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posted by Canada24

Michael: See that.. Maybe that's why were such good friends. We look old fashioned things.. Like news papers... Good guys.. Bad guys.

Michael: I don't know.. You tell me..We did what you said. Right? Got those people off your back? Now, you're gonna do like you said and cut me loose. Right?

Dave: Things aren't gonna work out quite that way. There's a bit of a problem...

Steve: (appears out of the blue) That's right, Davey boy! You could say that!

Dave: (annoyed) Steve! I told you I would handle it!

Steve: Oh because you handled everything so fuckin well far!

U.L Paper Contact: (arrives...
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posted by Canada24

Michael: See that.. Maybe that's why were such good friends. We look old fashioned things.. Like news papers... Good guys.. Bad guys.

Michael: I don't know.. You tell me..We did what you said. Right? Got those people off your back? Now, you're gonna do like you said and cut me loose. Right?

Dave: Things aren't gonna work out quite that way. There's a bit of a problem...

Steve: (appears out of the blue) That's right, Davey boy! You could say that!

Dave: (annoyed) Steve! I told you I would handle it!

Steve: Oh because you handled everything so fuckin well far!

U.L Paper Contact: (arrives...
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posted by Canada24
Franklyn eventually began an aggressive gunfight. Slowly shooting his way to Michael, eventually finding him.


A man and Woman are seen laying in bed.

Man: Man. For a school teacher you make love good.

Woman: It's well Jeff. Its 'you make love well'.

Franklyn: (yellling at him) Michael! Earth to Michael!

Michael: (snaps back to reality) Huh?... What?

Franklyn: We gotta get outta here.. Take this gun (tosses him a pistol).

Michael: What gu- (it hits him the face as he failed to catch it) AAAHHH!

The gun falls down and accidentally shoots Franklyn in the foot.

Franklyn: AHHHH! WHAT...
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posted by Canada24
Franklyn: Look man. Lester said you have some information on Michael.

Trevor: Michael. Fuck Michael! I hope he's dead.

Franklyn: Look I know that you don't mean that.. Just tell me what happened.

Trevor: ... My friend Ron met these Chinese asshole.. I owed them money.. And they mistakingly, thought Michael was a human being, and kidnapped him and Pinkie.

Franklyn: Yeah.. And now it looks like their holding them somewhere in Los Santos.

Trevor: Yes.

Franklyn: So come on bro!

Trevor: ... Well go fuck yourself!.. You want Michael back, that's YOUR problem.. He's dead to me!.. And chances are.. If and...
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posted by Canada24
Michael and Pinkie both used gravestones as cover and they checked ammo.

Michael: (cocks his AK47) Ready girl?

Pinkie: Ready when you are.

Michael: Then let's do this!

With that they both burst up and so began a huge dramatic battle.

Rob Zombie - Living dead girl, plays as the fight music).

With most of the kills done in Max Payne styled slow mo, the duo fought their way though the graveyard, killing nearly 100 enamies in total, maybe more.

(30 minutes of fighting, later).

Michael: Fuck! Trevor must of stole my car!

Pinkie: Well, we got to think of som-

Suddenly their was a dramatic rain of bullets....
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posted by Canada24
I love these missions so here's the next episode with them..

Inside a snowy graveyard.

Trevor: Come on Pinkie, dig faster!

Pinkie: (digging with her hooves) Don't pressure me boss.

Michael: (soon arrives). Hey.. Your wasting your time.

Trevor: Don't try to stop me Michael!.. Pinkie will dig up the grave.

Michael: Why!?

Trevor: Because!.. It's time to discover the truth.

Michael: No. I mean, why'd you drag Pinkie into this.

Pinkie: I was bored.

Pinkie: Got it.. (pulls out the tombstone).

Trevor: This is it.. Moment of truth.. (opens the coffin, finding Brad's body). AHHHHH! As if I didn't know!... Brad!...
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posted by Canada24
While Packie ended up going another direction.

Pinkie and the main three ran into a chicken factory to escape tank fire.

Army man 1: Man. I am so bored.

Army man 2: Yes.. But those assholes are still out ther- (suddenly Pinkie comes up from behind and slices his throat in the same barbaric fashion as the Walking Dead scene).

Army man 1: HEY! (prepares to shoot her but Pinkie leaps onto him and repeatedly stabs him till he was long dead).

Trevor: (having witnessed the scene) Damn Pinkie.. I if wasn't already trying to get with that Mexican lady. I would fuck the blue streight outta your eyes.

Pinkie: That.. Is oddly flattering.

Michael: (mockingly) Hey love birds.. Can we please just keep moving.

I'll end the episode here..

Excited for the next one..

Only have two episode left of the series. But there gonna try and be huge ones...
posted by Canada24
Trevor: (dramatically bursts in the bank, firing off a round of his shotgun to show everyone that they mean business) TODAY'S GOING ONE OF TWO WAYS, FRIENDS!

Michael: Yeah! Everybody down! Anybody moves and Packie here will blast them!... Now. Who here is the owner?

Manager: (raises up) I am-

Packie: (shoots the manager dead)


Packie: You sai-

Michael: Yes! But he was the only one with combination to the safe! Now the whole thing is blown!

Packie: Relax Mikey., I got this.. (opens the safe by using a blow torch, opening it the old fashioned way).

Packie: Shit! The cops...
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posted by Canada24
Trevor: (dramatically bursts in the bank, firing off a round of his shotgun to show everyone that they mean business) TODAY'S GOING ONE OF TWO WAYS, FRIENDS!

Michael: Yeah! Everybody down! Anybody moves and Packie here will blast them!... Now. Who here is the owner?

Manager: (raises up) I am-

Packie: (shoots the manager dead)


Packie: You sai-

Michael: Yes! But he was the only one with combination to the safe! Now the whole thing is blown!

Packie: Relax Mikey., I got this.. (opens the safe by using a blow torch, opening it the old fashioned way).

Packie: Shit! The cops...
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posted by Canada24
Before I begin the battle.. Here's a smaller scene.

Used with my laptop..

Franklyn: You know.. This is the first time you and I have spent any real time together.

Pinkie: I know. It's weird right?

Franklyn: Yeah.. We should hang out more ofte-

Pinkie: No. I mean, this wait now, is weird..

Franklyn: Ohh... Yeah., Kinda is actually.. But still must be better than your boss.

Pinkie: Fair point.. Espically after I introduced him to Scooty.


Pinkie: (holding Scootaloo cutely) Boss, this my little friend Scootaloo.. Rainbow Dash and I like to call her Scooty... I been asked to watch her for a bit....
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posted by Canada24
I got a new laptop finally., one of those Mac things, don't know much about this shit.. But who cares, I couldn't be more excited.. I'm not stuck writing from my phone. As I did most for the 3rd season here.. But now I can start writing REAL chapters.. So.. Let's see what I can do ;)

Packie: Sorry I'm late Michael.

Michael: As long as you won't do anything inappropriate like Trevor di-

Trevor: (offended) it's not inappropriate.. It's.. It's..

Michael: It's another one of your fuckin disasters! That's what is!... First you take a hostage, without my cencent!.. And then you start some sort of high...
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posted by Canada24
Meanwhile at a construction sight back at Los Santos.

Gunman 1: Man! It's so fuckin hot!

Gunman 2: I know, somebody fuckin shoot me!

(Ironically they both get shot in the head, dead).

Franklyn: (holding Carbine rifle) that was easy enough.

Gunman: Man, somebody should may as well toss me off this roof, cause I hate this pla-

Franklyn: (comes from behind and ironically tosses him off the roof, to his death).

Franklyn: This isn't so ba- (starts getting shot at) AH SHIT! (Finds the nearest cover as he takes out his Carbine rifle).

Franklyn found himself surrounded by 30 gunmen, armed with Carbine rifles...
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posted by Canada24
This is just a short chapter..

Steve: We need you steal nerve gas from a bio lab.

Michael: (sarcastically) Sure.. And while we're at it, why don't we all go watch my little pony, and eat raw cookie doe.. Because today's the day to stop making SENSE!

Trevor: Is that sarcasm!

Michael: Your fuckin A right it's sarcasm! You fuck!.. A few weeks ago! I was happily retired. Soaking by my swimming pool! And my psychotic best friend shows out of no where! To torture me over mistakes I made, HONEST mistakes I made, almost decade ago!.. So forgive me! You ignorant fuck! BUT SARCASM! IS ALL I FUCKIN GOT!.. Sarcasm!.. And a room full of you cunts!

Trevor: YES! Welcome back buddy! It is the old you again! (claps).

Steve: Yeah, yeah.. Just get going.. And keep us way out of it.

Michael: (sighs).. Guess were robbing a bank... Let's get the gang together.

To be containued
posted by Canada24
Trevor: Pinkie.. You got the camera, it's time for our episode..

Pinkie: (holding camera) wait here.

Trevor: Great.. Let's start wit-

Michael: (walks in, uninvited)

Michael: (gives rock out motion) T!

Trevor: (angrily) Get outta here Michael! Your ruining my show!

Michael: A show about you?.. I'm shocked it wasn't ALREADY ruined. (words appear, saying "That's Michael").

Trevor: God! How long are you gonna be here!.. Cause now I know how Jimmy feels.


Jimmy: (trying make a show about himself and is speaking infront of a camera) Yo! This is J dog and I wanna sa-

Michael: (comes in) Jim, how many...
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posted by Canada24
Pinkie: (Playing farcry 3).

Trevor: You playing that game!?

Pinkie: It's addicting.. You would like it boss.

Trevor: I tried it before.. I would of done things a bit differently, I can tell that much.

Trevor: (in cage) You don't scare me!

Vaas: Too bad! I own you.. (Goes close to him) Your my bitc- (Trevor punches him though the cage).. AHHH!

Trevor: You were saying.

Vaas: Fuck you!

Trevor: No fuck you!

Vaas: No fuck YOU!

Trevor: You!

(They keep at it until finally Hoyt calls Vaas over).

Vaas: (murders Riley with a dramatic shot to the throat) Oh shit! Did you see his face.. Hilario- (gets shot in the...
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posted by Canada24
Michael: The fuck, has happened!? Why do you have HIS car!?

Trevor: Piece of turd eh? No wonder people are stabbing him in the back.

Michael: T!

Trevor: I don't know why you mess around with people like that Mikey, I mean rea-

Michael: Trevor! Answer the fuckin question!

Trevor: I asked for a decent day pay, for a decent day work.. And he... Kinda got a little angry... So I admit. I.. Kinda got a little angry.

Pinkie: ... Did you kill him!?

Trevor: What kinda fuckin animal do you guys take me for!? No I didn't kill him!

Trevor: But I DID kidnap his wife!


Trevor: I just told you what I just did... Now.. Unfortantly we may have to lay low for a while.. But I got a good spot.. I'll drive

posted by Canada24
Pinkie: (using a huge sniper rifle) I see the plain.

Michael: Good, now be very careful. This is very impo-

Pinkie: (fires) Got it.

Michael: What!?.. (Looks up and sees the plain coming down).. I'll be damned., not bad girl.

Pinkie: (radios Trevor) Boss, the is coming down, you in position.

Trevor: Ready to go! (Starts chasing the plain with a dirt bike).

Plays WAKE UP HATE - KORN as the song in the background.

Eventually Trevor reached the crashed plain, shot the target and stole the files.

Trevor: I got the files.. Heading to Martin.

Michael: (off view) Okay.. I gotta get ride of this truck and gun....
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posted by Canada24
Martin: Ahh. Glad you could joi-.... What's with the pony?

Trevor: (petting Pinkie as she's sitting beside him) She's loyal to me okay.. So deal with it.

Pinkie: ... Plus there's nothing on tv.

Martin: Whatever.. Anyway. I need you to kill my cousin., shoot down the jet as he-

Trevor: (excited) Is he coming from Ireland!?.. Is he a leprechaun!?

Michael: (sitting on the other side of the couch, as it's big enough for all three), I highly doubt he's a lepre-

Trevor: Kick ass!! I never killed a leprechaun before.. You think if I shoot it, it will bleed out lucky charms!?

Pinkie: ... I too am wondering that

Martin: Guys foc-

Michael: Why would a leprechaun have private jet!?

Trevor: I don't know.. Maybe he-

Martin: GUYS!!

All three: Sorry

posted by Canada24
You guys are probably getting really tired of that fake audience thing.. I know I am.. So I'm gonna officially stop using it...

(Inside Trevor's trailer)..

Pinkie Pie: (still living on his couch), (Watching TV)..


John Coffee: He killed em with their love... That's how it each and every day.,

Trevor: (sees what she's watching)... Pink., I told you to stop watching those damn hillbilly movies..

Pinkie: It's not a hillbilly movie. It has atom Hanks

Trevor: Excatly.. Tom Hanks.. The king of hillbillies.

Pinkie: Whatever..

Mailman: (rings their door bell)

Trevor: (bursts though door with loaded...
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posted by Canada24
The three-o were fighting off coppers from inside the tunnels.

Niko: I ain't going to jail in this country! (throws grenade killing a good many of them at once).

They continued heavily fighting, eventually a subway train drove by, and the three took the opportunity to mark their escape as they run further into the tunnels, were the cops couldn't reach them.


Least until season 3...

Here's the Korn verse Niko played to fill up space

"Let's get this party started!!
I'm sick of being you!!
You make me feel insane!!
We don't give to you!!

Let's get this party started!!
You make me feel insane!!
I want to be the one!!
To make myself sane!!