Demon_wolf Club
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Wolf Drawings I did
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Source: Me
I drew these
fan art
Kiba Inuzuka
Kiba Inuzuka
Hey Guys,

I am so happy because when I got home and checked my progile I had a medal. My first medal, its on the Kiba Inuzuka spot.
I was so excited.

I am just really proud that I have gotten a medal, I guess i was wrong about the people not reading my stuff on there or looking at the pics on there that I have posted.

I guess you were all right, all I had to do was wait and I would get a medal for all the hard work I have put into that spot. =D

Thank you very much for taking your time to read this and listen to my words of excitment.

Love very much,

love this song
added by demon_wolf
added by demon_wolf
posted by demon_wolf
Just had to put these silly icons, there are more at the bottom.
Just had to put these silly icons, there are more at the bottom.
I couldn't think of any ideas for the stories I am doing so i took a break from that to do this. ^^

- I am a sextuplet, meaning I was born with six others, but sadly four did not make it.

- Did you know I like wolves?

- I also collect cows, weird I but I do, I have over 100 cows, Not as many as the wolves though.

-I hate Justin Beiber, he is everywhere, and its getting on my nerves.

- I am also starting to hate Twilight, I'm tired of seeing it everwhere, I use to like it, but now its just old and annoying.

- In my house I have a giant fish tank, that has about 50 different fish in in.

- I use...
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I have decided to write this poem to my dearest friend,Whinny and I would like to share it with all of ya'll too. :) I hope ya'll enjoy it.


It was the first year of school for a certian young girl in the name of "Whinny". She was very scared and frightend when she walked inside the school building. She took a deep breath and tried to relax. While walking through the main hall, she suddenly tripped over a history book. She landed on her face and couldn't help but cry. A few feet away, three other girls were laughing at her. Whinny got up, wiped the...
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posted by demon_wolf

I am super frustrated. If you couldn't tell.

Why you ask.

Well I shall tell you why I have an overflowing pool of frustration. You see its all because of a spot, a spot called Kiba Inuzuka. Almost everything on that spot has been posted by me! A couple of things hace been posted by others, but majority of it I have posted. This is very frustrating, because I still haven't gotten a medal yet, and I have been posting stuff on there since I started fanpop.

Ugh, well thats all I wanted to say. I feel much better now.

Thanks for taking your time to read my venting words. ^^

added by demon_wolf
posted by demon_wolf
Lookie here not a sad one.
See I sad i would do a happy one and I did. man am I good or what? I'd go with the or what, but hey thats just me.
Well anyways enjoy this poem, hope you guys like it.

Stolen Love
By: Whitney(Whinny) Forsberg

You never told me, that you were a thief.
Because you stole my heart away from me.
You never told me, that you were a thief.
Because you took my breath away.
You never told me, that you were a thief.
Because you took the words from my mouth.
You never told me, that you were a thief.
Because you took the rose from my cheeks.
You never told me, that you were a thief.
Because you stole my will to speak to you.
You never told me, that you were a thief.
Because you stole the controls to my emotions.
You never told me, that you were a thief.
And I never told you, that I am a thief too.
A poem I wrote last night because I could not fall asleep. I hope you like it.

Peaceful Darkness.
By: Whitney(Whinny) Forsberg

Maybe it's because
On the way
Into the darkness,
I considered
Whispering "Stay here."
The only problem is,
I don't stay awake,
Sleep comes too fast.
When exhaustion consumes me,
It then hits me
In my dreams.
For some reason
It wasn't you
I was whispering to.
My soul cries out
Making it hurt,
My head goes blank.
You want me
To stay.
In the peaceful darkness
I stay.
Your words didn't reach me in time.

Yupp thats it. Pretty morbid I know.
Heyy Everyone!!!!!

Ok so this week is spring break for me! Yay no school! I hate having to sit in a square room listening to adults teach you stuff. Then having to do homework! Ugh sometimes school can be so dull, but hey its the only way to learn, right?

Anyways back to the reason why I am writing this........

I will most likely not be on for this whole week. My family is going to Kentucky, to visit my Aunt and Uncle. They live on a farm and I have a horse there named Kiba, which is kinda werid because Kiba means fang and as far as I know horses don't have fangs. Unless I just haven't noticed...
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added by demon_wolf
I am taking the chance into writing this special friendship poem to the best friend and sis in the whole world that means so much to me. =) I hope you enjoy it.
"The Best Sis I Ever Had"- By Kasey Enloe (A.K.A: Animefan66)

"When I first talked to this person, I knew there was something about her that was special to me. She had a kind heart, a warm spirit, and a lovely attitude. When I first talked to her, I knew there was something very special about her. She wouldn't fall for anyone who just wanted to play "mr. cool" or be a showoff. All she...
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added by demon_wolf
added by demon_wolf
Yay this is my brother in chocolate
Another Random Video.
I love this song and Kiba so I put the two together and came out with this. Enjoy
i made this showing our friendship
added by demon_wolf
posted by denom_of_wolves
Whinny I'm sorry for lying to you!
Animefan66 has showed me that you are way more than just some friend.
Your like the best friend I have ever had!!!!

Even when you found out that I was dating Corey, you didn't comfront me about it.

Asking me if it was true or not, you kept quite acting as if you knew nothing.
You were waiting for me, myself to tell you.
But yet I didn't, I lied to you.

Going behind your back just so I could hang out with him, I guess I was just afraid you would be mad at me.

I'm sorry Whinny Jean, I really hope you can forgive me.

And thank you to Animefan66, If it wasn't for you saying all those nice things about Whinny, and saying how much you care for her just like a sister. If you never said those things I would of never had the courage to write this article. So thank you very much Animefan66.

Love forever and always,