Tyler Posey & Dylan O'Brien Club
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posted by sarabeara
Yada yada, same as the three prior years. A Collection of quotes about the bromance known as O'Brosey. Enjoy!

*** Dylan O'Brien: "My favorite scenes to do still to this day are with Tyler, and we don't get to do them as much anymore!"
{Wolf Watch, January 6 2014}

*** Jill Wagner: "Okay Tyler, who is Dylan's top celebrity crush?"
Tyler: "Selena Gomez. Please be Selena Gomez."
[Dylan holds up card that says 'Selena Gomez']
Tyler: "YESSSSS! I know my bro!"
Dylan: "I knew you'd say it."
Jill: "Okay Dylan, if Tyler wasn't an actor what job would he most like to have?"
Dylan: "Lead singer of a punk band."
[Tyler holds up card that says 'musician']
Tyler: "Yeah, that works. Good job, man."
Jill: Okay Tyler, what was Dylan's worst subject in school?"
Tyler: "I said history. I didn't know."
[Dylan holds up card that says 'science']
Dylan: "That's so disappointing when it's wrong."
Tyler: "It's really disappointing."
Dylan: "Can we just run that back and he says science? It's so much cooler that way."
Jill: "We're not going to cheat on this show."
Dylan: "No, no, no you know what though? Let me add to that though. History was my least favorite subject."
Tyler: "I KNEW IT!"
Jill: "Dylan, okay, what's the name of the girl that Tyler had his first kiss with?"
Dylan: "Miley Cyrus."
[Tyler holds up a card that says 'Miley Cyrus']
Dylan: "Give it to me, bro!"
Jill: "Was she a good kisser?"
Dylan: "They were nine."
Tyler: "Yeah, we were nine."
Jill: "Tyler, what is Dylan's biggest fear?"
Tyler: "Drowning."
[Dylan holds up card that says 'drowning']
Tyler: "YEAAAAH!"
Dylan: "You know your bro!"
Tyler: "I know my bro!"
Dylan: "That is crazy."
Jill: "Okay Dylan, what is the last concert Tyler went to?"
Dylan: "Blink 182."
[Tyler holds up a card that says 'Blink 182']
Dylan: "That was literally like three weeks ago. That was easy."
Jill: "Okay Tyler, what is Dylan's favorite movie of all time?"
Tyler: "I said the Matrix."
[Dylan holds up a card that says 'Matrix']
Tyler: "YESSS! I'm so happy you said that!"
Jill: "It's a tie. You guys both know your bro and I gotta give you both something. One of you gets this wonderful mug, and the other gets this awesome t-shirt which you can wear to the gym or everywhere."
Tyler: "Sick."
Dylan: "Yeah, you'll fill that out better, you know. Here you go, homie."
Tyler: "Good job, bro. Love you, man."
Dylan: "Love you too."
{Wolf Watch, January 6 2014}

*** Fan question: "When you guys aren't on set what do you two like to do together?"
Tyler: "We do play a lot of video games."
Dylan: "Yeah."
Tyler: "We watch movies, we jam, we hang out at each other's houses. Pretty much it, really. Think of funny script ideas..."
Dylan: "Hang out, talk."
Fan question: "What is your favorite thing about each other?"
Dylan: "Oh, wow. How good of a dude Tyler is. Just like, yeah. How good of a person he is."
Tyler: "Aw, I'm gonna cry. You're the man."
Dylan: "See? See?"
Tyler: "Yeah, Dylan's probably one of my best friends. He's just, he's the most entertaining person alive. I just want to be around him all the time."
{Wolf Watch, January 6 2014}

*** Q: What do you get the most feedback about, from fans of the show?
Tyler: "Me and Dylan’s relationship. That’s a huge part of the show and a huge part of our lives, and fans appreciate that ‘cause it’s real. I hear that all the time, and it’s always good to hear that. It instills the fact that we are very good friends, and we’re good to each other. That’s always fun to hear."
{collider.com print interview, Feb 3 2014}

*** Int: "What's the story you're most excited to see play out, maybe you can hint at?"
Tyler: "Me and Dylan's relationship this season is beautiful, frightening, terrifying, sexy. We kind of switch roles a little bit this season. Just a little bit, because he's taking the reins this season, he's very much the lead of the season, and I have a little bit of comedy this season so we've switched a little."
Int: "Did you guys ask each other for advice at all?"
Tyler: "No we didn't. You know, I mean I've learned a lot from Dylan ever since the beginning, he's learned a lot from me. So you know I think we already have each other's advice kind of in the back of our heads."
Int: "Is there a certain scene you can kind of tease that you were most excited to film this season?"
Tyler: "Yeah, yeah. There's a scene with me and Dylan coming up. It has never been done before on Teen Wolf, which is remarkable because we've done everything. But it is heartbreaking, scary, intense, sexy, it's everything I just said all in one little scene. But it is out of control and I cannot wait for everyone to see it."
Int: "I love that you're talking about Dylan so much because obviously you guys are best friends off the set. What are maybe three fun facts you could share?"
Tyler: "About Dylan? He loves videogames, just like me. He likes a good IPA, like me, we like good IPA beer. We grew up together basically. My first time hanging out with him we went to the mall in Beverly Centre, we hung out all day, we played music with each other. He's a perfect human being. He's beautiful and wonderful."
Int: "You're a good friend."
Tyler: "He's a good friend. We're good friends to each other."
Int: "I'm excited to interview him and ask him now about your facts."
Tyler: "He'll be like 'I hate Tyler Posey. I don't know who he is. We're not very close, I don't know why he's talking about me like that.'" [laughs]
{HollywireTV interview, Feb 7 2014}

Dylan O'Brien: "I think a lot of my and Tyler’s actual relationship translates to screen because we are really close in real life. We’ve been doing this together for four years now, and the show is really close to both of our hearts, you know? It always will be. But it’s all very personal for us, and it’s all real, I guess, in a sense."
{insidetv.ew.com print interview; Feb 17 2014}

Jill Wagner: "Let's talk about you personally, Tyler, and Dylan. Were you surprised when you saw him act as the void Stiles?"
Tyler: "I wasn't surprised. I know how great Dylan is, ever since day one and it was just really cool to finally see it. It's looks way different on camera cause I worked with void Stiles but like the way that it was on camera. And I didn't get to see that scene until I actually saw it on TV and it was just like dude he is-"
Jill: "Bad."
Tyler: "So good though."
Jill: "So good at being bad."
Tyler: "He is, I just, love that dude."
{Wolf Watch, March 3 2014}

Dylan O'Brien: "There’s no better person in the world than that guy. He’s the best."
{tvline.com print interview; March 24 2014}

Dylan O'Brien: [on Stiles' brain scan scene from 3x18] "Me and Ty love doing scenes like that; they really mean a lot to us. We have such a brothership in real life, and that's why those scenes seem to work so well, because we really do love each other. And we love the characters. We almost see Scott and Stiles as a version of ourselves. And Tyler was so damn good in that scene. There were certain things that didn't end up getting used, and I wish they had, because he was so in the moment. He was so great. Maybe on the DVD!"
{tvline.com print interview; March 24 2014}
added by sarabeara
Source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/genevieve719/
added by sarabeara
Source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/genevieve719/
added by sarabeara
Source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/genevieve719/
added by sarabeara
Source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/genevieve719/
added by sarabeara
Source: Tyler's Twitter
added by sarabeara
Source: tumblr user sstlinski24
added by sarabeara
Source: tumblr user: melissaisbored
added by sarabeara
Source: likekristine @ tumblr
added by sarabeara
Source: http://www.tumblr.com/tagged/colton-haynes?before=1311815218
added by sarabeara
Source: tyler-posey.com
added by sarabeara
Source: dylanocryn on tumblr
added by sarabeara
Source: dylanocryn on tumblr
added by sarabeara
Source: http://theworldofcinema.tumblr.com/
added by cookee922
added by sarabeara
Source: Tyler P & Tyler H's twitters
added by sarabeara
Source: codysaintnudes.tumblr.com
added by sarabeara
Source: tumblr user lonewolfed
added by sarabeara
Source: Tyler's Twitter
added by sarabeara
Source: tyler-posey.com
added by sarabeara
Source: tumblr user: christianor0naldo