A Geisha Vampiress is very dangerous. They live off of attractive men's blood and are very SUDUCTIVE!! They way they eat is first, they luar a hot man, then they make out for awhile and then without warning she bites them and stabs them with a special knife called "THE ABSORBER" which sucks up their souls. When they turn into a vampire their eyes are either red, crimson, black, aburn, or brown and thier hair stays the same put they get paler. They can control the blood thirst well but, if they don't eat fast they get less pretty but are still pretty sort of like in the movie "Jennifer's Body" except they have to live off animal bllod for that time to keep their beauty. When there are no good men left in the village they leave to go to the next one. In our time they are called a "Hooker Vampiress" same deal with them too except they hide in allies while they are weak.