BoltsBiggestFan Computer Art Uploads

BoltsBiggestFan posted on Nov 09, 2009 at 04:44PM
I'm trying my best to get my computer art done and uploaded, but skl and homework is slowly crushing me and I keep on getting my computer mouse conviscated. my bad :/ Anyway, I'm gonna try and do some more Harry Potter Cats (yay i luv dem) so look out for some more uploads

Thx! PS I did that cat on Photoshop do u like it?
I'm trying my best to get my computer art done and uploaded, but skl and homework is slowly crushing

BoltsBiggestFan Computer Art 1 reply

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over a year ago BoltsBiggestFan said…
big smile
OMG My pics work again hurrah! U can view them as normal now yay