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added by shaneoohmac13
added by shaneoohmac13
added by shaneoohmac13
added by shaneoohmac13
Ariel would've rated much higher but for her fins...
Ariel would've rated much higher but for her fins...
So it's the day after the long Thanksgiving weekend and I'm sitting at my desk at work thinking "Oh man, I wish I was still on vacation" when I hear two of my coworkers discussing Disney women. Or, more specifically, discussing which Disney cartoon female is the hottest of them all:

Coworker 1: What about Jasmine? She's hot!
Coworker 2: Yeah, but her nose was kind of on the big side, no?
Coworker 1: Maybe. What about Ariel?
Coworker 2: Mmm...isn't she underage?
Coworker 1: The Hunchback chick!
Coworker 2: Esmeralda? Mmm...yeah, she does this saucy dance in the movie...
Coworker 1: Yeah. That was hot....
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added by whitelion
added by whitelion
added by whitelion
Magic mirror on the screen, who is the fairest one of all?
Magic mirror on the screen, who is the fairest one of all?
I made a list almost a year ago about my top 10 most beautiful animated females but my list has changed a little since then so I decided to do a remake. I hated only doing top 10 because there's so many that are so beautiful so I decided to make it the top 20. Please leave a comment telling me what you think of it but keep in mind it's just my opinion, enjoy.

20.Snow White(Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs)

I don't care too much for her as a character, but I still love her, but I have to say that she girl is absolutely gorgeous. I mean look at her in the picture I used of her, she looks like...
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added by whitelion
added by BDTXIII
added by BDTXIII
added by BDTXIII
added by BDTXIII
added by BDTXIII
added by BDTXIII
added by whitelion
added by whitelion
added by whitelion