Angry Birds Club
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added by KateKicksAss
added by Patrick-Star54
added by Patrick-Star54
added by CommonLawFans
added by kellyclarkson12
added by KateKicksAss
added by CommonLawFans
added by CommonLawFans
added by kellyclarkson12
added by grabbit
added by AngryBirds2022
Source: Lazer Bird
added by Patrick-Star54
A new collaborative promotion between Rovio and McDonald’s China is now available! This is a brand new web-based mini game called Angry Birds McDonald’s. You can play this in most any modern web browser, excluding mobile and tablets, by going to The game does require Flash.

You will have to register in order to unlock any levels beyond the first two. Easy enough…if you speak and read Chinese. While we’re not native speakers, we have deciphered it well enough to provide you with these instructions. To sign up, you have to click on the bottom-right most button (just...
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added by Patrick-Star54
added by Patrick-Star54
added by Patrick-Star54
added by Patrick-Star54
added by KateKicksAss
Source: tumblr
added by grabbit
added by grabbit