Def Leppard Which Album is your Favorite?

Pick one:
On Through The Night (1980)
On Through The Night (1980)
High &# 39; n&# 39; Dry (1981)
High 'n' Dry (1981)
Pyromania (1983)
Pyromania (1983)
Hysteria (1987)
Hysteria (1987)
Adrenalize (1992)
Adrenalize (1992)
Slang (1996)
Slang (1996)
Euphoria (1999)
Euphoria (1999)
X (2002)
X (2002)
Yeah! (2006)
Yeah! (2006)
Songs from the Sparkle Lounge (2008)
Songs from the Sparkle Lounge (2008)
Def Leppard (2015)
Def Leppard (2015)
Diamond Star Halos (2022)
Diamond Star Halos (2022)
 PraetorianGuard posted over a year ago
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