Books to Read Club
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From Rear View Mirror blog c/o Cindy Calinsky

If you’ve ever wondered what it would be like to run sound for a rock-n-roll concert, EKKO will place you in the drivers’ seat and step on the gas.

The series is based on a rock band that has just started a major tour across North America. But this isn’t your typical sex, drugs, and rock-n-roll story; it’s all about the adventures of CJ, our protagonist, who has a hunger for paranormal adventure.

After a hike in the forest one day, CJ returned with a device that has taken his craving for the unknown to a whole new level. He lost his parents...
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posted by juicyjossy9
David R. Hamilton, Ph.D.
263 pages

The connection between your mind and body is close, dynamic, and often a valuable tool in taking control of your life and ambitions. The power of thought can transform you in profound ways, particularly in regards to its truly incredible effect on your health. These topics are examined in detail within these pages.

This fascinating book by cutting-edge scientist David R. Hamilton explores the influences of visualization, belief, and positive thinking – and their impact on the body. He also presents a revolutionary quantum-field healing meditation – through which you can change yourself on an atomic level – and shows how you can use your imagination and thought processes to combat disease, pain, and illness.

You will see how science and belief system merge … so that you can heal yourself more effectively than ever before!

Here are some of my favourite books. Try to read them, they are excellent. For those who can speak Spanish, I advise reading García Márquez in Spanish.

1.    The Lord of the Rings, J.R.R. Tolkien
2.    The Firm, John Grisham
3.    Crossing the River, Caryl Phillips
4.    The Innocent Man, John Grisham
5.    Vanity Fair, William Thackeray
6.    Jane Eyre, Charlotte Brontë
7.    Wuthering Heights, Emily Brontë
8.    A Hundred Years of Solitude, Gabriel García Márquez
9.    The Sword of Truth, Terry Goodkind
10.    The Picture of Dorian Gray, Oscar Wilde
11.    Hamlet, Shakespeare
12.    It, Stephen King
13.    Les Rois Maudits, Maurice Druon
14.    Angela’s Ashes, Frank McCourt
15.    Atonement, Ian McEwan
16.    Three Men in a Boat, Jerome K. Jerome
17.    Book of the Dead, Patricia Cornwell
18.    Annales, Tacite
19.    Mémoires d’Hadrien, Marguerite Yourcenar
We hear a lot about sexism against females, and some people think this extends to books, which it probably does. A lot of books have no females in them, or only have weak female characters, like damsels in distress which are just there to be saved by males. But recently, there has been a lot of strong, resourceful new female book characters. Here are my favourite strong heroines- and two of them are from books written by male authors, so well done men for realising that females can be string too.

1) Kestrel Hath, from The Wind on Fire series by William Nicholson.
Most of you probably haven't...
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posted by cressida
We all love books. That's a given. But what about bookstores? What are your thoughts on them?

I'm just going to presume that you love bookstores, and even more, independent bookstores. But in this day and age when it is too easy to search for and buy books online *cough* Amazon *cough*, I want to remind all of the wonderfulness of independent bookstores. But I also want to remind you that they are suffering. These historical and community treasures need your help!

And so I want to direct your attention to an upcoming PBS documentary called Paperback Dreams. Paperback Dreams is the story...
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posted by lovetolovejb
Uninvited Guests...

    “What is it?” Asked Patty Dransiena, “how did it get in here?”
John Dransiena couldn’t speak, he could only stare at the trembling creature that looked so innocent, yet so scary.
    As John stepped out of his steaming car, he reflected on his day. He had been yelled at by his, then on his way home, some idiot had tried to cut in front of him and had nearly knocked him off the cliffs that lined the boundaries...
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posted by Nuttypeanut
The book cover for Pride and Popularity.
The book cover for Pride and Popularity.
Every girl in Farmington, New Mexico is in love with Taylor Anderson. Well, almost everyone. Chloe Hart is the one girl who can resist Taylor's charm. Why doesn't she swoon when he notices her? One reason: He's popular.
No guy has ever taken interest in Chloe. She's more focused on her dance classes and paintings than any boy. But when Taylor Anderson is stuck sitting at her table in art class for the entire year, she doesn't know how she'll survie!
Author Jenni James turns Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice into a story of two high school students...
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Chapter 3 The cult

“What are you on about?” I was shaking with anger. How dare she say what I am and what I'm not “Stuff you” I wanted to say much worse. I walked away from her. Suddenly James was in front of me, smirking at me then he slowly vanished. I had to get out of here. By the time I come back it will be too late.

I was walking down the empty street the sun had set already. How long have I been walking for? I did not even feel tired. Some how I ended up at the park... thinking of Hannah, I walked past where it all happened Hannah screams echoed inside my head. I felt nothing...
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posted by deedragongirl
I love to read!
I love to read!
Hi guys, I would like to write down some of my favourite books that I had previously and currently reading.

The Harry Potter Series

I love Harry Potter series, because it's very intrigue and I love J.K Rowling's style of writing. She's one of the inspiration in writing! So salute to her and will read the latest Harry Potter book once it comes out.

The Chronicles of Narnia

I had always thought that this is even better than Harry Potter because it's more extraordinary and has more suspense.
However, one of the things that I was disappointed that Susan Pevensie did not join the gang in 'The Last...
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Ellen DeGeneres Bio
Ellen DeGeneres Bio
Celebrity biographer and writing coach, Randy Jernigan, this week admitted to a national radio audience that he has recently suffered total kidney failure, resulting in weekly dialysis and a drastic change in his life and schedule.

The 'Losing to Win!' author has been forced to postpone a number of professional commitments this month, explaining that his life was "turned upside down" when two heart attacks and renal failure cause him to be placed on weekly kidney dialysis for his survival

"This year has been a rough one for me,": the author confessed to his radio audience. "The good news is I'm...
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posted by Kibahina96
Bill Wallace is my favorite author. Here are my favorite books by him.

1.Pick Of the Litter
2.A Dog Called Kitty
3. The Dog Who Thought He Was Santa

1.It teaches an important lesson about doing what's right even when its not easy. Plus I love dogs.
2.Although the ending was kind of sad I loved reading about the relation between the boy and the dog bonding. It also made me laugh as well as cry which I believe is very important.
3.It shows you things from the dogs point of view which I thought wqas very interesting.
My Life in France by Julia Child with Alex Prud'homme
You must know Julia Child by name if not by reputation. The cook of all cooks. The woman who revolutionized American household kitchens; she entered the home by TV and left us groaning, having just gorged on prodigious French food. But that really isn't her, Julia Child declares, in her book. My Life in France is an amazing, humanizing potrait of Julia Child as we peek into her life before fame and (can you belive it?) her life before she could cook (she claims that she was horrible in the kitchen before moving to France and attended cooking...
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This is the full table of contents for the Harry Potter series.

The Boy Who Lived
The Vanishing Glass
The Letters from No One
The Keeper of the Keys
Diagon Alley
The Journey from Platform Nine and Three-quarters
The Sorting Hat
The Potions Master
The Midnight Duel
The Mirror of Erised
Nicolas Flamel
Norbert the Norwegian Ridgeback
The Forbidden Forest
Through the Trapdoor
The Man with Two Faces
The Worst Birthday
Dobby's Warning
The Burrow
At Flourish and Blotts
The Whomping Willow
Gilderoy Lockhart
Mudbloods and Murmurs
The Deathday Party
The Writing on the Wall
The Rogue Bludger
The Dueling Club
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Michael Talbot
406 pages

Michael Talbot has woven a tale of the vampire unlike any you have read. He places them historically in the development of the human race, identifying them as artists, popes, collectors and inventors. He depicts them as the curators of all things important to human kind. It is the way they obtain those things worth protecting that is the meat of his book, The Delicate Dependency. Set in London at the turn of the century, a kidnapping of a child occurs which sends her father and a renowned vampire hunter on a chase all over Europe. The father is a physician who has...
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Gjenopplive en 45 år gammel bok, Bill Gates inkludert Business eventyr: tolv klassiske historier fra verden av Wall Street på hans 2014 sommeren pensum. Hans entusiasme ("Warren Buffett anbefalt denne boken til meg tilbake i 1991, og det er fortsatt den beste business boken jeg noensinne har lest"- og hevder det er Warren Buffett favoritt business bok, også) var smittsom. Med prodding av Gates, ut-av-print bok ble gjenutgitt som en e-bok av åpne veien, og som jeg skriver dette innlegget er det Amazon's #1 beste selger i handel og #2 i bøker.

John Brooks opprinnelig publisert fortellingene...
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Norman Doidge, m.d.
427 pages

The discovery that our thoughts can change the structure and function of our brains – even into old age – is the most important breakthrough in neuroscience in four centuries. In this revolutionary look at the brain, bestselling author, psychiatrist, and psychoanalyst Norman Doidge, M.D., introduces both the brilliant scientists championing this new science of neuroplasticity and the astonishing progress of the people whose lives they’ve transformed

Introducing principles we canal use as well as a riveting collection of case histories – stroke patients...
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posted by BiteMeCullen107
“Jacob!” I was yelling from the bath room. I was in more pain than I ever thought was possible. It felt like something was clawing its way out of my stomach. This couldn’t be possible I’d been pregnant for only a couple of months. “JACOB BLACK GET YOU ASS UP HERE!” I was screaming so loud I thought Jacob would go def. He ran into the bath room and kneeled down beside me. “What’s wrong?” “I need to get to grandpa.” He picked me up and drove me to the house and carried me in.

“What’s wrong with her?” My mother came rushing to my side. “Mom stop just get grandpa.”...
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(original title: Essere Gentile)
by Piero Ferrucci, 2008, 306 pages
and Vivien Reid Ferrucci (Translator)

A book to read as a soul provider – if you are in a state of confusion, conflict, in quest of wisdom or in reach for soul comfort – or all…

A leading transpersonal psychologist reveals the unexpected secret to a happy life: behaving with kindness.

Piero Ferrucci calls it "global cooling," a phenomenon of chilly human relations. Communications are hurried and impersonal. The drive for profit and wealth has become a cherished value. And warmth and genuine presence have all but dissolved...
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The Kardashian Ladies
The Kardashian Ladies
Elizabeth Wilson's Gut Feminism is a must read for all my readers out there. The work has been called an intersection of science studies and feminist theories. I loved this book, but then I would--anyone that knows me knows that I'm a sign waver at heart. Gotta get this book!

I'm hearing rumors that my writing buddy Randy Jernigan will publish a new celebrity bio on the Kardashian ladies--including Caitlan, this Fall. Randy admitted to me late last year that he was a fan of KUWTK show and never missed an episode. Now, all the TV watching will pay off for you!

Also, it's about time for Randy's...
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Ever randomly burst into tears and not know why? Nothing sad has happened in the last 30 seconds! You're not even thinking about sad stuff! What is wrong with you?!

This has happened to me quite a few times lately. Most notably, while revisiting some favorite movies from my childhood. I pulled 'em out of the shed, dusted of the thin cardboard and clamshell VHS cases, and tried to remember how to work a VCR. (Stop picturing me in a rocking chair wearing a cardigan. And get off my lawn.) During several of these movies that I watched hundreds of times in the early '90s, something strange happened....
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