Captain Hook and Emma Swan Links
Nothing that happens here, nothing he says or makes her feel or want will be tethered to the earth and when they land she can let it go.
"How could falling for him lift her heart so?" Captain Swan One-Shot. After Emma finally reveals the depth of her misery with Neal, she shares a moment with the unpredictable pirate.
Post-coconuts conversation between the two halves of Captain Swan...about names, destinies, and choices. Angst, drama, romance, and a dash of humour.
Hook tells his secret. Pain willingly suffered comforts even as it crushes. Angsty Captain Swan, Spoilers for 3x06
Neverland-Emma and Hook share an accidental moment as they wonder through the forest in search of Henry.
Hook has never cared about anyone but himself-or never wanted to admit that he cared. But can an ending world and an incorrigible Swan change that? Can she remind him of who he is?
A canon-compliant series of character studies and offscreen moments, covering the ups and downs of Emma and Hook's relationship: from the beanstalk to Neverland to the ice cave.
An article defending Captain Swan against various criticisms and accusations.
An alphabetised list of words/items/quotes associated with Captain Swan.
A list of my top five Captain Swan moments per season from seasons 2 to 6.