Dark Demons Club
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added by TailsDollFriend
Episode five un. To tell the truth, I think she died and ended up in hell un. Idk, well, enjoy un...
red swamp
posted by TailsDollFriend
Jeez, I wait until the last minute to write well, I just want to say this MIGHT be my last story because I'm having an operation done in three weeks or so and because of my bad asthma, I could have a asthma attack during the operation and they won't bother to help me if I do so I might...die. Anyway, If I don't write anything for the whole month of June, I'd like someone to finish my series for me please...

Beirii looked at Near sternly and sat close to him
to listen.
"What's the news?"
Near looked around to make sure no one was easedropping and made his voice so soft, that it couldn't be heard...
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posted by TailsDollFriend
The first enemy of Beiriis' or an allie to be?

"You're up early again Beirii."
"Heh heh, I guess I'm excited to learn today's lesson! about... ummmm, what is today's lesson?"
"I'm not sure, but since you're up early, you have enough free time before Seigen wakes up."
"Oh, ummmm, can I help you cook, do laundrey or anything of that matter Lady Konoka?"
"Oh no, all of those chores are my duty, besides, it keeps me happy and Seigen happy to see me smile everyday!"
"Oh, I didn't know!"
"It's all right." *steam* "Oh, breakfast is ready!
Beirii, have some breakfast and go outside and play or go into the...
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added by TailsDollFriend
New friends call for new enemies right?

Beirii:Where would you like to go first milay?

Leiko:(Did she really adress me as milady?)


Leiko:Oh! we need to go to the village of Flames before we head to the Dancing Elegance field. I promise it won't take that long!

Beirii:Oh! Don't worry about me! You may take all the time you need milady!

Leiko:Thank you Beirii but...I'm extremely flattered that you adress me as "milady" but I would prefer if you wouldn't call me that!

Beirii:I see, excuse me then, what would you want to be called as?

Leiko:You may call me "Leiko the Beautiful!"

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posted by TailsDollFriend
Michael:(Awwww, I don't have anymore Ichigos'...)

Me:Michael, why the long face?

Michael:*Shows empty box*

Me:Oh Michael don't be sad, you still have that cupcake flavored lip balm still don't you?

Michael:Uhhh*Shows empty balm*

Me:...I'm not going to even ask how you used it up
in a short amount of time. Anyways, we still have
our favorite song!

Michael:You mean--

Me:Yes that one!

-Story begins-
Neir:Alright, this place looks safe enough for the
both of us to talk without being discovered.

Beirii:...What do you want to talk about Neir?

Neir:Oh...I need to tell you about the leader.

Beirii:Are you....Betraying...
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added by dina1999_11
added by TailsDollFriend
added by TailsDollFriend
The last episode of the DWC series un. Episode six un. And yes, that is Miku with a scythe and don't ask me why 'cause I'm still figuring it out un. Enjoy un...
red swamp
added by TailsDollFriend
added by TailsDollFriend
Episode four un. I couldn't find english subs so you're gonna have to watch it in japanese and apparently, french un.
ice castle
posted by TailsDollFriend
Well, Beirii seems to be close to death and you're
not sure if she lives or dies...

Seigen:*Runs inside* Konoka! I need your help quick!

Konoka:Seigen, please use your inside voice.

Seigen:I promise but Beirii needs your help and fast!

Konoka:Why? What's the matter?

-After a few moments of explaining the situation-
Konoka:Seigen, please bring me a bucket of cold water and fresh towels.


Konoka:Lil' Fujimaru, please bring me a roll of bandages.

Fujimaru:Yes Lady Konoka!

Konoka:Leiko, please go get me--

Leiko:I know, I'll be back quicker than you know it!

Konoka:...Beirii just might...
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posted by TailsDollFriend
Michael:I decided that I don't want to sing the song now.

Me:Then what do you want me to do?

Michael:I want you to tell your readers, *Whispering*

Me:..........Fine *Faces audience* Konichiwa anime
readers! My friend Michael also types stories! His
story is called "The Continuation Of Percy Jackson" I have no idea where the link is but if you go to VladToddFans' profile page, I'm sure you'll find it!

Micheal:....At least you talked about it.

Me:Oh Michael, you know how I am. I only did this for you because you wouldn't sue me or anything if
I used your name in my stories but you would glomp
me (Which...
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added by TailsDollFriend
Episode three un. THIS is the first episode I saw and I admit; it's a bit weird for me but when they started showing the cast, it reminded me of demons un. (Especially the blue one, he reminds me of Kisame un.) Anyway, here it is un! Enjoy hmm...
posted by TailsDollFriend
Well, it seems that I'm here today. Anyway, it's June. The month when school is close to an end for a couple months and summer begins. I went to the school dance yesterday and I'm going to cosplay at Knott's the coming tuesday. I hope everyone has a fun two month vacation un. (nuV)

Beirii dashed to her house trying to keep all of her groceries in the bag without dropping or tripping over anything when she spotted lanterns and a huge staircase.
"Ah! I'm almost home!"
Then Beirii spotted a moving figure on the other side of the castle under the moon light.
"Who is that? Maybe if I try to feel the...
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posted by TailsDollFriend
Hello everyone! I would just like to say, I turned
twenty last saturday (as Deidara). The only people
who came were my friends L and Robota Konata. And I got birthday pocky and red velvet cake and it was awesome! (nuV) Anyway, back to the story. Enjoy!

As Beirii stopped and looked away from the clear sky, she remembered that Kage had a hostage and she saw her sitting up staight, petrified. Beirii
started walking towards her and looked at her carefully to see no injury was made. The hostage was not hurt in anyway but she was very frightend."Little girl... You should return home and get some rest."...
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posted by TailsDollFriend
Michael:OM NOM NOM!!!

Me:Michael! What the hell are you eating?!?

Michael:I'm eating those chocolate covered Ichigos' you bought me! They are so tasty ohhhhh.

Me:Well I'm not going to start the story if you keep OM NOM NOMMING on those Ichigos'!!!

Michael:Fine...(I'll glomp her when this story is over)
*Dramatic music*

Me:Oh My Lord Aizen!!! Where does that dramatic music keep coming from?!?

-Story begins-
Beirii:Hmph! I woudn't underestimate me...

Dark Demon:Tsk! And Why would I underestimate a friend? From the looks of it, you look stronger! But then again, looks aren't everything...

Beirii:You can...
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posted by TailsDollFriend
Hallo everybody I'll try to make this longer than the last one un!

The Kudo twins headed back to the room to discuss their plan but when they tried to open the door, it wouldn't budge.
"What the? this door is... locked?"
"Beirii, don't say that maybe you have to push it open."
Beirii tried to push the door but still no luck. The two were getting a bit frustrated and decided to
knock on the door. Even though they can hear them talking on the other side, they didn't answer to them. They then decided to sit outside the door and wait for it to open. Finally, the door opened and Lord Senbon was the first...
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posted by TailsDollFriend
Ten days since my last story eh? Well, welcome back my fan children people. And I do apologize for this short story everyone but please enjoy it un!

They began discussing the plan and how to fend off these demons from attacking the innocent. Several plans were made and then they were to come back later.
"Well, Lord Senbon seems to be a nice guy don't you think Beirii?"
"Well... He seems nice to you but I have a feeling he's actually really strict and very disciplined."
"Yeah... but he seems nice at times Sis."
"I guess so...."
"What are you two talking about?"

The two turned around to see Lord Senbon...
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posted by TailsDollFriend
Please enjoy this chapter everyone un! (nuV)

The four entered the gate to the village and stopped
in amazement. They were astonished by the large amounts of trees, plants, and statues of what seemed
to look like mythical creatures.
"This place... It's truly amazing!"
"You got that right Beirii..." Fujimaru said with a sigh.
"Hey you two, we've got to go to the mansion over there. Lord Senbon has been waiting for us for the almost two weeks and he needn't wait any longer."
"You heard Leiko you two, we'd better get a move on!"
They started their way to the mansion when they were stopped by a person in...
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