Burton "Gus" Guster Dulé Hill Is a good actor But Gus needs help

Chuckster posted on May 17, 2009 at 04:15AM
It's hard to get used to Gus always whining at every turn. It's like the writers have given him some king of bad attitude and didn't let us in on why. I know some people think it's funny for him to act like he does but I don't know anyone who would put up with a so-called friend acting like he does for very long.
When he's not whining he's fine. Like I said He is a good actor, maybe too good.

Burton "Gus" Guster 1 reply

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over a year ago kayemmdee said…
"Whining?" I don't see it that way. What I think you mean by "whining" is, to me (and probably others), part of what makes Gus hilarious. Gus's comments and the looks he gets on his face in reaction to the many situations he and Shawn encounter crack me up!

You say that friends would not put up with the Gus's whining? Well, who would put up with Shawn's antics in real life? This is fiction, dude. Suspend reality already.

I never watched West Wing so Psych was my first exposure to Dulé's acting. His casting as Gus is among the rest of the great casting that makes Psych among my all-time favorites!