Chuck & Bart Club
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posted by edwestwick
Nate: Aren't you curious what it says?
Chuck: I think I can guess. You're a disappointment of a son; I'd die of embarrassment if I hadn't already; why do you wear so much purple?

Blair: Dear Son, I know I've always been hard on you—
Chuck: True.
Blair: —but my goal was always to prepare you for this day. To help you go from being a boy to a man.
Chuck: An Italian au pere took care of that.
Blair: Chuck, please. Sadly, there is nothing like the passing of a father to aid in this rite of passage for his son. Ultimately I do feel that I did my job and you are prepared for this next chapter of your...
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Story: "Christmas Spirit"

Author: edwestwick (Ana)

Pairing: Chuck/Blair

Disclaimer: I don’t own Gossip Girl.

Summary: 'Pretend like you never get sad and all you care about is making more money.' After Blair’s words his father visits Chuck and shows him past and future, leaving him to make a decision. Chuck/Bart Chuck/Blair

I updated Sparks earlier today and since I’m so excited for 3x12 after promo and spoilers I wrote this fic. It’s what I would like to see happening in next episode, well part of it since it would be too long to put everything in it. :) I should be studying for my tomorrow...
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