After our heroes faced the evil Faronisha they learned her power and darkness, but after the light of prince Kenital saved princess Amelisaisa life they formed with the team and want to help them finish the quest, the agreed and they walked to the dry desert of Golians...they reached the sand temple where the earth gem was but in this temple it looked harder to solve and to get the earth gem.
They walked in the temple of Sand and they looked around the huge temple to find the earth gem. Hmm this is a big temple look around everywhere to see if we can find the earth stone Said Danxous, ok Danxous Said Princess Season, jordanisha and Elleisha, Hmm what is on the wall Kenital Said Princess Amelisaisa, Hmm i dont know Amelisaisa but i think DanLink might no...DanLink come here i think you could solve this Said Prince kenital, DanLink walks over there and holds his hand on the wall, It Says the path is chosen to the chosen make the path Visible the chosen one has to point it out for all souls to see...use the ring and the will find the path...Hmm Said DanLink, Is the riddle talking about you axe of the reseliilence DanLink Said Princess Jordanisha, Yes it is but i dont have the ring its talking about said DanLink, Hmm wait i got an idea..everyone join hands and plant the axe of reseliilence on the ground, ok Danxous Said DanLink and the others while DanLink puts the axe on the ground and they holds hands making a ring around the axe, DanLink closes his eyes and then opens them using some sort of X-ray power to see though rock and he sees a door that is more brighter then the others and a gem formation behind the door. I think i see the path Said DanLink, Where is it Said Princess amelisaisa and Princess Kenitial, Its behind that door Said DanLink while pointing at the door, wow Danxous u were did u no that was going to work said Princess Elleisha, i dont was like i was suppose to do that Said Danxous, ok ill help DanLink open the door Said Princess Seasonisha while running to the door with DanLink and pulling it open, DanLink and Princess Seasonisha open the door and see the gem of earth on the other side. I got it said Princess Seasonisha running in and collecting the stone and coming out holding it, ok DanLink we got the Earth Stone the fire stone and the wind stone...what else is there Said Danxous, Hmm what is our next path Jordanisha Said DanLink, Well we got the Spirt Stone and the god stone...but they are abit harder temple to go in, That wont be no problem for us Jordanisha Said Prince Kenital, Yea if we work together we will achieve this goal Said princess Amelisaisa, Well lets go to the Spirit stone...but where is it Said Princess Elleisha, Hmm i think it's in the Great hall in castle town Said DanLink, thats right lets go its very hot here Said Princess Seasonisha, Yea lets go Said Princess Jordanisha, I will beat you there guys Said Danxous while running out of the temple, Man well he will tire out its to hot here 2 run Said DanLink Laughing and walking out with Kenital and the Princesses, The Princesses Giggle and Kenital laughs with DanLink and exit the Sand Temple and make there way to the great hall in castle town to get the spirit gem and finish the quest as the heroes of time and the heroes of Reseliilence.
meanwhile queen Faronisha gets to the sand temple but no one is there but she knows where they are going to next and that is the great hall, Hmm the great hall in castle town...i will end him there Said Faronisha, But i will come this time my queen Said Someone in the distance, The voice was fimiliar as the darkness follows the person in the was...King DeathLink. they both laughed evily and headed to the castle town to the great hall with King DeathLink holdes Queen Faronisha as they walk and the darkness follows...will that be the end of DanLink and his friends...We will have to wait and see.
-To be comtinued-
They walked in the temple of Sand and they looked around the huge temple to find the earth gem. Hmm this is a big temple look around everywhere to see if we can find the earth stone Said Danxous, ok Danxous Said Princess Season, jordanisha and Elleisha, Hmm what is on the wall Kenital Said Princess Amelisaisa, Hmm i dont know Amelisaisa but i think DanLink might no...DanLink come here i think you could solve this Said Prince kenital, DanLink walks over there and holds his hand on the wall, It Says the path is chosen to the chosen make the path Visible the chosen one has to point it out for all souls to see...use the ring and the will find the path...Hmm Said DanLink, Is the riddle talking about you axe of the reseliilence DanLink Said Princess Jordanisha, Yes it is but i dont have the ring its talking about said DanLink, Hmm wait i got an idea..everyone join hands and plant the axe of reseliilence on the ground, ok Danxous Said DanLink and the others while DanLink puts the axe on the ground and they holds hands making a ring around the axe, DanLink closes his eyes and then opens them using some sort of X-ray power to see though rock and he sees a door that is more brighter then the others and a gem formation behind the door. I think i see the path Said DanLink, Where is it Said Princess amelisaisa and Princess Kenitial, Its behind that door Said DanLink while pointing at the door, wow Danxous u were did u no that was going to work said Princess Elleisha, i dont was like i was suppose to do that Said Danxous, ok ill help DanLink open the door Said Princess Seasonisha while running to the door with DanLink and pulling it open, DanLink and Princess Seasonisha open the door and see the gem of earth on the other side. I got it said Princess Seasonisha running in and collecting the stone and coming out holding it, ok DanLink we got the Earth Stone the fire stone and the wind stone...what else is there Said Danxous, Hmm what is our next path Jordanisha Said DanLink, Well we got the Spirt Stone and the god stone...but they are abit harder temple to go in, That wont be no problem for us Jordanisha Said Prince Kenital, Yea if we work together we will achieve this goal Said princess Amelisaisa, Well lets go to the Spirit stone...but where is it Said Princess Elleisha, Hmm i think it's in the Great hall in castle town Said DanLink, thats right lets go its very hot here Said Princess Seasonisha, Yea lets go Said Princess Jordanisha, I will beat you there guys Said Danxous while running out of the temple, Man well he will tire out its to hot here 2 run Said DanLink Laughing and walking out with Kenital and the Princesses, The Princesses Giggle and Kenital laughs with DanLink and exit the Sand Temple and make there way to the great hall in castle town to get the spirit gem and finish the quest as the heroes of time and the heroes of Reseliilence.
meanwhile queen Faronisha gets to the sand temple but no one is there but she knows where they are going to next and that is the great hall, Hmm the great hall in castle town...i will end him there Said Faronisha, But i will come this time my queen Said Someone in the distance, The voice was fimiliar as the darkness follows the person in the was...King DeathLink. they both laughed evily and headed to the castle town to the great hall with King DeathLink holdes Queen Faronisha as they walk and the darkness follows...will that be the end of DanLink and his friends...We will have to wait and see.
-To be comtinued-
When rayfield wasent in a major war with another kingdom it was a peaceful land with very nice people that always makes the welcome great...War came...People died...All hope was lost...but there were heroes that will help us....
The heroes of the Reseliilence will help rayfield back on it's feet with the war of the Dark one...The heroes came and they had major difference between them...
The hero with the axe of the reseliilence was the main hero with a friend holding the emerald sword backing him up on his time of need...they weren't alone in this war they got help by three Princess from heaven they will always have there back...they formed a team...the major team of that was called...The Reseliilence...
But what can i say....Once you see Death...there will always be a prodigy...
The heroes of the Reseliilence will help rayfield back on it's feet with the war of the Dark one...The heroes came and they had major difference between them...
The hero with the axe of the reseliilence was the main hero with a friend holding the emerald sword backing him up on his time of need...they weren't alone in this war they got help by three Princess from heaven they will always have there back...they formed a team...the major team of that was called...The Reseliilence...
But what can i say....Once you see Death...there will always be a prodigy...