Look at those eyes
That have bags
Under it
That is because you
Don't sleep enough
My friend
You only sleep every day
For 3 hours
That is not good friend
For anybody
Yes friend sleep is very important
You can't even function properly
You are yawning away
I must say that is terrible
Also you are not taking care of your health
You are a second hand smoker
Yes smoke is bad for you
Every time you smoke a cigarette
You are reducing you live
By ten years
Also you are destroying you lungs
That have bags
Under it
That is because you
Don't sleep enough
My friend
You only sleep every day
For 3 hours
That is not good friend
For anybody
Yes friend sleep is very important
You can't even function properly
You are yawning away
I must say that is terrible
Also you are not taking care of your health
You are a second hand smoker
Yes smoke is bad for you
Every time you smoke a cigarette
You are reducing you live
By ten years
Also you are destroying you lungs
I love loving you Father
For have made me
The men I am
I will always stand for my rights
And I will not give up the fight
Because I believe somebody
Is mistreating me
I will confront that person
I don't care if he hates it
I deserve to be treated equally
I love loving you Father
For have made me
The men I am
I will always stand for my rights
And I will not give up the fight
Because I believe somebody
Is mistreating me
I will confront that person
I don't care if he hates it
I deserve to be treated equally
That is what I expect from
My friends
I treat all my friends the same
If they don't like it
Too bad
So please get lost
And don't beg me anymore
For have made me
The men I am
I will always stand for my rights
And I will not give up the fight
Because I believe somebody
Is mistreating me
I will confront that person
I don't care if he hates it
I deserve to be treated equally
I love loving you Father
For have made me
The men I am
I will always stand for my rights
And I will not give up the fight
Because I believe somebody
Is mistreating me
I will confront that person
I don't care if he hates it
I deserve to be treated equally
That is what I expect from
My friends
I treat all my friends the same
If they don't like it
Too bad
So please get lost
And don't beg me anymore
Sorry doesn't cut
You mistreated me
Every time I was with you
You always yelled at me
You are very
Mentally sick
And you don't seem to care
I am sorry to say that you live like a
You don't take care of you
You clothes that you wear
Are always dirty
I don't deserve to be you friend
The children's aid
Took you child away from
I hope you die in hell
With no money
Sleeping in the streets of Toronto
During the Winter
That is my wish for you
I also wonder who will
Find you dead in the street
And burry you
You mistreated me
Every time I was with you
You always yelled at me
You are very
Mentally sick
And you don't seem to care
I am sorry to say that you live like a
You don't take care of you
You clothes that you wear
Are always dirty
I don't deserve to be you friend
The children's aid
Took you child away from
I hope you die in hell
With no money
Sleeping in the streets of Toronto
During the Winter
That is my wish for you
I also wonder who will
Find you dead in the street
And burry you
I miss you
more and more
Each day
I also need you in my life
Every single day
Also father
I want to belong
To your life
Because you are the one
Who made me
In your image
A long time ago
Also you are the one
Who gave me life
And I am living my life
Every single day
Here on earth
After you placed me here
On earth to live
After you made me
Also you gave me feelings
Also I am not a
I finally got used to live
On earth
Every single day
A long time ago
Also many years ago
I became your poet
And I never take a break from
I work my 8 hours a day
That is the normal shift
My Father gave to me
more and more
Each day
I also need you in my life
Every single day
Also father
I want to belong
To your life
Because you are the one
Who made me
In your image
A long time ago
Also you are the one
Who gave me life
And I am living my life
Every single day
Here on earth
After you placed me here
On earth to live
After you made me
Also you gave me feelings
Also I am not a
I finally got used to live
On earth
Every single day
A long time ago
Also many years ago
I became your poet
And I never take a break from
I work my 8 hours a day
That is the normal shift
My Father gave to me
Don't let you life pas you by
Please live your life
To the fullest every day
Keep the good friends that you have
Before you go to bed every night
Say a prayer to God
And ask in you prayer
For God to give you
A good night sleep
Also you need you sleep
Please go to bed early
Every night
So you can get a proper sleep
Don't stay up late
Because you won't get much sleep
And you can't function with little sleep
Also next day when you wake up
You are going to feel tired
Also you will be yawning non stop
Remember that you can't sleep in
During the mornings
Or you won't sleep at night
Please live your life
To the fullest every day
Keep the good friends that you have
Before you go to bed every night
Say a prayer to God
And ask in you prayer
For God to give you
A good night sleep
Also you need you sleep
Please go to bed early
Every night
So you can get a proper sleep
Don't stay up late
Because you won't get much sleep
And you can't function with little sleep
Also next day when you wake up
You are going to feel tired
Also you will be yawning non stop
Remember that you can't sleep in
During the mornings
Or you won't sleep at night
Dream dream dream
Every night when you are
With your loved ones
That is dead
AIso don't forget that
They are resting in peace
In heaven
Also they are not suffering anymore
The way they suffered
When they lived on earth
Yes I know that you are still grieving
The lose of your loved one
It was a shock to you
When they died very fast
In their sleep
AIso you are missing them
Yes you wished that they
Could see how much you grown
And now you are finally
Very matured
Also you have grown
Very religious
Every night when you are
With your loved ones
That is dead
AIso don't forget that
They are resting in peace
In heaven
Also they are not suffering anymore
The way they suffered
When they lived on earth
Yes I know that you are still grieving
The lose of your loved one
It was a shock to you
When they died very fast
In their sleep
AIso you are missing them
Yes you wished that they
Could see how much you grown
And now you are finally
Very matured
Also you have grown
Very religious
Someone you love
Is my Father
Who had created
You in his image
A long time ago
Also you are a child of
My Father
My Father have lots of children
Besides you
You are the oldest child
Of my Father
Also my Father doesn't tell you
How you should live your life
You should have faith in my Father
Also it is important to pray
For my Father every night
It only takes a few minutes
To do it
And in you prayer you ask
My father
To give you some health
And a good night sleep
Also my father
Grant you what you
Asked you in your prayer
Is my Father
Who had created
You in his image
A long time ago
Also you are a child of
My Father
My Father have lots of children
Besides you
You are the oldest child
Of my Father
Also my Father doesn't tell you
How you should live your life
You should have faith in my Father
Also it is important to pray
For my Father every night
It only takes a few minutes
To do it
And in you prayer you ask
My father
To give you some health
And a good night sleep
Also my father
Grant you what you
Asked you in your prayer
I got to sleep
All through the night
Without getting up
In the middle of the night
I hate getting up in the middle of the night
Going to the bathroom
I am having lots of accidents
Where I pee my bed
And I need to wash
My bed
It happens all the time
With me
I am getting feed up
With it
Yes I wear a diaper
Every night when I go to sleep
Also I have an urinary tract infection
I need to drink Cranberry juice
It helps kill the urinary tract infection
I drink 1 small glass of cranberry juice
Every single day
Also the cold weather makes me pee
I just have no luck
After I drink coffee I need to pee
Yes coffee is the only drink
That will wake me up
In the morning
All through the night
Without getting up
In the middle of the night
I hate getting up in the middle of the night
Going to the bathroom
I am having lots of accidents
Where I pee my bed
And I need to wash
My bed
It happens all the time
With me
I am getting feed up
With it
Yes I wear a diaper
Every night when I go to sleep
Also I have an urinary tract infection
I need to drink Cranberry juice
It helps kill the urinary tract infection
I drink 1 small glass of cranberry juice
Every single day
Also the cold weather makes me pee
I just have no luck
After I drink coffee I need to pee
Yes coffee is the only drink
That will wake me up
In the morning
You take my breath away
Every time you sing out to me birds
Every time I walk in the park
I also love to hear you sing birds
Now the afternoon is here
It started to rain hard
I got caught in the rain
I am all soaked
Now I finally arrived home
I am getting changed into
Some dry clothes
I put the wet clothes to wash
In the wash machine
With 2 pods
It will take 1 hour to wash my clothes
Then I will through it in the dryer to try
Now I am putting my clothes out
That I am going to wear tomorrow
Now I am going to have a quick bite
Then I will have a nap
Because I am tired from my
I will wake up at 2:00 pm
Every time you sing out to me birds
Every time I walk in the park
I also love to hear you sing birds
Now the afternoon is here
It started to rain hard
I got caught in the rain
I am all soaked
Now I finally arrived home
I am getting changed into
Some dry clothes
I put the wet clothes to wash
In the wash machine
With 2 pods
It will take 1 hour to wash my clothes
Then I will through it in the dryer to try
Now I am putting my clothes out
That I am going to wear tomorrow
Now I am going to have a quick bite
Then I will have a nap
Because I am tired from my
I will wake up at 2:00 pm
Get back where you belong
Children of God
In God's house
For the Sundxay service
God's house is always open
For you
And you are always welcome
To come to God's house
Also God's childrfen
Don't forget
That you are also
Loved by God
Without limits
Now God's children
God invited to his
Table for communion
Now God will share
The meal with
All of your children
God will give you
To eat the host
And some grape juice
To drink
Now it is time
For you children
To pray to God
Also, remember that
God will answer your prayer
Please children
Take care of your health
Because it is very important
To have good health
Also, you have to go early
To sleep every single night
So you can get a good night's sleep
Also, I hope you never get up
In the middle of the night
I want you to sleep all the way
Through the night
Children of God
In God's house
For the Sundxay service
God's house is always open
For you
And you are always welcome
To come to God's house
Also God's childrfen
Don't forget
That you are also
Loved by God
Without limits
Now God's children
God invited to his
Table for communion
Now God will share
The meal with
All of your children
God will give you
To eat the host
And some grape juice
To drink
Now it is time
For you children
To pray to God
Also, remember that
God will answer your prayer
Please children
Take care of your health
Because it is very important
To have good health
Also, you have to go early
To sleep every single night
So you can get a good night's sleep
Also, I hope you never get up
In the middle of the night
I want you to sleep all the way
Through the night
Give us one moment in time
To forgive those we had hurt
Give us one moment in time
Because we want to grow old
Give us one moment in time
For us to sleep in today
Because we are still feeling tire
Also we went late to bed last night
Give us one moment in time
For us to pray for you
Give us one moment in time
We had sin many times before
Give us one moment in time
For us to pay our debts we have
With you
Give us one moment in time
For us to adjust to the
Cold weather
To forgive those we had hurt
Give us one moment in time
Because we want to grow old
Give us one moment in time
For us to sleep in today
Because we are still feeling tire
Also we went late to bed last night
Give us one moment in time
For us to pray for you
Give us one moment in time
We had sin many times before
Give us one moment in time
For us to pay our debts we have
With you
Give us one moment in time
For us to adjust to the
Cold weather
All I am asking you
That you treat God right
And don't insult him
He needs you respect
So respect God
AIso God is the man
That created you
With his holy hands
If wasn't for God
You would not be here
Also God is waiting
For you to pray to
Him every single night
Before you go to sleep
It only takes a couple minutes
To do it
Then you can go straight
To bed
Tomorrow will be another day
That will arrive first thing
In the morning
You also need to live your life
To the fullest
Because you only live once
Yes every year you are getting
And you can't stop that
Because God made life that way
Yes you also need sleep
Don't stay up too late
Because that is no good for you
That you treat God right
And don't insult him
He needs you respect
So respect God
AIso God is the man
That created you
With his holy hands
If wasn't for God
You would not be here
Also God is waiting
For you to pray to
Him every single night
Before you go to sleep
It only takes a couple minutes
To do it
Then you can go straight
To bed
Tomorrow will be another day
That will arrive first thing
In the morning
You also need to live your life
To the fullest
Because you only live once
Yes every year you are getting
And you can't stop that
Because God made life that way
Yes you also need sleep
Don't stay up too late
Because that is no good for you
If the sky above you is cloudy
All you have to do is take a look
In that sky
Because now it is starting to
Rain heavy
You don't have any umbrella
With you
And you are already soaked
I know you don't want
To get sick
Now you waiting for the bus
To arrive
At the bus stop
And it is taking a long time
Also you can't wait to go
Back home
And get ready to bed
Because you had a long day
And you are already exhausted
You hope that tomorrow the rain
Is going to stop
Early in the morning
And the sun will be out again
Because you are missing you
Vitamin D
All you have to do is take a look
In that sky
Because now it is starting to
Rain heavy
You don't have any umbrella
With you
And you are already soaked
I know you don't want
To get sick
Now you waiting for the bus
To arrive
At the bus stop
And it is taking a long time
Also you can't wait to go
Back home
And get ready to bed
Because you had a long day
And you are already exhausted
You hope that tomorrow the rain
Is going to stop
Early in the morning
And the sun will be out again
Because you are missing you
Vitamin D
I would be happy that I have
You in my life
You are the one that
Made me with your
Holy hands
A long time
Also I live a good life
And I consider myself
Very lucky
Also Father you gave me a peaceful life
And I Have nothing to worry about
Father I am living my life to the fullest
Every single day
My past I had lived
I don't want to be reminded of my past
Because I used to be a violent men
Also I work hard to change the bad things
That I had in my life
Now I am a different men
I don't fight with people anymore
Also I am trying to keep my cool
Without blowing up
It is very hard to do
And I know that I am doing
Very well on that
Father now I am living in the future
Also I don't know nothing about my future
You in my life
You are the one that
Made me with your
Holy hands
A long time
Also I live a good life
And I consider myself
Very lucky
Also Father you gave me a peaceful life
And I Have nothing to worry about
Father I am living my life to the fullest
Every single day
My past I had lived
I don't want to be reminded of my past
Because I used to be a violent men
Also I work hard to change the bad things
That I had in my life
Now I am a different men
I don't fight with people anymore
Also I am trying to keep my cool
Without blowing up
It is very hard to do
And I know that I am doing
Very well on that
Father now I am living in the future
Also I don't know nothing about my future