The fans pick: The Girl in Question
The fans pick: James Marsters "SPIKE/WILLIAM THE BLOODY"
The fans pick: Yep, I'm with the boss.
The fans pick: Cuz, He Thinks That He Saves The World More Than Spike
The fans pick: Spike. A Bad Boy With A Hot Accent
The fans pick: Caveman. It all raw and primal.
The fans pick: Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 7
The fans pick: All of the Epsiodes from both shows Buffy The Vampire Slayer & Angel
The fans pick: Or Angel & Spike "Just Rewards"
The fans pick: Spike - Not saying word to Glory about Dawn being the key for Buffy.
The fans pick: Spike, because you can't be with Angel forever like you had hoped.
Spike, because you can&# 39; t be... |
Angel, because you are deeply... |
The fans pick: Angelus (Angel)
The fans pick: "William The Bloody" ( Spike)