Alice in Wonderland (2010) Club
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added by Alice12Mirana
added by Lesly1133
added by sukritikandpal
added by Lesly1133
added by Juliana_House
Source: Google, Amazon, Disney
added by Juliana_House
Source: Mad Hatter's Facebook page
added by Lesly1133
Blu-ray/DVD/Digital Copy Combo Pack out June 1st
Blu-ray/DVD/Digital Copy Combo Pack out June 1st
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to watch the Behind the scenes clip.

(About the behind the scenes clip)

Let me be clear: I really enjoyed Tim Burton's take on "Alice in Wonderland." The story delivered a worthwhile continuation of Disney's original animated film while sticking to the twistedly whimsical spirit Lewis Carroll's classic book. A lot of folks felt the same way.

Then the movie ended. Like many, I was shaken by the... interesting creative choice made in the final minutes when Johnny Depp's Mad Hatter performs a CGI-assisted dance -- the Futterwacken -- to a techno beat. In the below clip from the Blu-ray/DVD's...
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added by peteandco
added by PoisonRose
Source: art by Massimiliano Narciso
added by peteandco
Source: costumer guide to movie costumes
added by Juliana_House
Source: Disney
added by PoisonRose
Source: art by Massimiliano Narciso
Q: Your upcoming Alice looks like it might be a more adult interpretation, considering she's meant to be 19...

A: With Alice, the imagery has been around for so long, it's so iconic. The problem with the books is that they're episodic and kind of random events that the movies have always suffered from the idea of a passive little girl going, "Oh, that's weird. Oh, I'm shrinking! Oh, I'm growing! I say!" So the goal was to try and take that imagery and be true to it but make it a new movie. So she's older, which puts in context. That's what's always been missing.

I think, with all these stories,...
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added by shenelopefan
added by PoisonRose
Source: art by Massimiliano Narciso
added by PoisonRose
Source: art by Massimiliano Narciso
added by peteandco
Source: costumer guide to movie costumes