This is a collection of some of the most complex visual effects shots from Army Of The Dead including how Tig Notaro was digitally inserted into the movie!
Mikey Guzman from Army of the Dead has made a name for himself making videos of his zombie killing abilities as he goes around Las Vegas looking for zombies to take out and loot!
An Army of Visual Effects and Production design masterminds employed state of the art techniques in order to create a realistic Las Vegas just so it could be over run by an Army of the Dead!
In Snyder School: Episode 3, Zack explains his philosophy on color, how he finds the final cut with his editor, and how music and sound design complete the emotional experience of watching his films.
Are the heroes of Zack Snyder's Army of the Dead stuck in a time loop? This video has the evidence — and explains everything you need to know — about the Army of the Dead Time Loop Theory.
Meet Ace, the happy thoroughbred that played The Zombie Horse and meet the team of talented make-up artists that created a one-of-a-kind suit that transformed Ace into an undead Horse!
These zombies are a whole new evolution of undead. Featuring a wild social structure, smarter zombies, and even zombie tigers, Army of the Dead breathes a breath of life into the walking dead.
"Let's agree that doing group work seems more difficult than facing an army of zombies, right?" Teamwork Q&A with Zack Snyder and Matthias Schweighöfer.
In 'Snyder School,' Zack Snyder takes us on a four episode journey into his creative process as a filmmaker. In Episode 2, Zack explains his approach to cinematography, using digital cameras for the first time, and zombie stunts.