Cas looked sharp at Mrs. Jones.
“I never touched your son and you know it. I saved your son and this is not the right way to thank me”
Mrs. Jones seemed to cringe and looked around to find support or a way out.
Anna threw the phone at Meg. She caught it with one hand and examined it.
“I’m still not sure what you’re going to do with it, since Cas won’t be able to use a phone while he’s in prison” Anna said.
“You gave one to him, too, right?” Meg checked.
“Yes, and it only has your number and yours has only his number, so the two of you can start having phone sex with each other to pass the time” Anna said sarcastic.
“Or you can finally get me out of here, so I can go punch a little common sense into Castiel’s pretty face and then he’ll leave prison on his own” Meg suggested....
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It was visiting hour in prison and a guard told Cas someone wanted to see him. Cas expected to see Dean or Sam, but when he entered the visitors room it was Zoey who waved at him discreetly.
The guard brought him to the table and then withdrew himself. Cas sat down.
“Hi, Emmanuel” Zoey said full of compassion. “I’m sorry. Castiel, right? Daphne told me you found out who you are. How do you like your new old life?”
Cas looked around him, then back at Zoey and let his shoulders hang.
“I’m sorry. That was a stupid question” Zoey said.
“What are you doing here?” Cas wondered. “Why...
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The next morning.
Zoey was talking with the mortician, while Alexia was watching cartoons. At least Zoey was under the impression Alexia was watching cartoons. Until her little girl let out a shriek.
Zoey, scared something had happened to Alexia, jumped up and ran into the sitting room. Alexia was staring at the screen.
“Lex, what’s going on? You almost gave mommy a heart attack” Zoey said and swallowed a few times to calm down.
“Mommy, come look” Alexia said breathless. “Uncle Emmanuel is on TV”
Zoey rushed to the television and increased the volume.
“Last night the police arrested a man named Castiel for the abuse of a four year old girl” the newsreader said.
“Alexia, go play outside” Zoey said trembling.
“Why do they call him Castiel, mommy? His name’s Emmanuel” Alexia said confused.
“Now!” Zoey yelled and Alexia ran outside.
It was night and visiting hours were long over, but that didn’t stop Dean from checking on his best friend.
Cas was sitting on the cold floor, his head buried in his knees, trying to make himself as small as possible.
Dean, always armed with a lighter, made some light, because it was pitchdark.
“Hello, in there” he said a little nervous.
“Go away” Cas said hoarse.
“Sure, I’ll wait for you outside” Dean said confident.
“Then you can wait for a very long time” Cas said. “Because I’m not coming”
“Why not?” Dean asked a bit frustrated. “This isn’t about Meg, is it?”...
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Daphne was baking pancakes for Alexia. She shot constant looks at the clock, causing the pancake to burn.
“Damn it” she cursed. She threw the pancake in the garbage can and poured in new dough.
“Aunty Daphne? Where’s mommy?” Alexia asked.
“I don’t know” Daphne said nervous. Zoey had been gone all night and wouldn’t pick up her phone. Daphne wasn’t used to babysitting Alexia for that long and fact was that she wasn’t good at it. It was a good thing Alexia was very independent for her age.
The door opened and Daphne looked up. Zoey appeared in the doorway and she looked...
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The next morning
Dean was driving the Impala and there was no music playing for a change. The cassette tape player didn’t work. Instead the radio was playing.
“What station is that? Music’s awful” Jo complained. Dean changed the station, but it jumped back on the previous one.
“That’s not a good sign” Sam said slowly.
The music stopped and a voice was heard.
“Last night a woman named Lucy Dickinson was murdered in the Nite Owl Restaurant. Her insides were ripped out. There are no suspects thus far”
The music played again.
“Lucy Dickinson is the waitress we met last night”...
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Evening came and Dean parked his car at the Nite Owl Restaurant.
“Why are we stopping?” Cas asked. He wanted Dean to keep on driving.
“Because I’m starving” Dean said short. He unfastened his belt and got out of the car. Sam and Jo did the same, but Cas didn’t move.
“Are you coming?” Sam asked.
“No, I don’t have to eat” Cas said. “I think I’m going to stay here and wait for you”
“Don’t be so ridiculous” Jo said and she opened the door. Cas understood he had no choice and stepped out of the car.
They entered the restaurant and the manager walked to them. While...
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It was quiet again in the car. Dean was angry with Cas for threatening his baby, Sam thought he should let both Cas and Dean alone and Cas was still angry with Meg.
“Hello, Jo” Cas broke the silence.
“Cas, don’t be an idiot. Jo’s not here” Dean said.
Sam turned around. “Eh, Dean?”
“What?” Dean snapped.
“Maybe you should check your rear view mirror” Sam suggested. Dean looked in his rear view and cursed. Jo was sitting next to Cas.
“What the hell are you doing here?” Dean asked angry after he pulled over. “And how did you get here in the first place?”
“Anna gave...
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Anna materialized in Meg’s cell. Meg jumped up and crawled backwards. There was no evil bone in her host’s body that was considering on even trying to take the angel down.
“Don’t worry, I’m not here to hurt you. I have strict orders and when I’m done I’ll be gone” Anna said.
“Strict orders by who?” Meg asked.
Anna conjured her sword and Meg’s eyes widened in fear. But Anna cut her own arm and put the sword away again. She elevated to the ceiling and drew the Key of Solomon.
“Not again, come on!” Meg exclaimed. “I already promised Sam I wouldn’t get out until they’re...
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Isabel opened Cas’ cell and nodded with her head. “Get out. You’re free to go” she said. Cas frowned and got up from the ground he had been sitting on. “You found the culprit? Who is it?” he wanted to know.
“That’s none of your business” Isabel said. “Hurry up a little, I got work to do”
Cas walked out of the cell and stared at the inspector.
“Your friends are waiting” Isabel said. Cas wanted to leave, but she took his arm. “Don’t forget me just yet. If you even put a toe over the line, I will know it and I will find you”
Cas nodded and she let him go.
Outside Sam...
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“It was me” Meg said. Sam had freed her from her prison and now she was going to free Cas of his. She had to promise Sam she wouldn’t try to get out until they were far gone. Because as soon as soon Cas was out they were going to hit the road an drive as far away as possible.
“I killed Jack and I killed Paul Morgan. Cas has nothing to do with it. I was trying to protect him. Jack was asking too many questions and Paul knew too much already. There were people trying to hurt Cas and I tried to give him a low profile. But it didn’t really work out. I don’t want a lawyer. I don’t want a trial. Just give me the maximum penalty and I’ll accept it”
Isabel stared at her, a little puzzled, but also thrilled. She got Jack and Paul’s killer. Now no one would question her competence as an inspector again. She cuffed Meg’s hands and brought her to a cell.
The door of Meg’s motel room opened and Meg stared at the door way. She was still stuck under the Key of Solomon.
“Anna told me you were innocent for a change” Sam said.
“Well, now that you’ve discovered I’m actually a saint, could you get me out of here?” Meg suggested. Sam shook his head and walked towards her, though kept a safe distance. “First I want to set a few things straight. Castiel is not going to leave prison, unless you do something. Personally, I don’t care if you killed that man or not. What I do care about is that you’re the only one who can get him out of there” Sam said.
“Why would I help him? What’s in it for me?” Meg wanted to know.
“If you do the right thing, then I guarantee you Dean and I will never try to kill you again. You’ll be off our radar for good” Sam said.
That was a tempting offer. “What do you want me to do?” she asked.
Anna returned to Rufus’ cabin, where she found Sam alone.
“We have a problem” she said.
“What’s wrong?” Sam asked.
“Inspector Roberts is convinced that Cas killed her colleague Jack and she’s willing to do whatever it takes to get him behind bars” Anna said.
“But she can’t prove anything” Sam said.
“I’m not done yet” Anna said. “Apparently a very reliable witness told her that Cas did the killing. My guess is that it was a demon who was possessing a human body and I know for a fact that it wasn’t Meg”
“Okay, so let’s say he gets convicted. Why can’t he...
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Meg opened the door of her motel room and walked inside. She walked to the center of the room, when she heard a noise.
“Here, kitty, kitty” she said with a sweet voice. Anna appeared in front of her and she wanted to attack her, but she an invisible wall forced her back. She looked up and recognized the Key of Solomon. She looked furious at Anna. “What do you want now?”
“I just heard they took Cas to a prison and I know you’re involved, so I suggest you tell me everything you know” Anna said, angrier than she had ever been.
“It might surprise you, but I didn’t kill that man”...
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“You did what?”
Jo had told Dean about Isabel’s visit and the fact that she had told her Cas’ real name and where to find him.
“Are you out of your freaking mind? Why would you do that?” he said angry.
“I’m sorry! How was I supposed to know we’re supposed to keep Cas’ name a secret? No one ever tells me anything around here” Jo defended herself.
“That’s because you can’t keep your big mouth shut!” Dean snapped. Jo walked to him and hit him in the face.
“Don’t talk to me like that. I’m not your dog” she said mad.
“Oh, how I wish you were. Then at least I...
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“Mr. Allen! Open the door now before I bust it!”
Cas recognized Isabel’ voice and frowned. What was she doing here? He poked Meg, to wake her up. “Meg. I think inspector Roberts is here” he said quiet.
Meg sat up. “What have you done now? I thought we left all that Colorado crap, well, in Colorado” she said. She put on her dressing gown and walked to the door.
“Who the hell are you?” she said disdaining.
Isabel showed her badge and looked how Cas got dressed.
“I will be right there, inspector Roberts” Cas said.
Isabel wrote something on a paper and gave it to inspector...
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Castle Rock, Colorado
Zoey was sitting in the visitor’s space of prison, waiting for Andy. She needed to talk to him. She looked up when the guard brought him in. He gave her a faint smile, but she didn’t respond it.
“Hi” he said awkward.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t come sooner” Zoey said, while Andy sat down.
“Oh, no, don’t worry about it. I understand” Andy said quick. “I’m glad you’re here”
“I won’t be long” Zoey said. “I like the hair”
“Or what’s left of it” Andy replied. “How are you? How was the funeral? Did you talk to her parents?”
Zoey shook...
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