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added by CullenSisters-X
Source: divergentfans.com
added by CullenSisters-X
Source: instagram,com/divergent
added by Blacklillium
added by Blacklillium
Source: @divergent
added by Blacklillium
added by saanvijaiswal
added by saanvijaiswal
added by DarkSarcasm
Source: Summit Entertainment
added by TW_FAN21
Source: tumblr
"Move over, Katniss. Tris is next in line."

I don't remember who said this, but it was a Divergent critic that was quoted at the beginning of the book. I don't particularly appreciate the comment because it's encouraging rivalry or competition between the two series. Possibly comments like this one could have been one of the reasons why some Hunger Games fans "don't like Divergent," because they still like the Hunger Games. They don't want another book to take its place. But why do the two series have to be rivals? Does Katniss really need to "move over" for Tris to have her chance? Can't they...
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added by Blacklillium
added by Blacklillium
Source: @Divergent
added by Blacklillium
added by fatoshleo
Source: @fatoshleo
added by saanvijaiswal
added by Blacklillium
added by Dauntless237
Source: Google
added by saanvijaiswal
added by DarkSarcasm
Source: Summit Entertainment
added by saanvijaiswal