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posted by Canada24

Episode 1;

Roman: (meets Niko at the boat stop).

Niko: (stressed) What took you so long!

Roman: Sorry.. I was at a party.. But anyway.. (singing) Welcome, home, Cousin. You know that, I missed ye-

Niko: [Off-Screen] NO! [On-Screen] NO ONE WANTS TO HEAR YOU SING!


Roman is driving them too the apartment, though he's driving very slowly, much to Niko's anger.

Roman: Do you think Mallorie's mad at me?

Niko: Because you're in the right lane behind a bus and you won't go around it? (sarcastically) No, I'm sure she finds it charming.

Roman: No, because I didn't invite her to come you with me.

Niko: I'm starting to think she dodged a bullet.. The slowest bullet in the world!.

Roman: Calm down Niko.. I thought you had your anger issues under control?

Niko: What are you talking about. I don't have anger issu- (suddenly enraged) OH MY GOD ROMAN! YOU DID "NOT" HAVE TO SLOW DOWN FOR A BIRD!.. YOU KNOW THEY FLY RIGHT!?





Billy: Okay Johnny.. I'll ride up in your bike.

Johnny: I- I don't know man.. You a bit of a dick to me.

Billy: Johnny boy. I have "never" been a dick to you.

Johnny: [rolls his eyes] Oh please! All you EVER do is call me names and rip on me for being Jewish!

Billy: Johnny, when have I "ever" ripped on you for being a Jew?


[in the playground when first meeting each other] You're a Jew!

{while they argue} Oh yeah! Well your just a stupid Jew!

[Riding on their bikes} SHUT YOUR GOD DAMN JEW MOUTH!

[at the club house, on the front steps] {angry at Johnny} Good job, Jew!

[leaving his seat in the club house] Shut up, Jew!

[angry at Johnny for no explained reason] You're JEWISH!

[seated on a curb with the other boys] Dude, he's Jewish!

[staking out a house] Jew!

[on Nightline, seated next to Johnny] Jew!

[in Ashley's dining room] Jew!

[at the side of a road] Jew!

[next to stacks of lumber, as Johnny is about to whack him] Jew!

[at a barn, through a hole on the roof] Jew!

[Johnny reads a Bible] Jew?!

[At a high school dance]

Billy: I told you Jewish people don't have rhythm.

Johnny: Fuck off, Billy!"


Billy: ... Okay, except maybe for that one time.


Niko: So, you full of crap or what!?

Roman: What!?

Niko: Where's luxury condo? Where's sports car? Where's Barbara with big titties and Stephanie who sucks like a vacuum?

Roman: What you talking about?

Niko: In your letters to my mother, in your letters to me... all I hear about is Mr. Big, Mr. Roman, living the American dream. Sports cars, condos, women, money, the beach... opportunity! I come here, and the only thing big about your life is the cockroaches.

Roman: That's right. I got the best cockroaches, I got the best dirt!

Niko: SHUT UP! (angrily punches hole into the wall).

Roman: (sarcastically) Oh, yeah, I guess I'm okay with you destroying my property.

Niko: I'm serprised your sober enough to realize this.. You were drunk five minutes ago..

Roman: Relax... No alcohol was consumed during the party... Just kidding. I definitely passed out halfway through and woke up pissed off that no one woke me up when in fact they all tried multiple times to no avail. I've been low key lightweight casually kind of sick so I think my body was just like "yo seriously with all these shots right now?" and when I responded with more shots my body was all like "ok then I'm knocking you the fuck out" and thus began my slumbers. Apparently I was sweating profusely and they were all looking at me like 'is this dude ok?' So yeah when I say I've been low key lightweight casually kind of sick I mean I've been definitely sick. Anyways that stack of money was fake. Yes, it was prop money. I was too drunk to realize it was there, they got it out when I was asleep, but yeah I wasn't trying to "flex" so shut up. And if you don't believe me then why would I have just told all this in such large description? Good one person. This description is just dumb at this point and I'm going to stop giving you unnecessary information righttt aboutttt now..

Raman: But anyway.. But here, all I needed was one good guy. One good guy, I could do well. Not take over the world, but do oka-

Niko: (angrily after looking in the fridge) WHERE'S THE FUCKIN MILK!?

Roman: I don't have any-

Niko: (enraged) Then go out and FUCKIN BY SOME!

Roman: (scared) Okay, okay! (runs out the door).


Roman: (gives Niko milk container) You happy now?

Niko: (happily) I'm VERY happy now?

Niko and Roman both sit at the table.

Roman: Anyway.. what about you? What about you, cousin?

Niko: What? What about me?

Roman: Well... why you leave home after all this time? First, I hear you're running around with the wrong kind, then I hear you joined the merchant navy, now you're here. You never tell me anything.

Niko: No.

Roman: What do you mean no?

Niko: No, I never tell you anything. Another time.

Roman: Oooh, mystery man... strange and exotic sailor! What happened? Did your captain make you pregnant?

Niko: Screw you! No, no, it's nothing like that. The ships were fine. It was before that, two things. You remember... (sudden anger) WHAT IS UP WITH THIS FUCKIN CHAIR!?

Roman: It's fine. Just keep going.

Niko: Fine., During the war. We did some bad things and bad things happened to us. War is where the young and stupid are tricked by the old and bitter into killing each other. I was very young, and very angry. Maybe that is no excuse... Roman?

Niko: (violently pounds table) ROMAN!.. Are you sleeping you FAT FUCK!?

Roman: I'm sorry I-

Niko: FUCK YOU ROMAN!... Fuck!... Fuck someone!... Fuck a tit!... Fuck a tit hard!... For the love of Alan greenspan... FUCK!

Roman: ... Feel better?

Niko: ... (sighs) not really.


Billy: Line 'em up, my brother... Let me have some of that heroine, motherfucker!

Brian: Yeah! Heroine is tigh-

Billy: (annoyed) shut up Brian!

Billy: (smokes it).

Brian: Guess this means w-

Billy: [high on cocaine, shouting, speaking quickly] You know what I can't stand!? Internet piracy! How would you like it if musicians stole from YOU!?... (pointing at Clay) What if Cannibal Corpse stole your precious glasses?

Clay: ... [uncomfortable] I think I'll mostly just be confused..

Billy: (after calming down) So, Johnny boy... Where's my bike?

Johnny: You know where it is.

Billy: Uhhh... Let me rephrase the question - where the "fuck" is my bike, and why the fuck haven't you gotten it back for me?

Johnny: Because you know where it is!

Billy: Are you deaf? Give me that whisky. Are you fucking deaf!?

Johnny: No!

Billy: Then answer the God damn question. Why the fuck haven't you gotten it back for me, friend-brother?

Johnny: One word: business. Like I told you when you were in there, or were you so busy playing holier-than-thou you started believing your own bullshit?

Billy Oh forgive me. You know, I've had a complicated few weeks. It's hard to to pretend to care about people. Espically woman.. Now... GET MY FUCKIN BIKE!

Johnny: What am I!? YOUR FUCKIN DOG!?

Brian: Everyone calm dow-

Everyone: Shut up Brian!

Johnny: Listen, Billy, they were pissed and they had a reason. Your bike chopped that girl's leg off.

Jim: Better than the one Brian got shot.



Johnny: Okay Gionna.. Afraid I can't go with you to the drug trade.. But Brian can go.

Brian: I'll take good care of h-

Johnny: (angrily) SHUT UP BRIAN!

Johnny: (calmly back to Gionna) Anyway.. Brian is a good guy. i promise he won't rob you and leave you for dead.


Brian robbed her and left her for dead.

Johnny: My God, Why the hell didn't I see it coming? All right, stand aside. It's about time I did my brotherly duty! (chuckles) I said "duty," but no time to laugh about it now!

Johnny finds Brian at a bar.

Johnny: (angrily) HEY BRIAN!

Brian: (happy to see him) Hey Joh-

Johnny (leaps onto brian violently) And this is for laughing at all your own jokes during bike rides! (punches Brian in the face repeatedly) Who do you think you are? Ashley Butler!? (punches Brian in the face repeatedly) You think because SHE dose it, it's okay for you? (punches Brian in the face repeatedly) YOU HAVEN'T EARNED WHAT SHE'S EARNED BUDDY! (drops Brian who crawls away).

Johnny: All right, now where's the guy who betrayed Gionna?


Roman: Come on, Dardan, what's your problem?

Dardan: I don't have problem. You do!

[Dardan points a knife at Roman while Bledar smashes his computer monitor.].

Roman: Hey I just got that fixe- (get's locked in chock hold) Mommy!

Dardan [choking Roman] Where's your Russian friend now, eh?

Roman: (choking) He's not my friend... he's my loan shark...

Niko (enters and enraged by the scene) HEY!

Dardan: Fuck you! (tries to stab Niko, who dodge it)

Niko: (breaks his arm).

Dardan Oh my arm. Oh!

Niko: (mockingly) Ohh, was that your arm?

Dardan: Fuck you!

(Bledar hops over the desk to help Dardan).

(The Albanians retreat and run out of the depot).

Niko: And if you come back! I'll kill you! You understand!

Roman: (waving Dardan's dropped knife) You forgot this, you Albanian pricks!

Roman: ... Shit, Niko - what did you do?


Roman: Now he's going to kill you!

Niko: Relax, they learned there lesson.

Roman: But what if they beat me up later!?

Niko: Don't be silly. That isn't gonna happen..


Jim: Pretty Boy.

PB Hey.

Jim: Where's the bike?

PB Oh, it's good to see you too, tough guys.

Uhh... what bike are you talking about exactly?

Johnny: You "know" what we're talking about.

PB: Billy's bike? Jesus, man, it's been a long time. I thought he was dead. What's he want it for? To sell it for crack, right, eh?

Billy [walks in] Maybe later.

PB: (scared) Hey, good to see you, Bill! Man, I thought you was dead...

Billy: Where's the bike?

PB: I don't know.

Billy: (disturbingly calm) Jim, start the bike.

(Jim starts the Bike and Johnny slowly holds him down to the real, much to his fear and agony).

PB: Whoa, hold on... Wait please, please... no, nooo...

Billy: (losing patience) Where - is - my bike?

Johnny: Speak, you ugly fuck!

PB Ah, okay listen... ah, the Angels of Death took it to their place in Northwood. Billy Motherfucking Angels of Death. PB That's all I know... please!.

Billy: WHAT!?

PB: I- It's true.

Johnny: (throws Pretty boy down) Thank you.

Billy: Yes.. (smashes hammer onto PB's jaw) THANK YOU!

Jim: Whoo, calm down Bi-

Billy: Shut up!.. Things just keep getting worse and worse for.. I done all this stupid shit from inside jail!.. Even had to take stupid fuckin lessons in becoming less angry. (enraged) But now those angels have my motherfuckin bike! GOD (smashes hole in wall) DAMN IT!

Jim: (sarcastically) But you 'obviously' became less angry.


Bleeder: Our problem is your cousin!.

Niko: I told you too stop! Now it's too late!

Niko grabbed one of the two unnamed men, head butted him violently, and violently kneed him in the face.

He defeats both, later finding the last one and tosses him out a window, killing him.



Johnnny: (punches him because Billy asked him too).


Johnny: You asked me t-

Billy: Stop making excuses Jew boy!

Johnny: Bu-

Angel leader: (comes into view) Hey! Lost and Damned!

Billy: Gentlemen! Gentlemen! Why the long faces? No wait, that's your "normal" faces.

Brian: (laughs)

Billy: Shut up Brian.

Brian: Y- Yes sir.

Billy: Anyway.. Might I tempt you in a swift libation, my most trusted and honored guests?

Angel leader: I thought we had a truce going on?

Billy: Did you? Funny thing.. I wasn't aware.

Johnny: I told you five minutes ag-

Billy: I wasn't aware!

Angel leader: (growls).

Billy: But, let me tell you, it's a strange kind of truce that makes you think it's okay to gatecrash my party, Deadbeat motherfucker.

Angel leader: I'm sorry. You enjoy your little party. I take it, the good times are over. No problem, old man. [flips him off while walking away].. Have a nice day.

Billy (shoots him dead) DON'T FUCKIN TELL ME WHAT TO DO!

Johnny: Aah, you moron!

#1: Metallica - Leper Messiah..
Intrutmental or not instrumental. This song still fits the title of the most badass song the history of badass songs!

#2: Lamb of God - Omertà..
We all know my feels towards screamo bands such as Lamb of God.
I have little to NO tolerance towards it.
But, have you heard this song as an instrumental.
It's friggin awesome!

#3: Korn - Daddy..
Well.. I finally found it.
A BAD Korn song.
But at least the instrumental is still epic.
They should use it in Walking Dead..
I sure as hell am using it in MY verison of Walking Dead.

#4: Korn - Did my time..
I love both versions of the...
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Yeah. You heard me. Pinkie Pie.
But think about it.
Everything that makes her adorable an cartoon pony, would make CRAZY ANNOYING in real life.
The high voice, the never shutting up, the over happiness, all of it.
Trust me..
I have PLENTY of Pinkie Pie's at my school.

As much as I love him, Amanda is right when she tells him "you are nothing. But a lying. Stealing. Hypercrite".
Even Franklyn dosen't always 'respect' Michael as much as Michael thinks he dose.
And Trevor's hate of him isn't ALWAYS uncalled for.
Michael IS responsible for Brad's death. And...
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#10: PINKAMENA (Cupcakes/my little pony)
What can I say.
She became one of the most well known Internet villains ever.
And while most hate Cupcakes, I find it humorous, and enjoy reading sequels of it.

#9: FLIQPY (happy tree friends)
The character may not be fan made, but the name Fliqpy is.
It's the perfect way of knowing the difference between nice flippy and evil flippy.
And most stories create Fliqpy as its own character, instead of just Flippy being snapped.
Always like how that happens.
Same with when people show Pinkamena and Pinkie as completely different characters as well.

#8: DISCORD (Discord's...
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posted by Canada24
Yet anouther episode that I don't have much to say about it.

First off.
What the fuck was up with that intro.

We didn't see Alucard.
And having seen the ending bonus scenes, apparently its gonna be like that for a few other episodes as well.
As much as I HATE Alucard it's still gonna be weird not seeing him, but it probably is only for a short amount of time.

If your wondering about my thoughts of Penwood's death.
I don't have too much.
We don't know about him.
But still he died with honor, and I still solute to him.

Like all other Hellsing episodes I saw so, the battles are awesome, so no complaints...
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posted by Canada24
Evening y'all..
I completely forgotten I was reviewing this show, you can thank Nick (Windwaker) for the reminder that I was doing so.

Fanpop isn't the only places I make reviews for.
I am a member of Rotten Tomtoes and probably a few other places.
So I am always reviewing shit.
And so you can understand why it's hard for me to remember EVERYTHING I make reviews towards.
As there's Alpha & Omega, My Little Pony, Happy Tree Friends, Sparacus, and possibly Eminem's THE SLIM SHADY SHOW.

Here I go, reviewing episode 3.
Due to the style of battles, this sort of feels like I'm reviewing 300/Rise...
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Any one who knows me, knows I can tolerate just about ANYTHING. Except for fuckin racism. I mean, most of friends are either black or with Mexican relatives.. But, what I find can be even worse, is when some (not all, only some) turn ANYTHING I say into a racist slur, and you can never win in an argument because of this. Not judging anyone, just deeply annoyed, that's all..

I'm not sure why there certain people in the US that just want to judge EVERYTHING. Even us Canadians, they mock us Canadians. But the fact is. When ever I go to my American relatives,...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog

Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see! Pingas!
Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see! Pingas!

Number 7, and counting. I present to everyone Diamond Tiara's Are Forever.


Doughnut Joe................................Con Mane
Diamond Tiara...............................Miss. Filly
Silverspoon....................................Miss. Silver
Carrot Top.....................................Bambi
Berry Punch...................................Thumper
Pinkie Pie..............................................P
Discord............................................Ernst Staverald Discord...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog

Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see! Pingas!
Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see! Pingas!

Con Mane has returned.

We begin our story in Beijing, which was violently taken over by the koreans.

Con: *sneaks onto dock*
korean pony55: What was that?
Con: *kills pony* More like who was that?
korean pony21: I'll be right back I just wanna get some cider.
Con: *sneaks toward warehouse*
korean pony21: *shoots at Con*
Con: *dodges bullets*
korean pony21: All units, we have an intruder in the warehouse!
Con: *pulls out gun* Where is that manifest?
korean leader: What do you need the manifest for? Grenades? We made specially designed grenades to blow...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Now, you're probably wondering what this is all about. Today is Halloween, not only is it a fun holiday, but it also marks my one year anniversary of being a fan on this club, and my Hedgehog In Ponyville series. That's what HIP stands for. STH on the other hand, stands for my username, Sean The Hedgehog.

STH: And now to celebrate Non My Little Pony related username's one year anniversary, we regretfully present, STH/HIP Abridged!!
Fanpop users: yaaaaaaaaay
Canada24: Whoopdy friggin do.

October 31, 2012
Hedgehog In Ponyville

NocturnalMirage: Big...
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posted by Canada24
Dennis radioed Johnny, saying that Vaas's men are preparing to kidnap a bunch of his men. Carly and Johnny agree to help in the battle. That way Carly would feel like she can that she finally gave Dennis the proper "thank you", for him saving Johnny's, and for being a good friend to her.

Packie is brought with them. But Johnny didn't want Dash going, saying she's been though enough after Buck. Witch confused Carly, as she didn't know what happened.

And during the drive to Dennis's camp, she kept asking Johnny about it, as Packie drove the second one closely behind them.

"Okay. Okay.. But your...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Theme song: link

Seanthehedgehog presents

Ponies On The Rails

Starring the Union Pacific ponies

Pierce Hawkins "Hawkeye" From Seanthehedgehog

Coffee Crème "Frenchy" From Karina_Brony

Snowflake & Orion From Alinah09

Metal Gloss From DragonAura15

Stylo From Jimmythedragon

NocturnalMirage from NocturnalMirage

Gordon, Percy, Jeff, Wilson, Ike and Pete from Seanthehedgehog

Also starring the Southern Pacific ponies.

Nikki West From Jade_23

Michael, Roger, and Anthony From Seanthehedgehog

Previously in Ponies On The Rails

Pete informs all of his engineers, and fireponies that every diesel on their railway has...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Theme song: link

Seanthehedgehog presents

Ponies On The Rails


Peirce Hawkins "Hawkeye" From Seanthehedgehog

Coffee Creme From KarinaBrony

Snowflake & Orion From Alinah09

Metal Gloss From DragonAura15

Stylo From Jimmythedragon

Gordon, Percy, Jeff, Wilson, and Pete from Seanthehedgehog

And introducing NocturnalMirage from NochurnalMirage

Episode 42

Good To See You Again

July 10, 1955

It was like any ordinary day in Cheyenne. Hawkeye, and Stylo were waiting for a train to arrive, so that they could drive it.

Hawkeye: *Sitting on bench* I'm bored.
Stylo: Hm?
Hawkeye: I'm so bored, that it's boring....
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
This is a parody of My Little Pony. The voice actors for the mane 6 are..

Ice Cube - Twilight Sparkle
Kath Soucie - Rainbow Dash
Sargent Schultz from Hogan's Heroes - Pinkie Pie
Wally from The Cleveland Show - Fluttershy
Tabitha St. Germain - Rarity
Ashleigh Ball - Applejack

Now, let's begin. Twilight was working with Applejack in Sweet Apple Acres.

Applejack: Thanks for helping me sugarcube.
Twilight: No problem man. I got nothing better to do with my boring life. Also, Spike kept telling me to go outside.
Spike: The only thing she was doing was watching television.
Twilight: Bullshit nigga! I read books,...
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So I read Windwakers review of this film I finally watched myself..


Typical Windwaker review XD

I have my own thoughts of it. I just wanted to see Wind's take before making my own take..

So basically, this is the THE slasher movie, depending on who you ask.

The cliche plot of a bunch of soroity girls in a movie like this is honestly doing it's best to be taken seriously.. Was it successful? Again, it depends on who you ask..

So.. Basically. On christmas some mentally disturbed man Billy is constantly leaving the mostly all female cast uncomfortable "prank call".

And than later he goes around...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Theme song: link

Seanthehedgehog presents

Ponies On The Rails


Peirce Hawkins "Hawkeye" From Seanthehedgehog

Red Rose From Chibiemmy

Honey Bee From NaomiWinx

Coffee Creme From KarinaBrony

Snowflake & Orion From Alinah09

Gordon, Percy, Jeff, Bartholomew, and Pete from Seanthehedgehog

Episode 13

The episode with a title that was too long, and needed a shorter title.

October 10, 1952

It was windy in Cheyenne, and Pierce just finished delivering a freight train into the yard.

Red Rose: Ok Hawkeye. Now you just gotta take the engine into the servicing facility.
Hawkeye: Ok.

Pierce's engine...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Theme song: link

Seanthehedgehog presents

Ponies On The Rails


Peirce Hawkins "Hawkeye" From Seanthehedgehog

Red Rose From Chibiemmy

Honey Bee From NaomiWinx

Coffee Creme From KarinaBrony

Snowflake & Orion From Alinah09

Gordon, Percy, Jeff, Bartholomew, and Pete from Seanthehedgehog

Episode 12

Bad Coffee

October 6, 1952

It was a wonderful day in Cheyenne. The sun was setting, and Coffee Creme was getting close to finishing her work.

Coffee Creme: *walking to train yard*
Jeff: Hi Coffee Creme.
Coffee Creme: Hi Jeff.
Red Rose: Hi Coffee Creme.
Coffee Creme: Hello Red Rose.
Red Rose:...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Theme song: link

Seanthehedgehog presents

Ponies On The Rails


Peirce Hawkins "Hawkeye" From Seanthehedgehog

Red Rose From Chibiemmy

Honey Bee From NaomiWinx

Coffee Creme From KarinaBrony

Snowflake & Orion From Alinah09

Gordon, Percy, Jeff, Bartholomew, and Pete from Seanthehedgehog

Episode 11

Night Shift

September 30, 1952

At Sherman Hill in Cheyenne Wyoming

Hawkeye: *driving diesels* First freight I've ever driven powered by diesels.
Coffee Creme: Quite a shame that those challengers, and big boys won't be around much longer.
Hawkeye: Pete said he'd save those to be scrapped for...
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Got an idea from Wnd's thing.. So, yeah.. I'm admitting to "stealing"..

I actually liked the remake.. Than again, I never seen the orginal, and I'm very easily impressed. So I'm not the best to ask..

The third Halloween movie.. A cult classic in a way.. No Michael, but LOTS of Halloween.. For what it is, it's a fun movie..

I haven't seen it.. But HardRocker21 has.. And from what I seen.. It's just as Halloween obsessed as Season of the Witch.. So, enjoy the year checking your candy, and avoiding hot girls who are secretly werewolves.....
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Episode 8: The Secret Unicorn Club

June 1, 1951

Honey had just finished bringing a train into Cheyenne. She was going to wait for her next assignment at the station, when she saw a sign.

Honey: The secret unicorn club?
Gordon: That's right, and if you're not a unicorn you can't join.
Honey: Who would want to join your club anyway?
Jeff: Me.
Coffee Creme: Me too.
Honey: What for?
Jeff: He's offering us free things, like food and alcohol.
Gordon: Too bad you're not a unicorn. Leave!
Honey: Fine, I'll leave. But I just want you to know that this is a dumb idea *walks away*
Passengers: *walking...
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Sure one of the greatest feelings is finally putting a bullet in him.. But nobody can disagree he's not of the greatest GTA villains..

There's always been a certain entertainment about Billy. He's actually kinda funny, even at his most dispicable..

Least until the ending, where he kills you..

He is a sexist, racist Jerkass sleaze of a cop who would gladly sell his partner out and benefit from his misery. But like Billy, there's such a entertainment about him. Espically since he also the most sarcastic character in the game..

Who doesn't love Bowser..