Cory Monteith & Chris Colfer "Furt & Kurtcedes vs Kurtchel & Finchel" Thread

ForsakenMoon19 posted on Aug 15, 2011 at 07:40PM
I don't wanna start a war here but I just have to create I thread where I can vent with other fans who might feel the same way I do. Without offending anyone I'm just gonna admit right now I can't stand Kurtchel or Finchel! I hate what RIB has done throwing Finn and Kurt to the wolves by pairing them separately with Rachel (who I'm sorry to say I really dislike!) and using this chic to interfer in my two favorite underrated relationships Furt & Kurtcedes!! I feel like the brothers and the dynamic bffs have been neglected since season 2 and it's time that stopped! I refuse to sit and watch a whole 3rd season of the Hummelberry/Finchel/Anderberry show and I'm deathly afraid this is exactly what's gonna happen. I can name several reasons why both Finchel & Kurtchel are both "artificial" relationships, but I'd rather save thoes answers as the thread moves on. Again I don't mean to offend but I need to use my spot to vent:/
last edited on Aug 15, 2011 at 07:42PM

Cory Monteith & Chris Colfer 8 replies

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over a year ago cropper said…
I totally agree! without offending other fans either, the only couples I ship are: Klaine, Furt and Kurtcades!
over a year ago ForsakenMoon19 said…
I'm so happy someone else feels exactly like I do! Rachel ruins everything; she tried to ruin Klaine by putting the moves on Blaine knowing full well how Kurt felt about him, she cheated on Finn and is practically chaining him to her hip without allowing him to be his own person (that includes forcing him to choose between her and his bro Kurt in the election) and then she screwed over Mercedes twice by stealing her best friend (Kurt) away and then cheating her out of a role of a life time in the school musical!!! I can't stand Rachel and in RL Lea is doing the same thing to Cory and Chris by trying to come between their awesome friendship!!!! GRRRRRRRR
over a year ago furtyliciousfan said…
Hey, I'm new to this forum and I just want to say I completely agree with you! I don't hate Lea Michele, but I cannot for the life of me stand the Rachel Berry character. I can't even stand her and Kurt's new friendship (and it really irks me that fans even pair her and Kurt together as an actual couple). Because to me it seems like Rachel even hogs Kurt's friendship circle because she seems like the only friend or interaction he has on the show besides Blaine. Furt, Kinn or whatever you want to call the ship is my OTP on the show and I'm angry also that they hardly get to talk together on the show or have any storylines but Rachel gets a storyline with pretty much everyone on the show even Blaine. I feel that she hogs the spotlight too even though she's the best singer on the show, and even when they try to make her likable by making her lecture Quinn about not ratting on Shelby about hooking up with Puck or getting Quinn to change back when she was going through her goth phase, she just comes out as goody goody and annoying. With Kurt, actually feel like Finn's his own character and person more than he is with Rachel and Kurt actually brings out the best good side in him. Why RIB won't let Furt happened in the show or Cory and Chris do scenes together is beyond me. I find Finchel to be very cliche and its actually one straight couple that I can't stand on any show especially Glee. I feel like I love Finn even more when he's with Kurt or if Kinn ever did happened on the show cause he's more likeable. When he's with Rachel, he's just as annoying as she is.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ForsakenMoon19 said…
^I completely and totally agree with you and may I just say welcome to my Cory & Chris spot and to the "Furt & Kurtcedes vs Kurtchel & Finchel" thread?!:))) I have been so disappointed in this season I can't tell you, not just because they've cut out pivotal moments in Finn's BIG storyline (like when he barely appeared in the first 3 episodes of S3) but by not allowing Finn and Kurt to interact they've sacrificed a crucial relationship (and part of the show's heart) in Finn's life because it was a friendship outside of Rachel Berry and Glee and it gave Cory and Chris some of their BEST ACTING MOMENTS together and individually on the show!!!

I'm so angry with RIB for doing this to my two favorite boys because they work so incredibly well together, their chemistry is undeniable and shooting scenes together is one of their favorite things they've done on the show so why is RM denying them these opportunities when back in S1 they were practically inseparable on/off screen! I love Furt and I miss it terribly though not as much as I miss the Chrory/Monfer bromance!!!:((( I feel like they've made Kurt a loner now and the only two people he's allowed to associate with are Rachel "the loud-mouth witch" Berry and "all too perfect" Blaine Anderson (who RIB is shamelessly centering the show around *SMH*). But that is nothing compared to who they've been pairing with Finn besides that "cocky Broadway wannabe", none other than Santana the Satan bitch of McKinley High (the ruthless gay bully who's made his life a living hell for the passed 3yrs without any consequences all because her sexuality gives her a free pass at abusing and being cruel to others). I can't stand the Finntana friendship as much as Hummelberry/Kurtchel and Finchel (as far as I'm concerned all these relationships are cliche, overrated, ridiculous and artificial). You've also made a valid point that Kurt brings out Finn's best qualities (even though I don't ship them romantically) and allows him to be free to be who he is whereas with Rachel I feel like he's her own personal puppet/pet dog/monkey see monkey do boy *SMH*. Finchel is without a doubt the most annoying straight couple on tv next to that creepy student/teacher affair going on in PLL!!

The only thing I disagree with you on is the fact that you think Lea/Rachel is the best/most talented singer in the group. There is a reason I prefer Cory and Chris's voices to hers or anyone else's for that matter and it would be just too long a list but I'll give you the cliff-notes version. #1 Cory and Chris sing from their heart and souls, their able to connect with music psysically, mentally and emotionally which is why they act so well during their solos, duets and goup numbers (just watch their expressions and body language, they don't need words to communicate what you see in their eyes). #2 Cory and Chris are the original underdogs of the cast (the embodiment of glee's true message), they've both went through hell and back to get where they are now and are the most inspirational, down-to-earth, humble personalities in the cast who don't take their accomplishments/success/fans for granted. And #3 Cory started out as being fresh and new to singing and performing (he never knew his inner talent until glee) look how much he's grown! His evolution into a singer/performer/musician is actually the most compelling, interesting and inspirational of the cast because he'd never done it before glee only to become one of the best (in my opinion) male vocals in the cast apart from Chris and he just keeps raising the stakes to his potential. He's already caught the attention of the Anders brothers, the legendary Stevie Nicks as well as Colombia Records awaiting for the day that Cory will release his first solo album. He's impressed me and many others so much and that right there is pure spun gold compared to the artificial Broadway vocalist who'd been doing it for years and sings without REAL heart! You can have the biggest and best voice but if there's no heart, passion and soul within those vocals, I could care less about the person's ability to sing amazing.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago furtyliciousfan said…
Thanks ForsakenMoon19 :)! Your posts and opinions were actually what caught my attention and made me want to join and make comments of my own on Fanpop. I agree with you on so many topics on Glee especially about Cory/Chris and the Finn/Kurt relationship which is my favorite ship (whether brotherly or romantically) on the entire show. Everybody else is just crazy about and cheering on Finchel, Hummelberry, Klaine while I'm actually one of the few who actually can't stand those ships and greatly miss the ships you've mentioned (Furt and Kurtcedes). Rachel just seems to make anyone involved with her distant from the others (Finn, just like Kurt doesn't associate with anyone else on the show besides her- I also miss Kurt's combined friendship with Mercedes and Tina. How could he choose Rachel over them?). And I'm so glad to find someone else who loves Finn/Cory Monteith as much as I do, because he doesn't seem to be getting a lot of love this season! He hasn't even had one solo this whole season and people are actually glad saying that he has no talent (vocal wise or dancing) or is the least talented, but like you said he's the most impressive because he's never sung professionally before or performed in musical arts before like everybody else. And yet he performs with the most soul and conviction. I'm also getting sick of Blaine and Rachel getting all the solos (one thing I actually agree with Santana on!)- they might as well become a couple because they get to do 2 or 3 freakin duets together while Finn and Kurt barely had 1 together or act like brothers or friends at school. WTF RIB? What makes Blaine and Rachel so appealing over Finn and Kurt, and same with Hummelberry? No offense to people who like these pairings but I feel like they're being showcased more than anyother friendships and relationships on the show and Glee isn't the Glee that I once loved (in Season 1 where everybody was included and different people interacted with eachother). I'm just about ready to get a twitter and tweet some good fanstuff to RIB helping them remember of how awesome Kurt and Finn are together. But Monchele/Finchel and the Klaine/Crisscolfer fans overpower tumblr,twitter and the glee fandom with all of their posts and popular demands. And I feel that's one of the main reasons why Cory and Chris hardly tweet or respond to eachother anymore. Cory usually tweets Lea now while Chris only tweets Darren mainly to please fans and because it's "expected" of them; they like to make the fans happy and curious that something "may be going on" because their characters date on the show. Another good point you brought up is about Lea Michele too and just because she's had more experience on broadway and has been singing since she was young professionally does not make her the best singer on the show. I meant that she has talent and shes one of the better singers on the show, but doesn't mean I like her voice in all songs. She has good control, but in some songs her voice is annoying and doesn't fit the song (like sometimes it's a song that I would rather hear Santana, Tina, or Mercedes sing and would suit their voices better)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago furtyliciousfan said…
Okay when I said that Finn hasn't had one solo all Season 3 I was actually wrong. He had a solo in episode 3x07 I Kissed a Girl- the "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" solo. It's easy for me to forget he's done a solo in Season 3 because mainly it's usually been Rachel and Blaine (out of the male casts) who's done most of the solos this season. Same goes for Kurt too. Ever since Blaine's come onto the show and into the New Directions, he's had lesser and less solos.
over a year ago ForsakenMoon19 said…
big smile
^^Can I hug you? Like seriously you're thinking exactly like me, these have always been my thoughts how are you getting inside my head?! LOL! First of all thankyou for agreeing with how ridiculous and overrated Hummelberry and now Klaine and Anderberry are at this point honestly I don't know what the appeal is. I've never understood how Kurt could so easily shaft Mercedes and Tina they were like his best gal pals and now his new Bff is Rachel Berry after dispising her for being so selfcentered and obnoxious?! First of all Rachel didn't even care about Kurt when he left while it killed both Finn and Mercedes (hence why they were the only ones to hug him when he returned to Mckinely) yet Kurt seemed to sneak around with Rachel every chance he got without being too concerned about Mercedes or Finn (and they're probably his only real friends who love and admire him). Rachel was only concerned with Kurt being a threat in a stupid competition since he was going to a different school (most likely joining the Warblers) like give me a f**king break! And she's only using him to go to NYC because she doesn't want to be alone, common she almost got Kurt expelled for cheating and she was barely gonna take responsibility until Finn shot her down for it! Grrrrr Finchel/Monchele and their shippers make me so furious also!

Rachel doesn't love Finn she loves herself and her career and has made this clear since the pilot episode, nothing about her screams "I'm a changed person" it's just the same old Mary-Sue complex with a severe case of selfishness! Finn has his flaws and made mistakes but he's always owned up to them and has always tried to do right by New Directions he'd sacrifice his own happiness if it meant the people he loves succeeded (he's a true friend, leader and most compassionate human being). I'm tired of the same crap people keep insinuating that Finn holds Rachel back, isn't talented and doesn't deserve to succeed. Kurt and Finn have this undeniable bond which is definitely the result of Cory's close friendship with Chris because their chemistry is the best on the show and the reason I've stuck this long with glee. It makes me so happy when I run into more Furt/Chory fans because I'm tired of arguing with other glee fans about their amazingness! They don't see what I see and claime they have no connection which makes me laugh IMO! And if you think about it ever since Darren Criss/Blaine came into the picture we've seen less and less of the brotherly Furt friendship when I expected to see more of it after their parents got married (btw what the hell happened to Carole? Is Finn an orphan now?) WTF RIB?!? I think Darren Criss is ruining glee for me because he's stealing all the solos along with Lea Michele and he's stealing Chris away from Cory (well easily coming between their friendship).

I'm more than convinced the reason Cory and Chris no longer tweet each other is because their continuously forced to promote their boring overrated glee relationships Klaine and Finchel (gag me). It's RIB's shameless ploy to attract more viewers since they've lost alot this season and the same goes with the whole Monchele/Crisscolfer are dating (when they aren't and probably never will) is another piece of bait to roll in the media and gain publicity even though we know being observant that Cory and Chris are above that sellout sh*t. And yes I can't describe my love, devotion and admiration for both Finn Hudson and Cory Monteith they're are so amazing, my absolute favorites!!! It's sad because they recieve the most hate from the fandom which isn't fair! I'm so happy to know someone else out there who loves them (appreciates Cory's work, underrated talents and what he brings to the show) as much as I do!! While we're on this dicussion of Finn and Kurt I forgot to mention you brought up another valid point about Anderberry getting so many duets together while Furt have had less than none! I've been waiting for a proper brotherly duet since "Ballad" and that amazing 3lined duet in "Born to Run" (for the Emmy opening) only to be denied this for 3yrs now!! Cory and Chris's voices are perfect together if put in the right songs WE NEED THIS FRIGGAN DUET TO HAPPEN ITS LONG OVERDUE!!!!

I know what you mean also about Cory and Chris barely getting any solos thanks to RIB's new goldenboy and asskisser Darren! But luckily with the MJ episode coming up Chris will be getting a few solos covering "The Way You Make Me Feel" and hopfully a few verses in "BAD" (it's been one of my big hopes to see Chris doing MJ especially covering BAD). Cory unfortunately is doing a lame Finchel duet although I have my fingers crossed he'll be featured in more songs (seriously I can't get enough of Cory's voice, all the music he's done this year has been outstanding). And thank you so much for the compliments, I hope you'll like it here on fanpop it's a great site but it tends to attract alot of crazies once in awhile lol. It's also nice to know someone appreciates some of my opinions and I look forward to chatting more with you on the subject of Furt/Chory:)))
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago furtyliciousfan said…
Lol I know exactly what you mean! It's hard to find people who ship outside of the normal ships. Kind of what annoys me about the Glee fandom or any fandom for that matter. People think just because you don't ship what they ship or what the majority ship, you're crazy or not allowed to have an opinion (well the majority of folks) and it makes me want to ship the "popular" ships even less. Yeahh, I can't stand Darren Criss/Blaine fangirls either (at least the ones who jump on your throat if you point out anything you don't like about Darren/Blaine), but Darren actually seems like a really cool guy and does have talent. I can see why he has many fans, but at the same time I can't stand annoying fangirls just like in any fandom lol.

You brought up a really good valid point about Kurt's relationships with Finn and Mercedes and how they have had Kurt's back so much more than Rachel has. Something I didn't think of myself! (like how Kurt hugged Mercedes and Finn during "Somewhere Only We Know" and that was all relevant to the Furt episode when both Mercedes and Finn were really upset about Kurt leaving) and you're also right that Rachel hasn't changed at all during the past 3 seasons. She freakin had the nerve to run against Kurt during presidential elections at the school, and even after one maybe 2 episodes that she finally realizes running against him is wrong, he forgives her that easily! Even when Mercedes clearly voted for him and Finn supported him and told Rachel that she was going to get Kurt suspended. I really don't get how people hate Finn for his mistakes, but forgive Rachel so easily. She's always going to be competition for someone, especially Kurt and put her foot above the other's. And like you mentioned, Finn would do anything to sacrifice his own wants over the needs of others.

By the looks of it on Twitter, it looks like even more Season 3 episodes are going to be dedicated to Hummelberry and Finchel scenes (based on Lea Michele's twitter). I admit I am kind of jealous of Lea's success and that she gets to spend so much time with my favorite Glee guys (Cory and Chris), but I literally can't stand when shes with Chris and Cory all the time (but they're not ever with eachother..and even when they are she's "cockblocking" them). I can stand seeing her paired up with Darren Criss or Blaine on the show or any other Glee guys, but whenever I see her with Cory and Chris or Finn and Kurt on the show I cringe. Its also due to the fact I miss their friendship and with both of their characters becoming more and more aligned with Lea's character, it's like they aren't even friends anymore or sit by eachother. I finally did get a twitter at tweeted Cory and Chris about Finn/Kurt duets, the warm milk scene, and if we'd be getting any scenes with them together. But they never tweeted back :(. I know they're busy and they must get like 1,000 tweets a day (heck, they have over a million followers). I kind of expected Cory not to reply because he hardly replies to tweets (except for Lea Michele's now..ugh), but I was more hopeful for Chris to reply because he tweets fans back more. Aww well, it doesn't make me love their friendship any less. But it does make me curious if they're even close anymore. Chris tweets to Darren and Chord, but he never even replied to that funny little twitpic Cory did with the gum.

Yeah, it's a real shame about the duets and solos and how they're chosen on this show! The girl and guy who get the most solos (Lea and Darren) get paired up for the most duets. I get that Lea and Darren are talented and they have wide vocal ranges, but I love hearing more voices we usually never get to hear sing together (especially Kurt's and Finn's). I also loved the "Born to Run" small duet they did at the emmy's!! You know what I heard though?? it's just a rumor but some source stated that in a future episode Blaine and Finn will get to sing the "Born to Run" duet on the show. Mann, it's like RIB are trying to keep Cory and Chris, or Finn and Kurt away from eachother as much as they can. It's absolutely ridiculous! They'll pair Finn and Kurt with anyone else, even with eachother's boyfriend or girlfriend other than with eachother.
last edited over a year ago