hi there
tori here aka kerrpunch57
i was listening to def leppard today on music choice channel on direct tv
so anyone here miss the 80's?
i do i miss the tv shows and people in the 80's
like steve clark and alex karras in webster.
you all like webster or perfect strangers?
i do bye now
Posted over a year ago
I was very little in the 80s so don't remember much in terms of music, but when I got older I started to discover music from that decade more through listening to my parents vinyl's and CDs and now DAB 80s radio station.
I think my parents are hearing more 80s music now (since I play it all day) then when they were younger as well as discovering bands that they never knew (like my dad said 'there were so many bands/singers around in the 80s, it was hard to keep up with them all").
Posted over a year ago
Peter Tork's Would've Been Birthday is this week (2/13/20); the 1st anniversary of Peter's death is next week; & the anniversary of Davy Jones' death is the week after next.
What I like about 80's music is that this was mostly about being happy and having a good time, where more of todays music seems to be otherwise loser musicians singing about how someone other than themselves is responsible for all the worlds problems.
Posted over a year ago
I'm so glad I was old enough to enjoy the 80's. It's the best decade ever. I've researched every decade and the 80's was loaded with so much music variety. Television was great also. The best family shows came from that decade.
Posted over a year ago
Hey Jessie's Girl fans! If you're interested in seeing Rick Springfield on a nationally syndicated talk show in New York City on Wednesday, February 13th email tickets@andersoncooper.com with "Rick Springfield" included somewhere in the subject line. Also include the following information in your email:
Your name
How many tickets you want
Your phone number
Your email address
Also it is important that you do not wear any Rick Springfield apparel to the taping!
I wish that every day! I feel bad the kids these days have to listen to such bad music. I hope the 80's sound comes back like it has in the UK.over a year ago
I totally agree with the motto of this club,it makes me sad when people don't know or appreciate what real music is.I really can't stand nowadays music because of the awful lyrics and heavy autotunes.I will always listen to this music forever!
Posted over a year ago
I'm definitely looking forward to get a medal in this club ! c:
the 80's are my addiction & I don't think it can be compared with any other years of Music . 80'S FOREVER °
Posted over a year ago
huey lewis & the news, u2, the police, a-ha, duran duran, bruce springsteen, van halen i love the 80s it's music it's movies it's fashion and actors yay! MICHAEL J. FOX!! LOVE HIM:D
Posted over a year ago
The Culture Club, Michael Jackson, Duran Duran... I got a lot of fav's! :D ♥ 80's is the era I should've been born, actually a teen in. :) Boy George and MJ are 2 of my crushes, Rob Lowe, and Ralph Macchio! Whoop! ;)
Posted over a year ago
I was a teenager in the 80's and the music was my live. I danced , partyed and had tones of fun . I watched the videos , learned the dance moves and sang along with the music and I still love the music today as much as I did then.
Posted over a year ago
I was born in 89 so i didnt really get to live in the 80's. The music that was made back then is legendary. Everyone from Michael Jackson, to Hall & Oates delivered timeless hits. Thank you 80's.
P.S. I love the song I cant go for that (no can do) by Hall & Oates. I see white men can have soul too.
Posted over a year ago