Ariel would've rated much higher but for her fins...
So it's the day after the long Thanksgiving weekend and I'm sitting at my desk at work thinking "Oh man, I wish I was still on vacation" when I hear two of my coworkers discussing Disney women. Or, more specifically, discussing which Disney cartoon female is the hottest of them all:
Coworker 1: What about Jasmine? She's hot!
Coworker 2: Yeah, but her nose was kind of on the big side, no?
Coworker 1: Maybe. What about Ariel?
Coworker 2: Mmm...isn't she underage?
Coworker 1: The Hunchback chick!
Coworker 2: Esmeralda? Mmm...yeah, she does this saucy dance in the movie...
Coworker 1: Yeah. That was hot....
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