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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
He kissed me like he had never kissed me before so of course I kissed him back. We kissed more deeply and then all of the sudden we were surrounded by a bunch of vampire. I was scarred to death, I kindo screamed, then I changed into my human form, I didn't mean to, I couldn't gigure out how to change back.Th worst part ever is that they out numbered Sawyer and I. This isn't a fair fight! I yelled not really meaning to. This boy, not much older looking than me came up, she smells like a good snack. Will you share? The boy asked. Sawyer got really protective, she's a vampire! Sawyer said. Well she has blood and she smells delicious. - The boy said. Zoe, lease turn back into your vampire form. Sawyer was almost begging it sounded like. I closed my eyes and right as someone was about to attack me, I flew up into the air. When I open my eyes I found that I had turned back into my human form and I was dropping 20-30 feet at no telling how fast. I landed on the ground with a big thud and a scream of pain slipped from my lips. I could feel myself healing but not quick anough. I Tryied to stand up but I couldn't, I was in to much pain. I just laid there, Sawyer looked at me, he started walking this way but the 3 vampire held him down while he boy was walking towards me. No, don't hurt him! I yelled. Oh, you shouldn't be worried about that. The boy said as he chuckled. He bent down and grabbed my arm and pulled my sleeve back. I see this has happen to you before, don't think this is a sigh? The boy said. Yeah, it has happen twice already and I survided both. Don't you think that is a sigh? I asked the boy. Emmett was right behind and he didn't relize it. He bit down on my arm, I screamed in pain. Emmett pulled him off quickly as possible. I couldn't see anything, I could only hear my family. Zoey, can you hear. It was Sawyer, he was okay! All the sudden everything went blank.
posted by twilight_fan_8
The next morning I woke up early for school. Really, why must I wake up early when I have to wake up early in the first place? Today I have to do something about Edward, I have decided. I probably will not go to school. I need help from Alice because I do not know what to do.

Ring. Ring. Ring.

It's my phone ringing and I see the name Alice flashing on the screen. It's as if she read my mind.

"Alice, I need help," I said.

"Help?" she sounded startled.

"What do I do about Edward," I moaned into the phone.

"Oh, thank goodness I thought something happened that I missed. I do not know what to do about...
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posted by bella01

i can't think straight.i don;t know what is happening to me,every time i think of how to escape,every time he is telling me that he love me,edward's face keep popping inside my head.every time i am thinking of not being with him i feel empty.i think i really like him,no,i love him.

"who is he"darius shouted.

i didn't realized that i spoke the last part of what i am thinking.

"i told you before i will never love you.i love someone else"i said

who is he?"he asked angrily

"is he one of your new family?"he asked

i did not answer.

"i will kill them all"he said angrily

"i will not let you hurt any...
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Enough Bella, I’m not going to write notes anymore like a bunch of second graders. Your living the life you want to and now you have to deal with the consequences. I can’t handle this anymore. I’m protecting myself from getting hurt so don’t call, don’t write, and don’t even think about me! If I need to talk to you for any reason, I will get a hold of YOU. It won’t happen anytime soon so don’t hang out by the phone or anything….


I slowly dropped the rain soaked note back onto the kitchen table. Well if Jacob wanted...
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1 the test reasults

Please tell me what you think .

Edward and I had just came home from our honeymoon. Sadly I'm still a human.=( I don't see why he doesn't just change me . I've married him but no he says that would be selifish ....blah blah blah .

While I was thinking edward pulled my hand "time to get on the plane"he said.On the plane I was having very bad tummy cramps .I wasn't worried.

When we got to the Cullen house , alice was looking at me funny . When i went to the bathroom and came out she was in the bathtube wacthing me.

"Alice what do you what "
"let's get out of edward's hearing...
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Edward and Bella
Edward and Bella
This is harder than i thought to write this one,so bare with me.It's kinda edgey compared to my others.Enjoy!

Here I am.In biology.Waiting for her to come in.
My classmates used to me being absent.As for,i nor my family can't go out into the sunlight [we can,just not where humans can see ].Or when were hunting.
Then the pain came once again.It wasen't that bad now since i'd hunted.Her milky brown eyes looked angry mixed with hurt,from my behavior.
''Hello.'' i greeted her.About to fully introduce myself.If I was going to do this.I may aswell do this right.After all,its...
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Chapter 11- Adventure

I woke up screaming in the middle of the night. Tom was quick to come and make sure I was all right. I assured him I was then stared at the ceiling. I really wasn’t all right. I don’t think it was possible for anyone in this situation to be anywhere near all right. I laid there the remainder of the night, jumping at the slightest noises out or inside.

The next morning Abigail walked in. “Tom is getting everything ready to get you safely transported to Lilly’s,” she told me sitting on the end of the bed. I nodded, looking out the window. “Is there anything I can...
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posted by Rob_patt_fan
“I think these are enough for today Bella… you did a good job!”

I smiled as I cleaned the blood from my face. But the thirst was now appearing! And I knew I needed more but I tried not to hunt some other poor animals! We were in the house and it was around midnight when everyone came around me and Edward, and stood with smiles on their faces. I looked at each one of them; Alice, Esme, Rosalie, Jasper, Emmet and Carlisle.
Now… they were my family!

“We have a surprise for you two!”

Edward looked at me with an unreadable expression… I knew that the surprise was Alice’s idea but I didn’t...
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posted by GothicGirl0525
Chapter 1
]Bella? Bella? BELLA? Are alright? Listen to me?”” Alice yelled at me. She’s starting to get worried and I could see that when I opened my eyes but when I opened my eyes I knew I saw relieve.
“Alice I’m fine. Clam down please. Your scaring Neisse. I sorry I must of gone into Deep thought. I’ve been doing that lately. A little too much. I’m really sorry Honey.”I said while trying to clam both of them down and holding my daughter in my lap in the car,
    “Oh well sorry Neisse I shouldn’t of reacted like that. I should have known you were fine....
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posted by twilight_fan_8
I walked up to my room with Katie behind me. Why is this happening? Why does she have to be here? I led her into my room. I shut the door slowly after she walked in.

She walked around my room and looked at everything. Then she sat down on my bad and looked up at me. She looked... sad? Like she was going to cry. I wasn't expecting this. Not in a million years would I expect that.

"Bella, I'm sorry. I shouldn't of done that. But you probably know how it feels to be in love with someone when they don't like you that way. Or at least that is probably what you thought was going on. I'm the reason...
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posted by Rob_patt_fan
Hey there! So... this is the 12th chapter... next chapter will be sooo much fun and exciting! thanks to Joe-edwardfan for inspiring me and thanks to ashesandwine for being such a good friend! Love you all! Don't forget to comment and rate! Bye for now

“My eyes…”

My chocolate colored eyes were gone and I knew they would not come back, EVER. I got afraid if Edward didn’t like me the way he did before.

“Of course I do!”

Edward said with a smile on his face. What?! He could read my mind now?

“I can’t believe it! What?! It’s so unfair! I want my silenced-mind back!”

I tapped my legs...
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1. You can enjoy the boquet while resisting the wine.
2. The future is not set in stone.
3. Men are crabby when they're hungry.
4. Nothing beats an irritable grizzly bear.
5. True love knows no boundaries.
6. Some people are just danger magnets.
7. Even eternal enemies can work together to save something they love.
8. Forget the fangs - real vampires sparkle!
9. Soul mates exist, even if it takes 100 years to find them.
10. Porshe 911 Turbos make really great bribes.
11. Friendship is like the sun on a cloudy day.
12. Snow just means it's too cold for rain.
13. Family is about more than just blood.
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It has been 3 years since i have been back to forks...and we are going back cause charlie died...

In these 3 years,I have lived with Bella and Edward Cullen and there 3 kids ,Vickie,Jesse and Renesmee.
Renesmee is half vampire and have human so she grows really fast and stopped so in 2 years she has grown to look like a teenager and her brain is like way smater than me.Bella is a vampire, edward changed her at the last minute and saved her life.Edward said when she changed,that for a 1 week year old vampie she is acting like a 100 year old.

So bella could see her kids write away!she was happy...
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posted by twilight_fan_8
I've got writers block. NO! And the world comes crashing down around me :(

No really I do have writers block. Writing this chapter was hard so, I hope it turned out good!

Rate & Comment Please ;)


When we got into Alice's car she was about to burst. I could just tell that she wanted to know everything that had happened when she was gone. And knowing Alice, she wouldn't be happy until she knew every last detail.

"So tell me, how did it go?" Alice said while trying not to sound too anxious.

"AMAZING!" I blurted out before I could contain myself....
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posted by Rob_patt_fan
-You won Edward.

Edward stood up and came to my side. He had his eyes closed and he was fragile.

-I can’t understand Jasper’s thoughts. It’s like; he empties his mind every ten minutes. Why am I a nonsense creature these days?!

I hugged him and got his hand in mine. I could see that they were all sad and they couldn’t concentrate on anything. When Carlisle showed up, everyone was in the living room. And I could understand that this time, my existence there, was no good! So, I made an excuse and Edward took me home without any other word. Edward wasn’t in a good mood so I didn’t ask...
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posted by twilight_fan_8
I woke up very tired. I turned my phone on and realized that I has missed seven of Alice's calls. I felt bad, but I couldn't call her now, I had to get ready for school. Charlie was already gone, luckily. Once I was ready for school, I didn't feel like sitting around and waiting to leave, so I just left a few minutes early.

When I got there I realized that the parking lot was practically empty. But, Alice and the Cullens were all already there.

"Alice!" I yelled even though I knew she heard me pull up. She walked over to me, smiling.

"It's okay, you don't have to apologize to me," Alice said...
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posted by twilight_fan_8
Is anyone even reading this? Should I just stop updating?

If you are reading it enjoy!


Ring. Ring. Ring.

The sound of my phone woke me up. It was Alice.

"Alice what do you want?" I said into the phone.

"That's a nice way to greet your friend, isn't it? Well I don't want anything from you. I have information on Jacob for you."

"Really? How? Tell me!"

"Well it's kind of a lot and I feel that I should tell you in person. Not over the phone. Can I come over now?" Alice asked.

"Sure," normally I wouldn't let Alice over at this hour, but I wanted to know...
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i brush my hair and went down stairs when i got down
5 persons went inside the house
wow i mean this house is big but so many people i dont know

they were 2 really big and strong men on was pale ,beautiful and curly dark hair

and the other one had a darker skin he was good looking i guess

then the only woman was a blond girl probably the envy of every super model that had ever live

the other guy was also blonde and also sltong but not too strong

When i look at the last gut that enter i saw that he was already looking at me i couldn't understand his expresion i look away from his gaze confused...
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posted by twilight_fan_8
"Alice, I'm so sorry that I just ran out like that," I said when I realized that it was her.

"Well I did go home, after you left. But I saw you in a vision and from what I saw, it did not go very well. Do you want to talk about it?" Alice said.

"I didn't even talk to him! I only saw Billy and he said that Jacob was out with some friends. Which I doubt. Did you happen to see where he was?" I asked hopefully.

"Well ,for some reason I couldn't see anything at the Blacks house. It was like I was blind. Normally I can see anything when I am looking for it. But I just couldn't," Alice said, obviously...
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posted by twilight-7
I followed Jacob as he sniffed out the vampire. Was I doing the right thing? Should I really go charging after the seemingly harmless golden-eyed vampire? Maybe she was a friend of the Cullens or of the Denali Coven. I’d met with them briefly once. Tanya, Kate, Irina, Carmen and Eleazar. Tanya with her strawberry blonde locks had her eyes set on Edward. When we first met I thought I saw disappointment in Tanya’s eyes. Her chance with Edward was gone but when she found out I was only human a sudden hope bloomed in her. I had a little wander in her mind. I wanted to know if she was planning...
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posted by anna0789
bellas' pov

"if you promise to explain yes" i said that made him laugh

"yes i promise i have to tell you even though that will mean i will lose you" edwards said and put his hand on my waist and we started to walk into the garden

we walk silently for a while until we arrive to a bench and we sat there

edward look at me and he touch my cheek
"you look extreamly beautiful is not fair" he said and i laugh a little

"look whose talking" i said while i blush an intense red

he look deeply with intensity my eyes my breathing speed and i was getting light headed i had to look away from his golden eyes...
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