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Hey. two in one day! Here’s the next part.

part 2
“Are you okay?” esme asked
“no.” I replied holding Edward.
“What’s the matter Bella”” jasper asked.
I let go of Edward and turned towards the rest of my family. All of them had their faces full of worry. I couldn’t hurt them again, this is my last time I told myself. I took a deep breath that whizzed down my throat. “ I’m so sorry.” I told them” I’ve put you in danger again.”

Part three.
“Well there’s no surprise there then.” Emmett chuckled. Rosalie threw a look of pure disbelief I his direction. Emmet shut up” she said her voice cold. I wasn’t listening, I was thinking of ways to get out of this situation. But I cant, because no matter how much I wanted to not put them at risk again, but I already have I thought. Edward and I can’t be apart and Nessie and the rest of them need me. Could I really be the one to split up the Cullen’s? I didn’t want to be I loved every one of them. I suddenly realised that Rosalie was talking to me.
“ Bella what for?” she asked. I took a deep breath and said
“ someone’s trying to kill off the vegetarian and there family’s which means my parents and all of you.” I looked away ashamed when looked back a couple of minuets later they were all looking at me. I guess they were all concerned, that’s what I thought until Edward came over towards me hugging and kissing whispering words of comfort. “Don’t get all upset about it” he said.
“I’m okay” I whispered in Edwards’s ear as I hugged him back and turned towards the others. I tried to look cheerful, more like my usual self, but inside it felt like I was breaking.
“Wait how would Tanya know?” asked Emmett being serious for once.
“Coz the whole village was murdered and a sign post said ‘vegetarians beware” Alice said suddenly.
“Wait you knew?” I asked. Alice knew that we were in danger, possibly Edward too, and both of them didn’t say anything?
“How come you know?” Emmett asked a second later, Rosalie glared at him again.
“I saw it before when Bella lost her anger.” Nice thanks Alice I thought it myself
“what about me killing Emmett?”
“That was a possibility at the time, it could have happened.” Explained Alice, she sounded a bit concerned. Note to self don’t trust Alice as much a I used to.
Carlisle wasn’t listening to much of our conversation. He seemed preoccupied in his own thoughts.
“Are you okay?” I asked him. Edward suddenly let out a growl, letting go of my waist, he stalked out.
“What’s the matter?” Emmett asked.
“I know who’s after us.” Carlisle said dully.
“Who?” Esme pleaded.
“Victoria’s sister, James brother and Laurent’s family”
I didnt make this btw.
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