The fans pick: Emma and August
The fans pick: Emma and David
The fans pick: Tallahassee
The fans pick: Killian/Hook
The fans pick: I'm really looking forward to it, it could be really interesting.
The fans pick: {4x22} Operation Mongoose Part 2
The fans pick: {4x10} Shattered Sight
The fans pick: → Wish Upon a Star
The fans pick: → Violently Protective Girlfriend
The fans pick: → Teen Pregnancy
The fans pick: → Street Smart
The fans pick: → The Sheriff
The fans pick: → Parental Issues
The fans pick: → Only Sane Man
The fans pick: → The Leader
The fans pick: → Knight Templar Parent
The fans pick: → Jerk with a Heart of Gold
The fans pick: → I'm Not a Hero, I'm...
The fans pick: → Hell-Bent for Leather
The fans pick: → Good Is Not Nice
The fans pick: → Former Teen Rebel
The fans pick: → Establishing Character Moment
The fans pick: → Dark and Troubled Past
The fans pick: → The Chosen One
The fans pick: → Badass Princess
The fans pick: → Action Girl
The fans pick: Snow Drifts {3x21}
The fans pick: A Land Without Magic {1x22}
The fans pick: The Stranger {1x20}
The fans pick: The Return {1x19}
The fans pick: Hat Trick {1x17}
The fans pick: Heart of Darkness {1x16}
The fans pick: Quiet Minds {3x15}
The fans pick: Manhattan {2x14}
The fans pick: Witch Hunt {3x13}
The fans pick: New York City Serenade {3x12}
The fans pick: Going Home {3x11}
The fans pick: The New Neverland {3x10}
The fans pick: Desperate Souls {1x08}
The fans pick: The Heart is a Lonely Hunter {1x07}
The fans pick: Tallahassee {2x06}
The fans pick: Good Form {3x05}
The fans pick: Nasty Habits {3x04}
The fans pick: Quite a Common Fairy {3x03}
The fans pick: Lost Girl {3x02}
The fans pick: Pilot {1x01}
The fans pick: Killian Jones
The fans pick: Hook and Emma
The fans pick: Yes, I've seen her in.....
The fans pick: 1x21 ; An Apple Red as Blood
The fans pick: Yes, she's perfect!
The fans pick: Captain Hook
The fans pick: Underrated
The fans pick: Emma & Henry
The fans pick: (1-4) She has a lot to deal with, she can cry if she wants
The fans pick: (5-7) She can dish it out if she needs to
The fans pick: (5-7) She's made some bad choices, but I wouldn't say she's selfish
The fans pick: (8-10) She is passionate about what she loves
The fans pick: (8-10) She is very smart
The fans pick: (5-7) You could find somebody like her
The fans pick: (8-10) Very pretty, one of the prettiest TV characters