Alec Lightwood 2016 Brand New Spot Look Forum [Closed]

drewjoana posted on Feb 28, 2016 at 11:35AM
Hi Fanpopers.
I realize that few years ago a fellow fan made also a forum and I guess it wasn't very sucessful. So I am remaking her forum to find a proper and more fair look for our beloved character. As we all know now we have two versions played by diferent actors. So let make this right and include on the icon/ banner both Alec played by Kevin Zegers on The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones and also the tv series version Shadownhunters played by Matthew Daddario.

I will give it a month, so this forum will close exactly on April 1st.

Later according how much suggestions will be posted, a poll will be made for a shor time to find the best look.

Good Luck, I am sure this time we will make it work.
last edited on Feb 28, 2016 at 11:37AM

Alec Lightwood 11 replies

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over a year ago geocen said…
banner 1
banner 1
over a year ago geocen said…
banner 2
last edited over a year ago
banner 2
over a year ago geocen said…
over a year ago geocen said…
over a year ago drewjoana said…
great icon.
over a year ago drewjoana said…
big smile
Thanks geocen, Your banner and icons are perfect suggestions for this spot!
over a year ago Bibi69 said…
over a year ago Bibi69 said…
Icon #1
Icon #1
drewjoana commented…
This one is my favorite! over a year ago
over a year ago Bibi69 said…
Icon #2

My banner can fit with either of my icons
Icon #2

My banner can fit with either of my icons
over a year ago sherlocked88 said…
Well, isn't it time to choose now?
over a year ago drewjoana said…
The Polls are ON for a limited time only. Go make your pick!

