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Classic Disney Do you think Clopin is Sexy?

148 fans picked:
Never thought of him that way....not sureee...
Who is Clopin?
 frollosgypsy posted over a year ago
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tiz picked Never thought of him that way....not sureee...:
I see him more as a cutie. :*
posted over a year ago.
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frollosgypsy picked YES!:
HES SO FUCKING HOT! hes hotter than any disney character.
posted over a year ago.
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timbitzk picked Never thought of him that way....not sureee...:
I think he's pretty amazing though. I love him and his little puppet. :)
posted over a year ago.
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Cinders picked YES!:
LOL! I love this pick. It cracked me up when I saw it in my updates. Props to you!
posted over a year ago.
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smoore23 picked Who is Clopin?:
Never saw Hunchback. (That's what movie it is, right?)
posted over a year ago.
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frollosgypsy picked YES!:
OMG OMG WHAT?!?!?!??!?!?!
YOU HAVE TO SEE HUNCHBACK. YOU. HAVE. TO. its absolutely amazing . the darkest movie disney has ever made.
posted over a year ago.
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Jillywinkles picked YES!:
YES you and me, frollosgypsy---he is SEXXXY!!! Him and Lumiere are my two favorites.
posted over a year ago.
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frollosgypsy picked YES!:
omg lumiere would be so hot if he wasnt a candle.
I like clopin and powerline. <33
posted over a year ago.
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kateliness2 picked YES!:
Strangely, yes. His voice is beyond sexy.
posted over a year ago.
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frollosgypsy picked YES!:
ma cherie! <333
posted over a year ago.
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deathnote picked NO.:
posted over a year ago.
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hellgirl223 picked NO.:
uhhh no.. :S
posted over a year ago.
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kotopoulaki picked YES!:
a little bit!
posted over a year ago.
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mollyx365 picked YES!:
so sexy
posted over a year ago.
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loyal_luv picked YES!:
A little scrawny but...there's something about him lol
posted over a year ago.
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burgundyeyes picked Who is Clopin?:
i never saw the movie. though i did read Notre Dame de Paris. the real big book. in french. not the Disney version
posted over a year ago.
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frollosgypsy picked YES!:
posted over a year ago.
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cornpops picked Who is Clopin?:
ok not sure who tht guy is.....what movie??
posted over a year ago.
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lovegypsy64 picked YES!:
He's cute AND he's sexy. I adore him! <3
posted over a year ago.
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lovexdisney picked Never thought of him that way....not sureee...:
i think hes kooky. and he has a french accent/name which i guess is cool. hahah the moment i comment this a hunchback song plays on my ipod...weird..
posted over a year ago.
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dnjfxmelwmsl picked Never thought of him that way....not sureee...:
every body has their own tastes but.. man, dont know the definition what is considered 'Hot' especially nowdays. seems like just anything thats attractive some say that way. little confused

I do like him very much ^^ fun character awesome singing voice
btw the animator who did Clopin is the same person on Timon from The Lion King ;)
posted over a year ago.
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fishypup picked Never thought of him that way....not sureee...:
Actually, he is...the more I think about it...xD
posted over a year ago.
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kirsten_calvert picked YES!:
omg love love him!!!!!! so hott!
posted over a year ago.
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NightFrog picked YES!:
He's one of the few characters that I fangirl over.. I wouldn't use the term 'sexy' sinse I hate that word, but I love his personality. He acts like a fun-loving nutcase at first, to a kid-friendly puppetier, to an excited executioner.

He flipflops all the time, it's just so amusing.
posted over a year ago.
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KingSimba4Ever9 picked Never thought of him that way....not sureee...:
I just think of him as funny.
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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Marcellacampa picked YES!:
Of course he is!
posted over a year ago.
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Aph-Finland picked Never thought of him that way....not sureee...:
never saw him before but he kinda does i guess T , T I'm not sure...
posted over a year ago.
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HelloYakkoBaby picked YES!:
I had a thing for him since I was 17 >w<
posted over a year ago.
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dislover said:
Couldnt figure out for the longest time why I love the Hunchback of Notre Dame, then realized it is one very dark disney movie.
posted over a year ago.