Christian Beadles Club
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hey guys whats up,
As u Justin Bieber's mom does a lot for him and he wants to buy his mom a house and i think that sense Justin does so much for us we should help him get that money also enough money to keep Justin's 3 friends with him for one full year. we could do fundraisers like all the people in Michigan could get to together and do it all the people in Florida and each state could do that this could be a never ending fundraiser after every fundraiser we could send the money to his manager to give to Justin we as a club could made Justin the happiest kid on planet earth
justin bieber
justin bieber
Forbidden Love

I never seen it, someone like you
but our parents, dont believe its true

What is happenin, to me and you
there is somethin, i love about you

(Payton and Justin)
Has our love has always been this way,
have the clouds always been this gray
is this feeling ganna last forever
will i have to leave you and come back never
our parents are banning us
we will have to deal with this
forbidden, forbidden, forbidden love

are we always ganna, be seperate
is this feeling, me love sick

i am drowning, in our love
i am scared, cuz its dangerous

(Payton and Justin)...
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(Yes I can)
Download the introduction
We bout to change some lives
and when the whole world's repeating this then we've arrived
This for my generation
my family and friends
we've all been through the fire so now we bout to start this trend
I see this like a movement
an anthem for this time
the match that sparks improvement concentrated in my rhymes
there's power in expression
to move the public eye
there's power in this music - we decide there's "no compromise"
economies have fallen
we all could use a boost
i wonder what would happen if we started spillin' truth
a task that's overwhelming...
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posted by cbeadlessss
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posted by oficciancbfan16
1. Because he is SUPER funny!
2. Because he Is the sweetest kid alive
3. Because he Has a GREAT family
4. Because he Always trys his best to make us laugh! (he trys to make us happy!!!!)
5. He has AWESOME friends!
6. He cares so much about his sister! (that is so sweet)
7. He makes videos even though he has haterz
8. He is Catholic just like me
9. He is VERY talented
10. He is sooooooo cute!

These are the reasons why I love Christian Beadles... check him out on youtube at christianbeadles or thebeadles which is an account him and his sister share!
posted by cbeadlessss
Life is short, so make the best of it. About 6 months ago, my Grandpa came to live with us. He was sick of cancer. He was bedridden since Christmas. Everyone at my house was depressed and stressed. My mom would sometimes not even talk to you. It ruined me. My Grandpa passed, and left a huge mess. He had debt and lots of those issues. Wen he was with us, we couldnt go out or on vacation because he needed help. I was completely out of it. The girls at my gym started to ignore me. I became really quiet and tired. I used to smile, laugh, and goof off constantly. Now I sleep. But it was getting...
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hey guys whats up,
As Justin Bieber's mom does a lot for him and he wants to buy his mom a house and i think that sense Justin does so much for us we should help him get that money also enough money to keep Justin's 3 friends with him for one full year. we could do fundraisers like all the people in Michigan could get to together and do it all the people in Florida and each state could do that this could be a never ending fundraiser after every fundraiser we could send the money to his manager to give to Justin we as a club could made Justin the happiest kid on planet earth
posted by cbeadlessss
Today, I wrote a letter to Caitlin and Christian Beadles. In it I included Silly Bandz for them. I gave Caitlin a pink hippo and hot pink horse. I gave Christian a cleat and B for Beadles. I am going to send him my favorite one when I get it fixed. I will post a notice if I hear back from them. Can you imagine? A handwritten letter from the Beadles ! Until then, follow me and friend me. I would love to hear info about them! Keep looking out for Beadles updates! And add me more info on my letters! Luv yall, Me!