Total Drama Action Club
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"Okay," Chris says. "The teams will be called...." (The castmates lean in...) "The Screaming Erasers, which is Heather's team and the Killer Pencils, Duncan's team!" Everyone groans loudly. Chris laughs loudly. "I love doing that to you!"
Courtney, Bridgette, and Gwen giggle sweetly. Their BF's, Duncan, Trent, and Geoff turn toward them curiously. (So does Chris.) Courtney just barely heard Duncan whisper to Geoff, "Girls. Dunno why they're even on earth." Geoff nods. "Yeah dude, I feel you. Hey, by the way-" He stops as he realizes Bridgette (and Courtney) staring at him. "Uh... well, um... Never mind." Bridgette giggles, and leans up to kiss him. "Aww! You're so cute when you're worried about something! Well, you're always cute, but-" She gets interrupted as Geoff practically jumps on top of her and starts kissing her. Courtney and Duncan roll their eyes, smiling at each other. Duncan turns away slightly, and stares at the ground. "God Courtney! Do you always have to dazzle me like that?" Courtney giggles. "That's my bad boy." She kisses him swiftly on his cheek. He smiles down at her, and Courtney gives herself a little shake. "Um... well, you know, you've really loosened me up a lot, Duncan! I love you for that." In the background, Gwen clears her throat, glaring at Courtney with unmistakable hatred in her eyes. Courtney glances at Duncan nervously. He laughs. "Whoa. Has my lil princess gone soft?" "No," Courtney shot back. Then she smiles and kisses him. Again.
(Duncan in Janitor's closet)
"Well well well.... So, Court's into me again. i can't say I'm not though... But I do really have to be my bad-boy self soon..."
(Courtney in JC)
"Yeah, I love him,but I've gotta get real. This is uh... real money! I've really gotta toughen up! But, I've gotta admit, he's is like SO hot!"
(Harold in JC)
"Duncan's like such a softie now..." (giggles) "Maybe we could even be friends..."
"Uh, I think you're going a bit far, Harold! I AM NOT A SOFTIE!" Harold turns around and shrieks. "Duncan! What are you doing here?"
"I was waiting for my turn, Harold, but I happened to overhear."
"Yikes!" Harold screams, and Duncan chases him out of the JC.
They find Chris there, explaining about this week's challenge. "Ok, kiddies!" This is what you do. Margaret here-" He waves at her- "will tell you what to do for your first challenge. Meanwhile, I'll be preparing for next week's challenge, ok? Everyone clear? Ok. Let's move!"
"Okay, so everyone, I'm new here, so please, be easy on me." Margaret says in this honey-sweet voice.
(Heather in JC)
"This challenge is gonna be a piece of cake! I mean, hello?! Did you see Margaret? Wow, she's softer than Beth is!" (She laughs.) "Duncan is meatloaf."
(Justin in JC)
"Ooh, that girl is hot! I've gotta lure her over. Then, seeing as Chris's got it real bad for her, it should be a piece of cake! And, once she likes me, I can use that advantage to help the team win! And, also if Chris is desperate enough, he'll do anything for her... and that includes give me a million dollars!" (evil laugh) "Am I not so brilliant?"
(Justin goes out to Margaret and grins. She gasps with surprise.)
"Er... hello, Jamie."
"It's Justin."
"Oh. I'm sorry, hello, Justin. What's new? I'm Margaret Riteman. I'm 16 years old, and the winner of women's-"
"Yeah I know..." Justin interrupts, really thinking:
Wow. She's like only sixteen! She's perfect for me! And she rules at sports, plus she's hot!
(He pulls off his shirt and Margaret gasps in awe.)
"Wow Jamie... uh, let's get on with the challenge, shall we?"
Duncan and Geoff exchange a smirk. Courtney giggles..
Ok. So this is what you have to do," Margaret continues. "Just complete the three challenges my friend Chris has planned for you all. Pencils on one side, Erasers on the other. Now, let's go."
She actually sounded a lil bossy at the end.
"The first challenge will be easy. It's like a relay race. Each team member must run through the tires, grab the flag at the top, and go across the monkey bars at the end of the race. Oh I forgot, the bars will have a really long ladder- 50 feet high" (the castmates all gasp) "And one more thing, Chris has planned for there to be a pool at the bottom of each playground. Erasers, yours will be very deep, with snakes in them, don't worry they're harmless- and the Pencils, yours will be filled with..." She pauses. "Green jelly. Ready? Set? GO!!!" She said loudly. But the teams didn't go. One member of each team, Courtney and DJ, were shaking with fear.
(At the Pencils)
"Don't worry babe, it'll be fine." Duncan smiles
Courtney hesitates. "But... I'm not that good at the bars, and if I fall in..."
"Really Court, it'll be fine!" Gwen says, with a reassuring smile.
Courtney trys to smile back. "Okay. I'll try."
"That's my princess!" Duncan smiles and kisses her.
(Courtney in JC)
"Okay, this is like so embarrasing! How the hell would I win this stupid show when I'm afraid of something five-year-olds love? I mean, please. I had to keep it secret, and thanks to Chris, now everyone in the entire viewing world knows!" She smiles, glancing at the ceiling. "Well, at least I have Duncan to help me. And yeah, he's afraid of Celine Dion, but at least he faced his fear! WHAT THE HELL IZ WRONG WITH ME?"
(At the Erasers)
"It'll be fine, DJ..." Trent tries to reassure his teammate.
"Yeah, I guess."
"Look, DJ. If you weren't such a scardy, we would be ahead by now! Instead the lil princess and her boyfriend's team is ahead!" Heather screams angrily. "I mean, you faced your fear on TDI, Princess didn't! So suck it up!"
"Ok. I'm gonna do this."
(DJ in JC)
"Wow, what's with that girl? How is it that she makes me feel so frikkin' determined to do it? I felt so strong after she finished. Wait..." His eyes suddenly widen. "I don't LIKE her, do I? That's ridiculous! But I don't wanna let my team down, my Momma wouldn't be impressed. Okay, I'm gonna do this!" He stands up..
"Okay, go, DJ, go!" Heather yells.
"Alright, I'm going to do this!"
The challenge was on! The Killer Pencils were in the lead by quite alot.. Courtney nearly slipped at one point, but...
"Ahh!" Courtney shrieks, when her hand slipped on the bars.
"Don't worry, princess, I've got you!" Duncan says grabbing her.
"Thanks, juvie. I love you."
He smiles, but keeps going.
At the finish...
"Pencils win!" Margaret shrieks. "1 point for the Pencils, ZE-ro for the Erasers."
"Thanks, DJ," Heather mutters, quietly.
"Hey, it wasn't my fault, I- I was-"
"Save it." Heather looked away.
"Okay, next week you'll be doing a sports challenge. You will each have to complete three sports. Looking forward to it?" Margaret says, giggling. "And the three sports are... f-"
"Margaret!" Chris runs in, looking annoyed but still smiling. "I told you not to tell them what it is!"
"I didn't, Chris..." Margaret says.
"Well, you were about to!"
"Ok, ok. I'm sorry."
"Sheesh, you were like way more easy to get along with when you were little!" Chris rolls his eyes.
"Wait." Duncan interrupts him. "How long have you known each other?"
"Uh... well, since she was in third grade..." Chris says. "Quite long, actually..."
"Uh huh..." Trent says. "Very believable."
"You're such a bad liar," says DJ. "You shoudn't lie. Momma says never to. It's not good for the soul."
The girls (except Heather) giggle and cross their arms. (Heather still crosses her arms, she just doesn't giggle.)
"Okay, okay..." Chris mumbles.
"Well, actually I'm er, was his girlfriend." Margaret suddenly speaks up. "I'm sorry I lied, everyone."
"No prob!" Gwen says. Everyone else nods.
"So you actually ditched Chris?" Justin leans forward in interest..
"Yeah. When I found out how horrible he was on the show, we broke up. But now we're friends." She glances at Chris, who's scowling at her.
"Yeah, what she said..." He growls angrily.


TOTAL! DRAMA! HIGHSCHOOL! (Hehe I know I sound like Chris...)

Please comment! XD, Mp4girl!
added by Duncan_Courtney
Source: Fresh TV
added by Duncan_Courtney
Source: Fresh TV
added by horsegirl213
added by izzylove1999
Source: Strixmoonwing
added by TDIlover4ever
Source: Wikipedia
added by Duncan_Courtney
Source: Fresh TV
added by Duncan_Courtney
added by Duncan_Courtney
Source: Fresh TV
added by DuncanandGwen1
Source: my
added by DuncanandGwen1
Source: my
added by Duncan_Courtney
Source: Fresh TV
added by Duncan_Courtney
Source: Fresh TV
added by okamiki
Source: Really awsome
added by DuncanandGwen1
Source: my
added by Duncan_Courtney
Source: Fresh TV
added by Duncan_Courtney
Source: Fresh TV
added by skatergirl41
added by Duncan_Courtney
Source: Fresh TV
added by DuncanandGwen1
Source: my
added by DuncanandGwen1
Source: My