Brüno Brüno

PkmnTrainerJ posted on Jun 21, 2009 at 12:12PM
Whomever created the spot, if there's still a chance to, can you change it to "Brüno" rather than "Bruno"? As that's how it should be.

Brüno 5 replies

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over a year ago spunky-wolf said…
y r u being so picky?
over a year ago hm94991 said…
I created the spot, and was actaully just thinking about that. I'm about to message Dave.
over a year ago Sophiii said…
What's picky about wanting to have the correct name? Jeeze.

I was thinking the same thing though, good that someone's already on the case :D
over a year ago hm94991 said…
'Tis done.
over a year ago PkmnTrainerJ said…
Thank you for changing it! :)