Duncan and Courtney Club
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Duncan’s POV

You know that painless second after you stub your toe— that small moment before the feeling has had the chance to rise? That certain knowing that you can’t take it back, what’s done it done, and you just have to face the outcome when it occurs?

See, this is just like that. Except, maybe, oh— one hundred times worse. Certainly more painful.

It’s not just the situation that’s killing me. The whole, ‘I was an idiot and I regret it only now that things are messed up even further— thanks to me,’ really sucks, no lie, but get this: if I hadn’t been so stupid, things would have been good. And I mean good. Not, ‘I can live with this crap’ good, but frickin’ fantastic. Courtney had broken up with him, she had come to her senses, come to make up (and, what’s worse, probably make out), and things would’ve been exactly how I had imagined. So, yeah. The regret is unbearable.

Not that I didn’t have a legitimate reason to be angry— of course I did. All I knew was that she was going out with what’s-his-face and hadn’t told me. I figure that was shitty enough a situation for me to ignore her, to get upset. I might even go so far as saying that it was an excuse for what I said— up to a point. But when she started to explain… and I still didn’t care… and then the truth was out. Along with all of what I’d said. And we both know that she took it to heart. Looking back, with all of what I’d said, you’d think we were even. Courtney lied, I insulted. You’d think that would be enough— but you really wouldn’t be looking close enough.

Because, if you’ll notice— love really does make you do stupid things.

Like, maybe, lie. Or keep secrets. Or even use some jerk as an excuse not to love someone. It could make you deny it all for the simple reason that, well, it’s hard to believe. It could make you confused… and liable to make mistakes.

That’s not my alibi, though. It’s hers. And it’s a damn good one.

Add up everything she did, add up why. What does it come out to? Innocence. She should’ve told me… but I guess I understand why. Really, it’s just like the Island.

Though I didn’t say what I did because I love her. I said it for no other reason than because I was angry. Sure, I might have had a reason to be angry— I did. But not after she came. After she told me that she wanted to talk to me, I lost any reason. But just because I lost the reason to be furious, doesn’t mean I lost the capacity.

Did I mention that the guilt is killing me?

I raise a fist to the door and knock. Minutes pass before it opens.

At first, I take it to be Courtney. But with a second glance, I see that it’s not. It’s her sister.

She clicks her tongue. “I don’t know what you did, but here’s a tip— Courtney can hold a grudge. For a long. Time.”

I don’t see how this is any sort of advice. “Is she here?” I sigh.

“Where else would she be? It’s Saturday morning.” She says with an eye roll. Courtney’s sister, though slightly taller, has features strikingly similar to her. Though, the eyes aren’t the same. Courtney’s are more… expressive. They show what she’s really thinking. The eyes are the window to the soul, right? I suppose it applies to some people more than others.

Courtney’s sister steps back to let me through. “Be happy our parents are workaholics— they aren’t here.” She gestures to the staircase. “It’s the door at the end of the hall. Good luck.”

Nodding, I start to mount the stairs. I shuffle across the hall rug to the last door. Breathing in, I nudge it open.

Of all things that occur to me, it’s the fact that this room looks much different in daylight that does.

She’s sitting on the edge of her bed, adorned in cotton lounge pants and sleeping shirt. A Twizzler hangs from her mouth carelessly.

I’m about to speak, when my own voice cuts me off.

“Okay, look— I know you like me. He knows you like me. Everyone knows it. So here’s a tip: if you want to kiss me, I might let you.”

It’s the TV.

Courtney stares at it— at us. And though she doesn’t act like it, she knows I’m here.

My eyes flick to a something on the ground. It’s a DVD case for the series, the ones given to us at the end of the show. The plastic wrapper lying next to it suggests that she hasn’t watched it until now.

“And to think, I actually thought you were nice!”

“Shh! Me? Nice? Heh, yeah right.”

Geoff’s stale-bread eating face fills the screen. “Why’d you think that?”

“Never mind. I was wrong. He’s just as gross and annoying as he wants you to believe. Enjoy your garbage.”

Courtney rips off a piece of the liquorice with her teeth, and for a moment, I swear she imagines it was my neck.

I clear my throat, but Courtney doesn’t seem to take notice. I run a hand through my hair and groan inwardly, hating to have to do this.


“I heard you the first time.” She says slowly, and I wince.

Moving quickly, I stride over to her. Courtney’s eyes do not peel away from the screen. “Uh, look… about last night—”

“Hm?” She tilts her head to the side. “What about last night? Oh, did you want to apologize?” Courtney takes another bite of the candy. “Well, don’t bother. I’m really, really busy right now, Duncan. So you can—” Her eyes narrow. “Just leave.”


“Duncan, what are you doing?”

“Enough with the nickname!” She hisses. “It’s Courtney! C-O-U-R-T-N-E-Y! It’s not that hard a word to say!”

Her hands curl into fists on her lap. Her eyes meet mine, and she scowling deeply.

“Courtney,” I try again. “I’m sorry, alright?”

“What did you expect? For you to come here and be forgiven?”


“I’m finished trying to please you. This is bullshit. I don’t want anything—”

“Will you stop quoting me?!” I yell. Courtney grits her teeth, and stops.

For a moment, all we do is stare at one another. The show plays on in the background.

“I love Maser Chief Hatchet because he is very, very, very… very…”

Her eyes flick back to the screen.

“This is just one sentence with five pages of ‘very’s’ in between!”

I don’t, don’t want to do this again. Fighting didn’t work the first time, and it won’t work now. So I sit on the edge of the bed beside her, and wait for something to come to mind. When nothing does, I find myself watching the screen.

“…So stop being such a screw-up, and do what you’re told for once, okay?”

“You just bought yourself twenty more push-ups!”

It’s like this collision of memories, nearly all forgotten. It’s weird, looking back— the same thoughts recurring, nearly the same as they had then. Most of which I miss, plenty of which I don’t. But either way, I want to be there. When things were easier. When they weren’t so screwed up as they are now.

And, finally—

“Thanks. Enjoy prison.”

“I will.”

That one— that memory I remember clearly. But even still, it’s the tilt of her head that I’m only recognising now, the way my eyes hadn’t closed straight away. It’s these things that remind that that was then, and this is now.

And now kind of blows.

I never realized how short of a kiss it had been. I guess all the times I had replayed it in my mind, I stretched the truth a bit. Really, it’d been a simple kiss. What I wouldn’t kill to be in that moment right now.

Her expression is difficult to read. But I’m fairly sure that she’s wondering what things would have been like if she hadn’t kissed me. The thought causes my throat to tighten.

“…Told you she wanted me.”

“Sorry… I can’t help it. I— woah!”


“You guys voted for Harold… over me?!”

“I think you should go.”

My eyes widen. “No. I came here to fix this and I’m not going to leave until—”

“Don’t you get it?” She snaps. “This doesn’t need fixing! This needs ending. Do you understand me? We get so messed up and I’m sick of it. I just don’t want any more drama, Duncan! It’s too screwed up to work out. This happens every time we—”

“Oh come on!” I cry desperately. “You’re not just going to give up, are you? We were so close!”

Courtney bolts up from her spot. “We were never close to anything! You were close, Duncan. Not me. I just can’t do this. You don’t even know how much you hurt me. You wouldn’t even listen to me!”

“Well, you’re not listening to me now!”

“You don’t deserve it!” She retorts quickly, before catching herself. “I can’t do this. I won’t do this. I’m not getting involved with you again. It got me eliminated the first time, and— I just— no!”

I grit my teeth. “Listen, Princess. I—”

“I am not your Princess!” Courtney growls. “You’re not doing any good. I’m still angry. You’re just… making it all worse. Please,” her voice drops to a desperate sigh. “Go.”

I move towards the door, admitting defeat. But not entirely. She just needs to cool off a bit more… and then… I really don’t know. But I’ll make it work. “This isn’t over.” I tell her. And though she glares, I know she realized this too. I back away, openly showing her my unwillingness, waiting for her to stop me, to say something. But she doesn’t.

Turning, I stride down the hallway. I’ll figure something out. She’ll learn how I feel. She’ll understand. We’ll be together. I’m not giving up. I don’t care what I have to do to get her back, I’ll do it. She loves me. A feeling like that doesn’t go away overnight. I’ll get it out of her. I’ll—


My heart jumps. I whip around, and see Courtney walking towards me. She’s forgiven me. She knows that we have to be together. She—

—extends her arm. Courtney’s holding something. She hands it to me, and I glance down.

The skull. She kept it.

“You can have it back. I don’t want it anymore.” She says, voice barely above a whisper. Her eyes are as cold as ice, frigid by hurt. They cut a hole in my heart.

“I’ve moved on.”

Becky’s POV

It’s my job.

You can’t understand it unless you’ve known each other as long as we have. It’s what best friends do— we fix everything. Like the way mothers fix their children’s problems, the way they make it all right, best friends fix each other’s.

I don’t know what causes the need. I have no clue. But I know that it feels as though my world will fall apart if Courtney’s does. It’s like she’s another half of me— and if she’s at her worst, then so am I. And though she wouldn’t admit it, I’ve had to put a band-aid on her scrapes more than once— figuratively speaking. And sometimes, I’ve had to make her realize the truth. Had to push the denial out of her head. It takes effort —she’s stubborn— but I know that I’ve done the right thing in the end. Even though it seems to be more trouble than it’s worth.

So yeah, I was eager to hear what had happened.


I stride up to Courtney’s locker, giddy with what I know. She must’ve found Duncan over the weekend. And finally, thankfully, she’ll be happy.

“You should’ve called!” I tell her with a grin. “So… how’d it go?”

But she isn’t smiling. My own smile flickers.


I turn her by the shoulder and read her eyes. You can tell what a person is feeling by the look in her eyes. It just takes a little know-how and some serious attention to detail.

Her eyes are dim. There’s a bit of leftover anger flickering, but mostly, there’s hidden sadness. It takes a split second to process the idea.

“What happened?” I demand sharply. Courtney blinks and bites the inside of her cheek.

“He was there.” She tells me. “At the party. With a girl. He said… he was… horrible. It was just… horrible.”

I take her into my arms and sigh. Tara bounds from around the corner.

“I slept in!” She announces, tossing strands of blonde hair over her shoulder. “Woke up with only fifteen minutes until school. I didn’t have any time to plug in my flat iron— hey. What’s going on?” Her eyes jump from Courtney to me with interest.

“Duncan.” I explain simply. Tara’s eyes blink, and fill with sympathy.

“Guys totally suck.” She announces and tosses her arms around Courtney as well. “He doesn’t know what he’s missing.”

Courtney breaks away from the huddle and shakes her head. “No, it’s not like that. I’m just… over him. Totally finished with him. You know what they say— what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. And anyway,” she grabs a binder from her locker. “Why should I even be with such a Neanderthal, anyway? I swear, I don’t know what I was even thinking.”

Tara and I exchange a glance. “Courtney… I don’t really think I’m getting this. You’re over him just like that? I understand not being upset over Josh, but…” I cross my arms slowly. “You’ve got to be feeling the pain now.”

“Nope.” Courtney states simply, though this obviously is not at all simple. “Not really. I’m over it.”

“Courtney…” I start, but she slams the locker door, cutting me off.

“I’m fine.” She says with what I figure is supposed to be a reassuring smile, though I don’t buy it. Courtney waves with a quick flick of her wrist and turns.

Pursing her lips, Tara tries to accept the excuse. “Well, I guess if you’re sure you’re fine. Then I—”

“—don’t want to speak to you!” Courtney growls. My eyes flick to the figure in front, and I realize it’s Duncan.

She pushes her way past him and dodges down the halls, ignoring the glances form students passing by.

I see Duncan ball his hand into a fist. “Shit,” he growls under his breath. Tara leans close to whisper into my ear.

“If you ask me, she didn’t look at all fine.” She tells me, but I’m not really listening. My eyes are locked on Duncan.

On one hand, I’d sincerely like to give him a shiner for what he did to Courtney. But on the other, I’m realizing something.

He’s mad for her.

Entirely love-struck. It’s the way he looks at her, like she’s the only one in the hall. Courtney’s the same way, she just doesn’t like it. He might’ve made some mistakes, yeah, but that doesn’t mean that Courtney should be miserable for the rest of her life. She wants him, like it or not, and it’s going to happen.

Smirking, I lead Tara over to where Duncan stands. My eyes meet his, and I tilt my head to the side. “You really are pathetic, aren’t you?”

He glances away, and clenches his jaw. “What? Are you going to lecture me? Because right now, I’ve got to tell you— I don’t need it.”

“No,” I say slowly. “We’re going to help.”

“We are?” Tara asks dully.

I give an eye roll. “Yeah, we are.” I direct my attention back to Duncan. “Back in ninth grade, we had a dance for Valentine’s day. Gregory Burrows asked Courtney.”

“No,” Tara objects. “Thomas asked Courtney.”

I scowl. “No, it was Greg.”

“No,” She parrots. “It was Thomas McKinney. I’m sure of it.”

“Well then who did Gregory go with?”

Tara’s lips purse. “Me. I remember because he kept trying to put his hands on my ass.”

“Oh, right.” My lip curls. “He was always such a perv. Why did you go with him, anyway?”

Her eyes narrow. “Because I was desperate. Kyle went with Hailey, and Gregory is his best friend. I figured I’d get to talk to Kyle somehow. I really wish I hadn’t, though. He barely even noticed m—”

“How is this supposed to help me?” Duncan cuts in with a glare. I give a sigh and continue promptly.

“Well, Gregory bailed last minute because Rebecca Thomson asked him to go—”

“Whore.” Tara mutters under her breath with a snarl.

“—and he said yes. Courtney was totally pissed. She still went, though, and ended up spilling punch all over his lap.”

For a moment, a smile flickers on Duncan’s lips. It fades, but I know he was thinking what we all were— that’s so like her. Like I said, he’s really, really crazy for her. I take a moment to grin.

“Anyway,” I say, recollecting my thoughts. “Rebecca ignored Greg, because of the whole incident, and he eventually tried to apologize. He went to Courtney’s house after school the next week and brought her flowers.”

Duncan crosses his arms, and frowns slightly. “So you’re telling me,” he says slowly. “That I should just bring her flowers? That’s it?” He asks this as though it’s a hope. It isn’t.

Tara snorts, and can’t help but answer for me. “She ran the flowers over with a lawnmower.”

His face seems to fall, like the last possible opportunity has been ripped from his grasp. Duncan covers it with another glare. “Thanks. That’ll be useful to know.”

“Don’t you get it?” I snap. “Courtney doesn’t buy the whole ‘I-sorry-please-forgive-me’ crap. She’s smarter than that— and way too stubborn.”

“So what should I do, then?” Duncan growls. And I smile, because I know that my plan will work. They always do.

So I step up to Duncan, the feel of scheming pulsing fast in my veins. Now this, this is what I’m good at. Tara’s the gossip, Courtney’s the leader, but this, this is what I do.

“I have an idea.”

Courtney’s POV

I have a damn good reason to be angry.

Really, Duncan has no one to blame but himself. And frankly, I’d like very much to end things with him. Wait— I did. The skull, that pointless skull, has been returned.

I push the churning, queasy feeling down at that.

Weird, most people are sad after breakups. But I’m not. Though it really wasn’t a breakup, was it? We never went out, not at all. We flirted, sure— no, he flirted, he flirted. It wasn’t me at all, really. Yeah, I liked him. A bit. Truly, ‘love’ is an exaggeration. I don’t know what I was thinking.

Not that it matters how I felt, because it’s over. Done. Finished. The end of some twisted nightmare. A nightmare, because it was horrible. I mean, really. Duncan and me? Please! Don’t make me laugh! I don’t know why it ever even occurred to me. It’s obvious now that things couldn’t possibly work out between us. At least, not after Friday night…

But like I said, I’m over it.

Closure is nice. Really, really nice.

If only I knew what it felt like.

I blow a strand of hair out of my eyes and tighten my grip on my bag. The perfumed scent of spring is strong today. I really can’t say I miss winter.


I stop.

“For the millionth time, I don’t want to talk to you.”

No closure, like I said. How pathetic.

Duncan jogs up beside me on the path, and I glance away. His hands are in his pockets.

“All I want to say is— you’re right.”

“I don’t want to— wait, what did you say?” Stopping abruptly, I glance up at Duncan, confusion clouding my mind. I’m right? Since when am I right? Duncan never thinks I’m right.

He shrugs a shoulder. “I was thinking about it, and… you were right. It’s not a good idea for us to try to date again.”

“We never dated,” I tell him swiftly. It feels like I’m telling myself. “We never did.”

Duncan looks like he’s about to protest, and I feel myself tense up. It’s as if I want this. But he pauses, relaxes, and nods his head in a sort of agreement. “Yeah, I guess not. So… we’re cool, then?” He smiles slightly, and it feels as though his eyes see right through me. It feels as though he can read me, like he’s seeing everything inside. I try not to squirm, but I’m afraid he can tell that I’m not as okay as I seem.

So I try to return the smile —there’s no way he’s getting over this sooner than I am— and coo like this is exactly what I want to hear. “Of course.” I stress unblinkingly. “I’m just glad we have that all worked out now.”

And though I don’t want to, I find myself hoping, praying that a look of remorse will overcome him. But he doesn’t look disappointed, if anything, his eyes only seem to brighten.

“Right, great. Anyway— I’ve got to go.” He nods his head to his right. “So I’ll see you.”

“Yeah,” I attempt to strain the smile even more, desperate to see his eyes dim. But they don’t. I turn my shoulder away from him and begin walking again. “I’ll see you, then.”

I want to see him frown, scowl, become angry. Something. Anything to show that he’s taken this as hard as I have. But nothing happens.

“Bye, Duncan.”

“Bye, Pr—”

My heart jumps for a moment, but he catches himself.

“Bye, Courtney.”

My heart falls through to my feet.

And though it never had before, the sound of my name from his lips cuts like a knife.
added by tdigirl3496
added by james55
posted by dxcfan
'What so god damn special about her?' The brunette thought to herself. She watched as he whispered something into the girl's pale pierced ear. Her fist tighten, making her pencil break in half.

She sighed, as she reached in her bag pocket for another one, than returned to glaring at the duo. She could hardly pay attention to the professor, better yet, she could hardly breathe. The air felt thin and toxic, like it was contaminated. Every breath she took was followed by a small whimper.

"Stop crying." She told herself. Her eyes twitched. "Stop looking!"

No matter how much she didn't want to see,...
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posted by BCT90
Chris McLean: Welcome to Total Drama Online! Also known as your computer. We are at a beach. This beach house has 50 rooms. Each of you will get your own room and modern technology.
Your first challenge is making your computer.
Everyone, "Making?!" Chris,"Making. Hmm Hmm Waa haaa haa!" The campers went to the room of stuff to make computers. Harold went ahead and made a blue laptop with a slim design. He put a picture of him and Leshawna o the back of the screen. Let's check...
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posted by sugarsweet076
Trent took me to red lostber and bought everything! It was amazing! When we were talking he grabbed my hand and kissed it.then he said he wanted to ask me something.He started by saying

"I like you alot and i wanted to know if...." Then he got bothered by duncan. Duncan sat down by me and started eating our food and everything else.

Right now im on duncans motorcyle hes driving me home because trent left mad.God i hate him!

"So princess what are you doing for the rest of the night?"

"Im going home and im going to sleep!" i said hitting him in the head.

"Princess we need to talk.....about us"

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Courtneys POV

I went to see my best friend kylee at 3:00 pm today. She was supposed to come to my house but her brother took her car. And she said she woulnt be caught dead walking in the street on her "bad hair day". So I went to her house. When I got there a total hunk opened the door. He had a green mohak and a skull on his shirt. But I couldn't stop staring at his incredible body.

Duncan: you ok?

Courtney: huh? OH ummm.

Duncan: you must be kylee's friend. Funny none of her other friends are this hot.

I couldn't stop blushing. I looked like a total idiot in front of him but for some reason...
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posted by crystalpotato
After my world got turned upside down Jason hitting me and Duncan being the good guy my mind kinda exploded. I been hanging around Duncan Alot mainly for protection and Duncan deserved to be with his babys mother. Unfourtunetly Jason dosen't know about that part. I'm starting to get a tummy. So I've been lying to Jason more freqeuntly saying I've been putting on weight and promisiesing him I'd get rid of it after or before our wedding. That's when my baby was due.
Poor Duncan after I got married and left the series he might never see his baby again. Stupid T.V. i wish i didnt meet that wonderful...
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posted by crystalpotato
Jason hit me
Jason hit me
I sat next to Duncan on the hospital bed.
As much as I hate to admit it I loved him 

Courtney: I'm so sorry it's all my fault.

Duncan: it's ok ( cough cough) I deserve it.

I looked at him puzzeled then I frowned.

Duncan: didn't you take a pregnancey test?

Oh no oh no oh no!!!

Courtney: Duncan I can't be pregnant. I'm getting Married!

Duncan: I know stop rubbing it in

Its been almost a year since duncans been jealous It was nice to know he kind of still cared.

Courtney: I have to get back to the cabin Jason's there.

Duncan: Jason Jason Jason that's all you ever talk about.

I knew he wanted me...
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7 years ago

"I'm going to take to the mall, and pay a professional singer to serenade to you for me."Duncan claimed, explain his proposal plans for Courtney.

Courtney sighed, and shook her head."No! That is so stupid!"

Duncan smirked."Than how do you want me to propose to you, Princess."He said.

Courtney smiled, and begin to explain."I want the proposal to be unexpected, on a beach, and I want you to serenade to me."She said.

Duncan uneasily scratched the back of his head, and shrugged."Whatever doesn't kill me. Anything you want princess."And with that said, he kissed her nose good night and fell...
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The three boys successfully left the party alive with out causing a fight.

Duncan:*walking far behind DJ and Geoff*Man, I can't just leave, there was too much left unsaid between me and her, man I feel like I'm leaving a part of myself here with that Courtney girl*stops and walks back towards the Capulets' house*

Geoff:Man that was one heck of a party wasn't it Duncan?*looks behind himself to see Duncan gone*Duncan?!


Geoff:Where the heck did he go?

*Capulets' House*

Courtney walks out of her room onto her balcony, in a tank top and shorts. She rests her elbows on the railing. She looks...
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posted by reyfan01
"Nikki I have a big problem."Duncan said in a hushed worried tone on hte phone. Back at home Nikki is laying in Duncna's chair watching tv. "Stop right there dude. Just tell me where you're at and I'll bail you out as soon as I can."Nikki says nonchalantly. "No I'm not in prison."Duncan said annoyed.

"Shocker"Nikki says sarcastically. Duncan rolls his eyes. "Yeah yeah real funny anyway, my problem is that I'm stuck in a room with Courtney."Duncan said rushed.

"Wow, didn't know you two were taht still hot for each other."Nikki said playfully."It's not like that!Look I caught her and then she tried...
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posted by dxcfan247
courtney pov I was calmly putting things in my locker when the bad boy of our school comes walking towards my locker. Uhh duncan he is so anoying.“ Hey princess ”duncan said.“ What do you want now ” i said .“ I was wondering if you want to go out tonight ” duncan said .“ No way ” i answered .“ Oh come on i won't bite ” duncan said sarcasticly .“ Fine but i'm not going to like it ” i answered .“ See ya tonight pick you up at 7 ” duncan said .

* before the date at courtney's house *
courtney pov
I was getting ready for duncan and my date i was wearing a white tang...
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posted by reyfan01
"Duncan what are you doing here?"Bridgette asked again coldly.

Duncan smirks impressed at the blonde surfer girl."Ok ya got me I came to tell Court was sorry about everything,but she ain't home.You know where she is Malibu?"Duncan said in a fake apologetic tone.

"Yes but I'll never tell you're the last thing Courtney wants to see.Ever since you cheated on her,she's kept her distance from everyone even me!"Bridgette exclaimed walking up to him.

"Hey don't blame anything on me!I never made her run off to that fancy law school,she did that herself."DUncan said sternly trying to intimidate Bridgette....
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Justice gurl's P.O.V
I hear a bell ring...JUVI D! My nemisis is at the bank!
I've been fighting Juvi D since..well forever. I can't say I always won though, and it annoyed the hell out of me that this litte punk beat me sometimes. Thats why I need to beat him now. I lost last time! Can you belive it?

I run to the bank useing my super speed...nothing but scilence. Looking around I wonder if h- *BAM* Pain shot threw my eye. JUVI D! "Didn't your mamma teach you not to hit girls?" I ask him satcasticaly. "I didn't hit you, i punched you." He replied back, just as sarcastic. "Oh ha ha ha." I false...
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posted by dxcfan
She carefully groomed his cheek ever so slightly, stared into his with meaning. He grabbed her hand from his cheek and sighed, tightly squeezing it in the process. She shook her head, as one small tear strolled down her cheek and onto the pavement.

He released her hand, and she frowned, than tighten her fist."You were so much more...."She said, and without thinking she screemed to the top of her lungs."So.Much.More!"She yelled at him.

He stood there, not a muscle had moved. He deserved it, and only he knew that. Everyone asked, why the CIT was so fumed, and he just give any other excuse. But...
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posted by lolaminer
Courtney pov
One year. One year since tdwt. One year since Duncan cheated on me. One year since a horrible heartbreak, but that's all gone. since it's Christmas eve, I'm decide to go out and hang with my friends.

You might think that I'm the same Courtney from total drama, well your wrong. I've actually changed a lot in one year. My hair is longer, and I wear more fashionable cloths than the other cloths I wore on total drama. I can't believe I actually thought they looked good. Did I mention I'm more laid back now then I was before?

I get on my coat and begin to walk to the door. When I opened...
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posted by dxcfan
Hey guys, this is just a little something I got an idea off. Because my boyfriend and I had wrote each others name on our arm. we broke up, but I didn't care that much. It took me forever to wash it off! Anyway...read! :P

I scrubbed as hard as could, stroked it like raking thick leaves on a fall morning. Nothing was working. Soap, was out of the question. I used alcohol, chlorine, even things that didn't make since, like....ketchup. It was pathetic.

I finally gave up, and fell back on my bed. I looked up and asked the heavenly lords why'd...
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posted by shellgirl54
c pov

ugh bridgette made me go to a lady gaga show i hate this but oh well


no no no i have to sit by duncan great!!!

d pov ugh geoffs making me go to a lady gaga show i hate laddy gaga


NONONONONO!!! i have to sit by princess and gwen is sitting by trent great

c pov

man lady gaga wears some reaviling clothes now heres the last song thank god

Caught in a bad romance

Caught in a bad romance

Want your bad romance

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posted by DanixxDumb
 Mine: One-Shot. 

  "... May I take your order?" Those words started it all. 

  Courtney glanced up and saw him. The one who started everything. She began to see everything. 

  Courtney giggled and threw herself around. She pushed Duncan into the water and suddenly felt the relief of cool water replenishing her unstead of Duncan. 
  "Duncan!" She shrieked. Duncan laughed and his Teal eyes sparkled. Courtney couldn't help hut feel mesmerized. Duncan wrapped his arm around her shoulders and kissed her lightly.

   Courtney didn't expect it. Of course no woman does. She rested the...
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Alright. I goy into the car and COURTNEY WAS IN THERE alng with two dorks. "Hi, Im Beth!" the short girl said. "And Im Brady!" The Less-dorky Boy said. "And this is Courtney" He continued. "I didn't want to see you again."she said "Ohh You two already know eachother! Beth said. She is waaaaaaay too perky, it seems like something is wrong with her. "We are aguainted." Courntey said. She has to maske everything sound boring. "Lets sing some show tunes Brady!" Please no! But they sang anyway. Well not me or Courtney. Something we have in common.
This is what I heard the whole time
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